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India winning the war against AIDS

In Islam, Zina is haram... ... According to Quran adultery (Zina) is a major sin and hence strictly prohibited.Adultery(Zina) is mentioned inter-alia other major sins like; associating with Allah, theft, killing of an innocent etc. So the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) said, "When a man commit adultery, Iman (Faith) leaves him; but when he leaves such evil i.e. adultery ways, Iman will return to him.
I)The Qur`anic punishment of 100 lashes is for the case of an unmarried person. For a married person we need to turn to the Sunnah/Hadith, which prescribes death by stoning.

II)For married persons, the Sunnah/Hadith abrogated the Qur`anic penalty of 100 lashes and instead prescribed death by stoning.

III)For married persons, the Sunnah/Hadith prescribed rajm as a second penalty which is to be combined with the Qur`anic penalty of 100 lashes.

IV)The stoning penalty is found in the Qur`an but it is known only to scholars of great erudition capable of diving deep into the meanings of the Book of God.

V)The Qur`an did prescribe stoning for adultery but the verse in which the law was stated was not included in the Qur`an or has been removed from it.

Due to followers of Islam.. Aids % is very very less here..
If that was even remotely true, Pakistan wouldnt have killings and bombings and murder rates that double India's.

And I thought killing of innocents is considered a major sin in Islam.
If Islam couldnt do jack there, then it wont be doing anything on any other issue as well.
Pakistan's rates have increased 8 times while India's infection rates have been decreasing. Is it because of Islam?
your frustration can be understood , while india has worked hard to fight AIDS in pakistan there is an 8 fold increase ..it would be better if you learn from india and start working on it or else soon you be in a league of countries like nigeria where aids epidemic is a national problem.

No mate.... He is worried about the chances of Increase in rape cases in case the condom campaign has succeeded so he wont support any such campaign.... Samja karooo bhai....
IV)The stoning penalty is found in the Qur`an but it is known only to scholars of great erudition capable of diving deep into the meanings of the Book of God.
V)The Qur`an did prescribe stoning for adultery but the verse in which the law was stated was not included in the Qur`an or has been removed from it.

If you have no knowledge about something , better not try to comment on that or you may come up with stupid arguments , like in this case
LMAO at the unfortunate souls bringing up random excerpts from an ancient man-made book, in a thread about the decrease in HIV transmission in India. This place never ceases to amaze me. Fun times. :victory:

My money is on these bozos thinking HIV virus is man made, probably by a jew.
The government propaganda of have s** even once without a condom and you will surely get AIDS and you'll surely die is working :victory:
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