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India will take over Azad Kashmir if Pakistan doesn’t stop interfering &Gen Raheel want respect for kashmir

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Yes mate you won every war, now happy ??? In East Pakistan we just replicated your steps that you tried in Kashmir back in 1947.

You never won back troops, but being a signatory of Geneva convention our government and army dealt with Pakistani POW's with at-most professionalism and repatriated them, mark my words repatriated them, it was Indian generosity or we just considered your 93K POW's just worthless. LOL :p:

There is nothing that you won on table in 1971, surrendering amass that too in record speed (13 days I guess) without giving a decent fight and still you won on table ??

Tell me what battle you can win on table that you lost on field, LOL :p:

But again Pakistan showed it's duplicity;

The treaty came into effect on 8 August 1973 and ended on 1 July 1974.

Under the terms of the agreement, UNHCR supervised the repatriation of Bangladeshi and Pakistani citizens. According to the UN, 121,695 Bengalis were moved from Pakistan to Bangladesh. That included high-level Bengali civil servants and military officers. 108,744 non-Bengali civilians and civil servants were moved from Bangladesh to Pakistan.India released Pakistani PoWs, who were mostly transported by train to Pakistan.

Although the agreement called for the repatriation of urdu-speaking Bihari's in Bangladesh, the Pakistani Government backtracked on its promise to resettle the community in Pakistan.

No need to be too happy with Kargil, show me one country in the world who supported it, no one were with you ?? Even China asked you to pull back troops, but yes your reputation as a nation worldwide severely increased due to that adventure. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

i guess you are too drunk to understand 65 is huge example how indian trying to invade Pakistan from Punjab and you had to run back to your holes :) belive me we cud have come to your hole but it was our humanity we didnt with unequipped army ...
We took half Kashmir with Almost NO ARMY.... with what .. with NO ARMY .. your british army left over came and nehru begged to go to UN lol still hindus promise..
71 was not a war it was indian agression who attacked on back which is indian habbit by the way .. you cant fight infront then "Bagal me churi mu mein RAM RAM"
we took over men back ... they were not there to fight INDIAN ARMY they were in EAST PAKISTAN so you it was not guesture it was your duty to return us.. which you dont wanted but we took all of em back ... so it was your lost on table ..
Kargil oh Kargil no one ever support a war, but after that indian army cant even think of comming close to border they did in time of mushraf but stayed there for 3 months and left back to holes... Kargil:sniper: made your media jump up and down still.. lol look at yourself
so 180 million vs 1.3 billion lol:taz:
I gived example we all are United please write my country name properly Eventually if we wait your super star RSS Terrorist party will break your country after all its head is your PM
No you are united against India. you are not united with each other. And that is the opening.

First of RSS is not a terrorist organization. People do not become terrorist on the whims of Pakistan. if it is go to UN file a case. If not stay shut and keep living in lalaland.

And no selective media reporting of yours which focuses on the isolated incidents of mob lynching portraying as the condition of whole of India is just to give you a fake sense of pride and "feel good" factor. Ideally India is getting enough investments which will generate huge number of jobs in coming days which will result in more taxes and higer GDP growth.
Barking dogs seldom bites.
i guess you are too drunk to understand 65 is huge example how indian trying to invade Pakistan from Punjab and you had to run back to your holes :) belive me we cud have come to your hole but it was our humanity we didnt with unequipped army ...
We took half Kashmir with Almost NO ARMY.... with what .. with NO ARMY .. your british army left over came and nehru begged to go to UN lol still hindus promise..
71 was not a war it was indian agression who attacked on back which is indian habbit by the way .. you cant fight infront then "Bagal me churi mu mein RAM RAM"
we took over men back ... they were not there to fight INDIAN ARMY they were in EAST PAKISTAN so you it was not guesture it was your duty to return us.. which you dont wanted but we took all of em back ... so it was your lost on table ..
Kargil oh Kargil no one ever support a war, but after that indian army cant even think of comming close to border they did in time of mushraf but stayed there for 3 months and left back to holes... Kargil:sniper: made your media jump up and down still.. lol look at yourself
so 180 million vs 1.3 billion lol:taz:

Either you have a very low standard for victories or just need a feel good factor as fed by your propaganda machine. if in an attempt to gain kashmir you end up defending your territory, if that sounds like a victory to you congratulations you were victorious with a LOL.

