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India working to make Bangladesh a desert

I heard China abandoned that project realizing too much noises from downstream countries. They just did not want trouble.

Chinese always lie and always deny the bitter truth. They just looks for their personal gains and even stabs their friends.

Here, i am posting from the biggest newspaper of pakistan, not of India

China builds dam on Indus in Tibet,keeps Pakistan uninformed

KARACHI: Keeping the users of Indus River water uninformed, China has built a dam at catchment area of the river in Tibet at Senge-Ali.

Pakistani authorities remain unaware of the dam with the exception of some individuals who read about this in a book published recently

Alice Albinia, a British journalist and writer who recently visited Indus up to its roots, wrote in her book ‘Empires of the Indus’ that the greater part of water in the River Indus came from its upper reaches, from Tibet, Ladakh and Baltistan, rather than from its Himalayan tributaries in the Punjab. “All the water that drains from these mountains, I remember, is currently being stopped by the new dam at Senge-Ali,” she wrote.

She visited the Indus from its end point Indus Delta to its catchment area and the point of start called Senge Khabad by Tibetans, which means the lion’s mouth. It is the only place, where water did not flow from the glaciers, but the ground and flow continued round the year.

On her way to Senge Khabab, she saw a huge dam with massive concrete curve looms up from the riverbed. “The structure itself is complete, but the hydroelectric elements on the riverbed are still being installed. There are pools of water this side of the dam, but no flow. The Indus has been stopped,” she writes.

The Indus, born some thirty to forty-five million years ago, is the oldest known river in the region. It is the 21st largest river in the world in terms of annual water flow. The total length of the river is 3,180 kilometres (1,976 miles). The river has a total drainage area exceeding 1,165,000 square kilometres (450,000 square miles).

“I feel sad for the river: for this wild and magnificent, modern, historic, prehistoric river; for this river which was flowing for millions of years before humans even saw it; for this river which has nurtured the earth since the land rose from the ocean,” she writes.

Majority of the water experts in Sindh remain unaware of any dam built in Tibet. Most of them are of the view that Indus does not start from one point. It has thousands of tributaries, said Eng. Naseer Memon, water expert.

Indus main tributaries were in Ladakh, Baltistan and Tibet, glaciers of Himalayas, but there was also occasionally monsoon support.

He said there was no major water flow upstream, so building a big dam was not feasible.

Idrees Rajput, former secretary irrigation, Sindh and water expert, said the major water flow started from Skardu downstream, so building a dam could only be helpful for power generation and not the irrigation purpose.

He said the dam at Senge-Ali was for the power generation purpose, which will have no impact over Indus River. “Indus water still flows,” he said.

China had not officially informed the government of Pakistan, as there was no treaty between China and Pakistan over shared waters. Similarly, India has right to build a dam on Indus for power generation with a maximum capacity of 0.25 MAF water.

Indus River’s inflow is 140 MAF in Pakistan, and the small dams will have no impact over us, said Rajput. Pakistan is building largest dams on Indus River with 6.4 or 7 MAF water capacity.

Rajput said they got to know about the dam through “Alice’s book,” but Indus discharge in Pakistan was not stopped.”

Released ahead of World Water Day on March 22, IUCN’s latest publication, “Share: Managing Water Across Boundaries,” shows that international rivers - those shared by neighbouring countries - provide an estimated 60 percent of the world’s freshwater.

There are some 260 international river basins in the world, which cover nearly half of the Earth’s surface and are home to 40 percent of the world’s population.

“We cannot understate the importance of water for life on this planet; it is as necessary as the air we breathe,” said Julia Marton LefËvre, IUCN’s Director General. “Governments must realize that river basins, not national borders are the boundaries around which effective water management must be drawn.”

China builds dam on Indus in Tibet,keeps Pakistan uninformed
Photographic proof of the China building dam to make Bangladesh and Pakistan Desert. Following the on site pic of Dam construction in Tibet.

rezakar so you wont understand the so called 'epar bangla opaq bangla CRAP'!

Yes I am a Razakar to defend Islam and Muslims interest in my country and I will always expose bharatis and dalal awamis anti Bangladeshi and anti islami propaganda.:sniper:
Photographic proof of the China building dam to make Bangladesh and Pakistan Desert. Following the on site pic of Dam construction in Tibet.

Are you in race with china to make Bangladesh desert(as they say)????

They are concerned about your actions more then chinese.

If chinese are doing something wrong, Bangladesh will or any other country will rase the issue with them, dont be much bothered about that.

lastly do not try to divert attentions from the real issue.

you know this is ridiculous.

If climate change continues and sea levels continue to rise.

Bangladesh and west Bengal will primarily be under water
Yes I am a Razakar

dude, we've all known that for a while now.

defend Islam and Muslims interest in my country and I will always expose bharatis and dalal awamis anti Bangladeshi and anti islami propaganda.:sniper:

How are you going to defend Bangladesh bro if you don't believe in its right to exist as an independent nation?
Are you in race with china to make Bangladesh desert(as they say)????

They are concerned about your actions more then chinese.

If chinese are doing something wrong, Bangladesh will or any other country will rase the issue with them, dont be much bothered about that.

lastly do not try to divert attentions from the real issue.


