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India will take over Azad Kashmir if Pakistan doesn’t stop interfering &Gen Raheel want respect for kashmir

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It is our stated policy from day one. We won't attack anyone unless attacked upon, and we still hold on to that.

We are not like you guy's "Bagal Mein Churi, Muh Mein Ram" ( The Kargil 1999 episode is a classic example of that). How can India trust a country who infiltrate us in the disguise of peace talks ??? :(

We have seen in 71 how your own PM mody accepted that their army went to East Pakistan.. Enough of your lies.. dont you guys really ashamed of saying things you know you are leying..
what a pethatic nation you guys have becoming defending lies over and over.. killing innocent kishmiries kids women men and saying its your internal matter.
Atleast learn some self respect you have lost all grounds when your own terrorist PM said proudly indian helped East Pakistan to become bangladesh.

Don't! You know what happened in 1965, 1971 and Kargil don't you? :P

You lost 65 by international observer.. 71 we won on table by getting all of our troops back .. india cud have bangal but another Muslim country born around india.. Kargil :) i feel good when i hear kargil word from indians.
180 million vs 1.30 billion ... dang!
Lol didnt happen in last 70 years, still call it Pak occupied Kashmir, its pitiful listening to his statement !!!
if it could have it would have... period... now shut this useless crap closed.
India knows her case is very very weak on occupied Kashmir so Indians continuously drag balouchistan gilgitbaldistan and azad Kashmir so they cover up their negligence

Top of it it is. AZAD KASHMIR it will remain AZAD

Indian bid to call it Azad Kashmir utterly stupid
Azad Kashmir tour S living in peace Jammu Kashmir in war zone words speak it all no need to give any focus on these goons they do it to get world over focus
Keep Dreaming mate
no one will have entire Kashmir not India nor Pakistan. It is impossible now to change borders. if we want to end this conflict and move on we both need to take one step backward. i know right now people from both sides will not accept this solution but eventually they will. we both will waste 2-3 more generations of Kashmiris in this conflict.
the truth is kashmir problem can't be solved through war. both pakistan and india tried it many times. only people of kashmiris through referendum or both counties through dialog can solve it.
We have seen in 71 how your own PM mody accepted that their army went to East Pakistan.. Enough of your lies.. dont you guys really ashamed of saying things you know you are leying..
what a pethatic nation you guys have becoming defending lies over and over.. killing innocent kishmiries kids women men and saying its your internal matter.
Atleast learn some self respect you have lost all grounds when your own terrorist PM said proudly indian helped East Pakistan to become bangladesh.

You lost 65 by international observer.. 71 we won on table by getting all of our troops back .. india cud have bangal but another Muslim country born around india.. Kargil :) i feel good when i hear kargil word from indians.
180 million vs 1.30 billion ... dang!

Yes mate you won every war, now happy ??? In East Pakistan we just replicated your steps that you tried in Kashmir back in 1947.

You never won back troops, but being a signatory of Geneva convention our government and army dealt with Pakistani POW's with at-most professionalism and repatriated them, mark my words repatriated them, it was Indian generosity or we just considered your 93K POW's just worthless. LOL :p:

There is nothing that you won on table in 1971, surrendering amass that too in record speed (13 days I guess) without giving a decent fight and still you won on table ??

Tell me what battle you can win on table that you lost on field, LOL :p:

But again Pakistan showed it's duplicity;

The treaty came into effect on 8 August 1973 and ended on 1 July 1974.

Under the terms of the agreement, UNHCR supervised the repatriation of Bangladeshi and Pakistani citizens. According to the UN, 121,695 Bengalis were moved from Pakistan to Bangladesh. That included high-level Bengali civil servants and military officers. 108,744 non-Bengali civilians and civil servants were moved from Bangladesh to Pakistan.India released Pakistani PoWs, who were mostly transported by train to Pakistan.

Although the agreement called for the repatriation of urdu-speaking Bihari's in Bangladesh, the Pakistani Government backtracked on its promise to resettle the community in Pakistan.

No need to be too happy with Kargil, show me one country in the world who supported it, no one were with you ?? Even China asked you to pull back troops, but yes your reputation as a nation worldwide severely increased due to that adventure. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
I think it's a good Idea. Unlike Occupied Kashmir. Azad Kashmir are all mountains. Half of Indian Army will runaway due to mountain exhaustion and psychological factor. Remaining stragglers will be taken care by locals. PA will just see them dying by their own fate.
2002 aur 2008 mein ka tein? In logo ne kuch bi nahi karna. Zaada baat kar te hain lol.
Honestly India does not have any interest in P0K... who has resources to invest into that hell hole that Pakistanis have created over 6 decades... India is happy with Indian Kashmir.. as long as Pakistan doe not fund terrorists to break India.
2002 aur 2008 mein ka tein? In logo ne kuch bi nahi karna. Zaada baat kar te hain lol.
Do you understand that indian troop movements are more than enough to run away whatever little investors you have in Pakistan. All your FDI will dry up with it. India does not need to bring in the nukes.

At the same time nuclear threads of Pakistan will lie flat on stomach because you will not just be threatning the cities of India but also billions of dollars worth of investment of US/EU/China. And you thought China will help you detroy their own investment or you can have a hayday after threatning whole of EU and US investments.
Why? Your army is not capable or what? That they to hide themselves in civilian panties.....

There is no objective in taking over P.O.K because it does not serve any purpose. The investment that will be required will be too high for it. Eventually if we wait long enough with current economic state of Pakistan it will itself break out of frustration.

I gived example we all are United please write my country name properly Eventually if we wait your super star RSS Terrorist party will break your country after all its head is your PM
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