In the current shape we dont even need to fire a bullet to bring Pakistan on halt. Wars are not won by fake bravado and feel good factors. Pakistan is too much reliant on China or Insurgencies in India which they believe are going to support them. However what they dont understand is they raise slogans for Pakistan not because they love Pakistan, its because nothing irritates Indians more than that.
First watch then decide anything for the future of Kashmiri people

it is not thing is worried about, Dogs barked at everyone even on lion but Lion think let them live some more time on Planet warna loog kia kahy gy Shair ny kuttay ka shikar kr lia.
i guess you are too drunk to understand 65 is huge example how indian trying to invade Pakistan from Punjab and you had to run back to your holes :) belive me we cud have come to your hole but it was our humanity we didnt with unequipped army ...
We took half Kashmir with Almost NO ARMY.... with what .. with NO ARMY .. your british army left over came and nehru begged to go to UN lol still hindus promise..
71 was not a war it was indian agression who attacked on back which is indian habbit by the way .. you cant fight infront then "Bagal me churi mu mein RAM RAM"
we took over men back ... they were not there to fight INDIAN ARMY they were in EAST PAKISTAN so you it was not guesture it was your duty to return us.. which you dont wanted but we took all of em back ... so it was your lost on table ..
Kargil oh Kargil no one ever support a war, but after that indian army cant even think of comming close to border they did in time of mushraf but stayed there for 3 months and left back to holes... Kargil:sniper: made your media jump up and down still.. lol look at yourself
so 180 million vs 1.3 billion lol:taz:

No use in arguing with your because you very well know the fact that every war was started by you, "Operation Gibratlar" is a reality. It was not India but Pakistan who started 65 war, and you boast about defending Lahore, when India wouldn't have reached near that if you haven't started the war in first place. But yet Pakistan won because you saved Lahore. :p:

Well in 1971 also you won, but have you ever read the subsequent "Simla Agreement" and "Delhi Agreements". We just made Kashmir issue bilateral rather than and international issue. But yes Pakistan gained more in 1971. LOL :p:



we took over men back ... they were not there to fight INDIAN ARMY they were in EAST PAKISTAN so you it was not guesture it was your duty to return us.. which you dont wanted but we took all of em back ... so it was your lost on table

What leverage did you had over India that you claim as if you bargained and won the freedom of your POW's, and who exactly you took them all ?? By begging or what ??

"Arey who to India ka diaya huwa bheek da" that we repatriated your men. LOL :p:

And in Kargil you didn't even had the balls to provide air support to your troops in the fear of further escalation and a full scale war.LOL

Moreover there are contradicting versions from your own countrymen, that too from some field commanders at that time. What more do you want to know.


Well, I still agree with you, but the world must be dumb to believe that a bunch of soldiers with light arms and ammo were victorious over a full scale operation conducted by another countries army and Air Force. Well Pak army soldiers might be from Mars, who knows. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Either you have a very low standard for victories or just need a feel good factor as fed by your propaganda machine. if in an attempt to gain kashmir you end up defending your territory, if that sounds like a victory to you congratulations you were victorious with a LOL.

In the current shape we dont even need to fire a bullet to bring Pakistan on halt. Wars are not won by fake bravado and feel good factors. Pakistan is too much reliant on China or Insurgencies in India which they believe are going to support them. However what they dont understand is they raise slogans for Pakistan not because they love Pakistan, its because nothing irritates Indians more than that.

what india really is they cant protect their own people killing so called their people either its Kids children or men in Kashmir assam or golden temple... your poverity sud irritate you .. your un human laws sud bother you but you know what bothers or irritates you Is Pakistan 180 million people vs 1.3 billion cant take control..
victory is victory either is small or on big scale you cant defeat us with 1.3 billion must irritate you ..
but hey your losing your self respect to small state sudnt irritate you cuz you guys dont have in you to come close Pak.. we didnt interfer in 62 and china didnt interfer in 65 and each time you guys humilated ...
want that humilation agian try ...