India has stopped work on the Tipaimukh dam champ.

time for a new sticky to expose India's hegemonic intentions :victory::victory:

Don't worry we'll leave 'all-weather friend/brotherly nation China out of it. Don't want to lose focus now, we know no one is bothered about China's 'mistakes', its those sneaky Indians that everyone's worried about.
Bangladesh receives less water thru’ Farakka

Like the first spell of 10 days, India in the second spell-- from January 11-20- has not released to Bangladesh its fair share mentioned in the indicative schedule-2 of the Ganges water sharing treaty signed in 1996, according to statistics released yesterday by the Joint Rivers Commission (JRC), Bangladesh.

Bangladesh has been deprived of 20,468 cusec of water during the second spell of this year. In the first spell of 10 days Bangladesh got 20,796 cusec of water less than its apportioned share.

Bangladesh received 37,204 cusec of water at Farakka point against its equitable share of 57630 cusec during January 11-20, 2010.

Mir Sajjad Hossain, Member of Joint Rivers Commission, Bangladesh would not make comment on India's release of less volume of water than its share.

Bangladesh and India share Ganges water each year from January 1 to May 31 under the Ganges water sharing treaty.

According to the treaty, Bangladesh and India is to equally share water if the flow is up to 70,000 cusec or less in the Farakka Barrage point. Bangladesh is to get 35,000 cusec of water and India to get the rest if water at Farakka point is between 70,000 and 75,000 cusec. When water at Farakka point reaches more than 75,000 cusec, India is to get 40,000 cusec and Bangladesh to get the rest.

But statistics show that India never followed these terms and conditions of the accord and released less quantity of water for Bangladesh. It did not respond to protests lodged by the JRC, Bangladesh in the past.

Bangladesh and India shares water of 50 common rivers. The JRC governs 57 identified border rivers, 54 with India and 3 with Myanmar.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in her recent visit sought cooperation from her counterpart for fair sharing of water of Teesta and other common rivers.
How are you going to defend Bangladesh bro if you don't believe in its right to exist as an independent nation?
There was a bigger Bangladesh even before Pakistan was born and after our artery, vein and limbs were cut off by "Joy Bangla Walas" of WB in 1946; our co-religionists at least sheltered us in a bigger, stronger federated state; in where we were 100 times more secured than we were made by now. Current Bangladesh was never been a well-thought product of patriotic-Indigenous/Muslim Bengalis rather it was an engineered entity like the one of 1/11, 07 was to make us sub-human that we became by now. IND and empire tried the same fate for Baluchis too at around the same time but failed due to the geographical closeness but we were unfortunate to become fool of the century to accept the fukcin feel good Shadinata; the fun and flurries of which signify nothing except raising the bar of unjust, exploitation and corruption in a densely populated, boxed-up land. These fukcin deceptions of giving Shadinata/Independence to Muslims of Arab, Eurasia and Caucasus are nothing but classic example of dividing them to make ruling simple. Do telling these pure and simple scientific-truth make me RAZAKAR (Volunteer anyway but since it’s unfamiliar to Bengalis, RAW Mo FOS picked it up to exploit it in Bangla land.) then put Nehru's name on the top of RAZAKAR’s list because that criminal-Brahman was the one, who predicted that smaller states near at IND wouldn't survive.

Right, raising the bar of unjust, exploitation and corruption in a densely populated boxed-up land are the attainments in expense of our independent now, very sad and bad luck- indeed!

BTW, some one (a DU teacher) told me one year ago that there will be no independence of BD remain after 25/30 years. So we are gonna ruled by our mistakes and bad luck, clearly.
1)pakistan respect its muslim bengali brothers.
2)genocide of bengalis.do hindu frgot genocide of muslims done by hindus and sikh when muslims were migrating to pakistan and when muslims were expelled from there majority districts gurdaspur,ferozpur and amritsir and were awarded to india.
3)india forgot its killing of innocent muslims of jammus who were migrating to pakistan and were killed by hindus.
4)hindus forgot how many thousends of kashmiri muslims they have killed in kashmir?
China is planning to make Brother Bangladesh a Desert.

Since, Brahmaputra river originates from Tibet (Where it is called Yarlung Zangbo River) then flow into India, from India to Bangladesh, China is building huge Dams in Tibet to stop the river water coming in Bangladesh.

From Tibet river flows to>>> India>>>> From India>>>> to Bangladesh.

Hence it is clear the thief is China not India. The jealous neighbor of Bangladesh, communist and radicals are spreading the myth and misleading innocent Bangladeshis.
Outwardly, the Chinese Dam Project deprives BD of its water. I do not have any of the hydrographic or topographic data about this project. But, it seems that in order to divert the river water China will have to pump up the water to the mountains that rise high across Tibet. Water flows naturally by gravity to a lower land. But, electricity will be needed in order to raise the water to a higher land.

So, the question here is, how this electricity will be produced? It will be produced by allowing A CERTAIN quantity of water to flow downstream to a hydro-power plant. There is a more than 1 km difference of elevations of land inside Chinese Tibet before Brahmaputra flows into Arunachal of India. So, a huge quantity of power can be produced here.

Since this downstream water will come by gravity to India and then to BD, so, China will not be able to take away our share of water if it chooses to build a big reservoir upstream. On the contrary, it may help control floods and provide water during winter in BD.

But, India may deprive us if it chooses to divert this downstream water to the west through the chicken neck north of BD.
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