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India wins: US secretaries of State and Defence to visit India as dialogue shifted to Delhi

USA is the biggest export market of both China & India AND most of the trading world.

ITS not justv about F16 sales

something THAT Pakistanis simply donot understand having no industry

Oh we know and we are perfectly happy with the basic trade relationship, may it improve

But outside basic good relationship with the U.S its a double edged sword being an "ally"

You are welcome to being the U.S puppet in south asia and being a "strategic partner"
Oh we know and we are perfectly happy with the basic trade relationship, may it improve

But outside basic good relationship with the U.S its a double edged sword being an "ally"

You are welcome to being the U.S puppet in south asia and being a "strategic partner"

If you mean being a "strategic partner" to the US equates to being a puppet of them, there's no bigger puppet in the south asia than Pakistan !
If you mean being a "strategic partner" to the US equates to being a puppet of them, there's no bigger puppet in the south asia than Pakistan !

Were out and glad to be, why do you think U.S is so frustrated

India is the new chamcha for the U.S
Still a long way to go. We don't depend on the US for the aid and defence contracts as much as you folks !

There is no aid,, the U.S and its "strategies" always cost more than they gave

India is part of the strategy now:coffee:
There is no aid,, the U.S and its "strategies" always cost more than they gave

India is part of the strategy now:coffee:

There is no aid now, until when they cancelled the 900 million dollar aid in Jan this year which means you have to suck up to China more than ever now.
If India wanted to ally with the US, they would have done it long back. We pride ourselves on being neutral and has always put forth it's interest to the fore.
There is no aid now, until when they cancelled the 900 million dollar aid in Jan this year which means you have to suck up to China more than ever now.
If India wanted to ally with the US, they would have done it long back. We pride ourselves on being neutral and has always put forth it's interest to the fore.

there was no aid then, it was payment for cost of use of Pakistan infrastructure to prolong their strategy in Afghanistan

a strategy Pakistan openly stated had failed

just because the US throws a tantrum cant be helped

india as it sits in the US lap dosent have the neutral option any more
there was no aid then, it was payment for cost of use of Pakistan infrastructure to prolong their strategy in Afghanistan

a strategy Pakistan openly stated had failed

just because the US throws a tantrum cant be helped

india as it sits in the US lap dosent have the neutral option any more

As far as I can see, India's sitting on no one's lap. India has never accepted US intervention in any of it's policies.
It's Pakistan that wants UN intervention or Chinese intervention while India has stated time and time again that bilateral issues will remain bilateral.
As far as I can see, India's sitting on no one's lap. India has never accepted US intervention in any of it's policies.
It's Pakistan that wants UN intervention or Chinese intervention while India has stated time and time again that bilateral issues will remain bilateral.

if you dont see india manoeuvring into the US lap then your blind
Keep them at arms length and having mediocre relations is the way to go
What do you think is happening? Do you feel Indian government is super close to US? Indian government is having healthy 'ups and downs' as far as relationship with US goes.
if you dont see india manoeuvring into the US lap then your blind

Going by that Logic, India should have opted for the US offering rather than going for S-400. You're really clutching the straws here, I'm afraid. India doesn't allow itself to be bullied by anyone, especially Trump. It's the US that needs India more than India that needs US, purely going by our trade surplus.
if you dont see india manoeuvring into the US lap then your blind
The biggest evidence against Indian alignment with US would have been India joining US in its trade war with China. India has actually joined China on the other-side of the war. This is especially significant because the gorilla-in-chief in the white house only sees the world in brown and white.
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