Yes, great victory.
in 65' 33k of your forces entered Kashmir dressed as locals to 'liberate' Kashmir, and to this day Pakistan celebrates saving lahore. Great victory. May allah grant you 1000 such victories in the future.

In kargil your government refused to accept dead bodies of your soldier. Your PM went to UN and US to ask for ceasefire. Good job

indian army enter East Pakistan break international law .. we have right to enter Kashmir when ever we want .. we will when we decide.. then it was 90 thousands we will not let 700 thousands go back their hole.. matter fact kashmiries are uncontrolable for your 700 thousands army what would you do if they become armed..
indian is playing with fire and their economy finally stable once its destroyed then all indians wil be around world sharing their stories of once upon a time in india.

No use in arguing with your because you very well know the fact that every war was started by you, "Operation Gibratlar" is a reality. It was not India but Pakistan who started 65 war, and you boast about defending Lahore, when India wouldn't have reached near that if you haven't started the war in first place. But yet Pakistan won because you saved Lahore. :p:

Well in 1971 also you won, but have you ever read the subsequent "Simla Agreement" and "Delhi Agreements". We just made Kashmir issue bilateral rather than and international issue. But yes Pakistan gained more in 1971. LOL :p:



What leverage did you had over India that you claim as if you bargained and won the freedom of your POW's, and who exactly you took them all ?? By begging or what ??

"Arey who to India ka diaya huwa bheek da" that we repatriated your men. LOL :p:

And in Kargil you didn't even had the balls to provide air support to your troops in the fear of further escalation and a full scale war.LOL

Moreover there are contradicting versions from your own countrymen, that too from some field commanders at that time. What more do you want to know.


Well, I still agree with you, but the world must be dumb to believe that a bunch of soldiers with light arms and ammo were victorious over a full scale operation conducted by another countries army and Air Force. Well Pak army soldiers might be from Mars, who knows. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

your brain washed history can keep you alive i heard when person is out of their mind he only laugh .. you cant change history 1.30 Billion People wow and crying about 180 million ..
This is your fate crying either your Terrorist Prime minister Modi your media your Terrorist organization like Bajrang dal RSS or who ever wish to come take Pakistan over.. it will remain a wish and rest of your generation will keep watching us roaring and you wont be able to do anything..
i suggest you to read real history instead of Bharat matas history can mislead you and takeyou fight of ramayan...
fact of the matter is you lost every single war and its print on your heart..
so better dont argue you know you cant win... come up wiht something good..OH yeah Kargil oh Kargil...
indian army enter East Pakistan break international law .. we have right to enter Kashmir when ever we want .. we will when we decide.. then it was 90 thousands we will not let 700 thousands go back their hole.. matter fact kashmiries are uncontrolable for your 700 thousands army what would you do if they become armed..
indian is playing with fire and their economy finally stable once its destroyed then all indians wil be around world sharing their stories of once upon a time in india.

Wet dreams kid, India has grown and is still growing and the parity between India and Bakistan in all areas are growing at an exponential rate. Care about your Baluchistan, in the process of liberating Kashmir you should not let it go like East Pakistan.. :p:

your brain washed history can keep you alive i heard when person is out of their mind he only laugh .. you cant change history 1.30 Billion People wow and crying about 180 million ..
This is your fate crying either your Terrorist Prime minister Modi your media your Terrorist organization like Bajrang dal RSS or who ever wish to come take Pakistan over.. it will remain a wish and rest of your generation will keep watching us roaring and you wont be able to do anything..
i suggest you to read real history instead of Bharat matas history can mislead you and takeyou fight of ramayan...
fact of the matter is you lost every single war and its print on your heart..
so better dont argue you know you cant win... come up wiht something good..OH yeah Kargil oh Kargil...

Yes, you won every single war, But tell me what you gained after every war ?? I mean the end results, did you met any of the objectives ??? Kashmir still part of India LOL, but in the process you were ripped into half, yet you won. Because Indian history says so, and the world is full of dumbest idiots. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
General Raheel last statement regarding kashmir is nothing just a Giveup or same as our politicians and government issues statement regarding kashmir

World should respect desires of Kashmiris: General Raheel

But Indian official statements are becoming more aggressive then ever
Should take over Azad Kashmir if Pakistan doesn’t stop interfering: Ramdas Athawale

Union Minister of State for Social Justice Ramdas Athawale on Sunday said India should take control of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (Azad Kashmir) if the neighbouring country did not stop its mischief.

“We do not need a war with Pakistan. But if Pakistan interferes in our internal matters, I think we should take control of Azad Kashmir,” Athawale said, speaking to reporters during the ‘Tiranga Yatra’.

“Forces like Pakistan are conspiring against India by spreading terrorism. Pakistan should stop anti-India activities as the Indian army is far stronger than Pakistani army,” the RPI (A) chief said.

Kashmir Bazoray Shamsheer
No need of begging respect for Kashmiries from international community
your daughters and sons are dying, (losing vision) and we need respect!!!

Be a Raheel ,Not a Sharif

This shows how frustrated they are.

On a side note, you are unable to control valley under your occupation and you're talking of Azad Kashmir.. its like somebody saying.. I cannot lift 100 kilos and if I couldn't lift that anymore, I would add 300 kilos more to it because then it would be manageable.

Stupid ideas coming out of frustrated Indians. Expect this nonsense to grow even more.
On a side note, you are unable to control valley under your occupation and you're talking of Azad Kashmir.

What makes you believe we are unable to control the valley?

Have you ever lived through 40+ days of curfew? Do you know who is suffering? And do you know why?
Wet dreams kid, India has grown and is still growing and the parity between India and Bakistan in all areas are growing at an exponential rate. Care about your Baluchistan, in the process of liberating Kashmir you should not let it go like East Pakistan.. :p:

Yes, you won every single war, But tell me what you gained after every war ?? I mean the end results, did you met any of the objectives ??? Kashmir still part of India LOL, but in the process you were ripped into half, yet you won. Because Indian history says so, and the world is full of dumbest idiots. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

:) atleast you said that we won every war.. its a slap of 1.3 billion people who tried to invade with their tiny mighty power..
Kashmir is still maybe under your control but hey its making you dance 700 thousands army sitting their not to watch cricket match..
you remind me about Blouchistan :) have you seen footage of burning indian 100s flags didnt it hurt you .. your indian army men dies every day in Assam 7 state sisters bangladeshies are capturing those states. Chinese comes to your face give you lill stick and leave..
you are good to cry on your media so keep doing and when you come to Pakistani forum you act quire.. you dont have in you with 1.30 billion people you just dont have in you..
keep scratching your tale on ground.
:) atleast you said that we won every war.. its a slap of 1.3 billion people who tried to invade with their tiny mighty power..
Kashmir is still maybe under your control but hey its making you dance 700 thousands army sitting their not to watch cricket match..
you remind me about Blouchistan :) have you seen footage of burning indian 100s flags didnt it hurt you .. your indian army men dies every day in Assam 7 state sisters bangladeshies are capturing those states. Chinese comes to your face give you lill stick and leave..
you are good to cry on your media so keep doing and when you come to Pakistani forum you act quire.. you dont have in you with 1.30 billion people you just dont have in you..
keep scratching your tale on ground.

Yes, keep telling this even after you loose Baluchistan, that it was a strategic victory for Pakistan, good riddance etc. Just wait and watch, the actual show ain't started.

And it is not India who cry about talks, it's your Sartaj Aziz and co. Just care at least to read your own news papers. We ain't care about Pakistan anymore, it is Pakistan who is crying everywhere, even in the UN forums unsuccessfully. LOL :p:

Yes, keep telling this even after you loose Baluchistan, that it was a strategic victory for Pakistan, good riddance etc. Just wait and watch, the actual show ain't started.

And it is not India who cry about talks, it's your Sartaj Aziz and co. Just care at least to read your own news papers. We ain't care about Pakistan anymore, it is Pakistan who is crying everywhere, even in the UN forums unsuccessfully. LOL :p:

have you heard your own PM modi who cried even on 15 August .. you dont obsessed with Pakistan , crying is national pride of india you go for permenant UN seat you cry, NPT again cry, Pak take Kashmir case to world you cry, your own citizen cant handle from you then you cry .. like i said its your national pride CRYING ..
you wanna break Pakistan too .. many like on can have wet dreams in bharat mata...
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