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India will have 'super-supercomputer' by 2017

NO need by our Chinese mates here around to take cheap shots at India's supercomputing.

India's supercomputer is placed at 36th rank (in the new list) and having speed of about 750 tflop, so when the our dear Chinese member (i really mean dear) who are saying the India does not have experience in supercomputing is void. This is notify that PARAM 8000 was 4th fastest in the world at its time.

About the claim 132 exaflop is something which is am not convinced with.

It may be 132 Petaflop... The major barrier for even this milestone is cooling system and huge power supply.

There may be some typo error in setting the milestone by Indian agencies for sure..

Regarding China: It has lot many goals to acheive in supercomputing and Japan and US surely have a significant competitor in the field. Though what i have written previously, the biggest achievement China would gather when they power their Supercomp by their homemade chips... Currently they are using US made Chips...


methinks too...our reporters usually don't know how to add, and then they go to these seminars where the geeks bore them to death (and sleep). Before you know it, it becomes 130 exaflops.
:yay:India 'will have' super super computer by 2017. Hope its another Vikramaditya which is currently patrolling the pacific with 40 mig 29k
:yay:India 'will have' super super computer by 2017. Hope its another Vikramaditya which is currently patrolling the pacific with 40 mig 29k

most probably will be made by private institutions where decision making is faster as compared to govt. as private money involved and not by govt. so your hope of this project delaying will never be realised and moreover we don't need Vikramaditya for you people our coast guard is enough for you and that too is an overkill for a job which can be done by a coastal police wing
@djsjs @cirr @buddyboyyash @kawaraj @buddyboyyash @aazidane

This must give an intro for super computing in India

The Param 8000 in 1990 was India's first super computer designed and assembled by the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) in Pune, India.

It was replicated and installed at ICAD Moscow in 1991 under Russian collaboration.
C-DAC: About Us - Success Stories - From PARAM 8000 to PARAM 10000

PARAM 8000

Unveiled in 1991, PARAM 8000 used Inmos 8000 transputers. Transputers were a fairly new and innovative microprocessor architecture designed for parallel processing at the time. It was a distributed memory MIMD architecture with a reconfigurable interconnection network.[6] It had 64 CPUs.112214

PARAM 8600

PARAM 8600 was an improvement over PARAM 8000. It was a 256 CPU computer. For every four Inmos 8000, it employed an Intel i860 coprocessor. The result was over 5 GFLOPS at peak for vector processing. Several of these models were exported.


PARAM 9900/SS was designed to be a MPP system. It used the SuperSPARC II processor. The design was changed to be modular so that newer processors could be easily accommodated. Typically, it used 32-40 processors. But, it could be scaled up to 200 CPUs using the clos network topology. PARAM 9900/US was the UltraSPARC variant and PARAM 9900/AA was the DEC Alpha variant.

PARAM 10000

In 1998, the PARAM 10000 was unveiled. PARAM 10000 used several independent nodes, each based on the Sun Enterprise 250 server and each such server contained two 400Mhz UltraSPARC II processors. The base configuration had three compute nodes and a server node. The peak speed of this base system was 6.4 GFLOPS.[7] A typical system would contain 160 CPUs and be capable of 100 GFLOPS[8] But, it was easily scalable to the TFLOP range.

PARAM Padma[edit]

PARAM Padma (Padma means Lotus in Sanskrit) was introduced in April 2003. It had a peak speed of 1024 GFLOPS (about 1 TFLOP) and a peak storage of 1 TB. It used 248 IBM Power4 CPUs of 1 GHz each. The operating system was IBM AIX 5.1L. It used PARAMnet II as its primary interconnect. It was the first Indian supercomputer to break the 1 TFLOP barrier.



PARAM Yuva (Yuva means Youth in Sanskrit) was unveiled in November 2008. It has a maximum sustainable speed (Rmax) of 38.1 TFLOPS and a peak speed (Rpeak) of 54 TFLOPS. There are 4608 cores in it, based on Intel 73XX of 2.9 GHz each. It has a storage capacity of 25 TB up to 200 TB. It uses PARAMnet 3 as its primary interconnect.

Param Yuva II

Param Yuva II was made by Centre for Development of Advanced Computing in a period of three months, at a cost of 16 crore (US$3 million), and was unveiled on 8 February 2013. It performs at a peak of 524 teraflops and consumes 35% less energy as compared to Param Yuva. It delivers sustained performance of 360.8 teraflops on the community standard Linpack benchmark, and would have been ranked 62 in the November 2012 ranking list of Top500. In terms of power efficiency, it would have been ranked 33rd in the November 2012 List of Top Green 500 supercomputers of the world. It is the first Indian supercomputer achieving more than 500 teraflops.
Param Yuva II will be used for research in space, bioinformatics, weather forecasting, seismic data analysis, aeronautical engineering, scientific data processing and pharmaceutical development. Educational institutes like the Indian Institutes of Technology and National Institutes of Technology can be linked to the computer through the national knowledge network. This computer is a stepping stone towards building the future petaflop-range supercomputers in India.


PARAMnet is a high speed high bandwidth low latency network developed for the PARAM series. The original PARAMnet used a 8 port cascadable non-blocking switch developed by C-DAC. Each port provided 400 Mb/s in both directions (thus 2x400 Mbit/s) as it is was a full-duplex network. It was first used in PARAM 10000.
PARAMnet II, introduced with PARAM Padma, is capable of 2.5 Gb/s while working full-duplex. It supports interfaces like Virtual Interface Architecture and Active messages. It uses 8 or 16 port SAN switches. The grid computing network GARUDA is also based on it.


Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, has a theoretical peak of 790.7 terraflop/s machine, called Prithvi, which is being used for climate research and operational forecasting.It is ranked at 36th in worlds top 500 super computers list.


Recently unveiled supercomputer SAGA-220 built by ISRO, is capable of performing at 220,000 gigaflop/s (220 Terra Flops).


EKA is a supercomputer built by the Computational Research Laboratories with technical assistance and hardware provided by Hewlett-Packard.This is devoloped by Tata sons. It is capable of performing at 132800 gigaflop/s or 132 terraflop/s.


Indian Institute of Technology, Madras has a 91.1 terraflop/s machine called Virgo. It is currently ranked as 364 in the Top500 list.

As of June 2013, India has 11 systems on the Top500 list ranking 36, 69, 89, 95, 174, 245, 291, 309, 310, 311 and 439.
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param 8000 i guess


My point is India can and will achieve greater heigjts in the area of supercomputing.
most probably will be made by private institutions where decision making is faster as compared to govt. as private money involved and not by govt. so your hope of this project delaying will never be realised and moreover we don't need Vikramaditya for you people our coast guard is enough for you and that too is an overkill for a job which can be done by a coastal police wing

:rofl: superpower india with super super power computer and modern marvel russian chinese air craft carrier comparing with a third world rag tag country with a slightly better health index

@djsjs @cirr @buddyboyyash @kawaraj @buddyboyyash @aazidane

This must give an intro for super computing in India

The Param 8000 in 1990 was India's first super computer designed and assembled by the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) in Pune, India.

It was replicated and installed at ICAD Moscow in 1991 under Russian collaboration.
C-DAC: About Us - Success Stories - From PARAM 8000 to PARAM 10000

PARAM 8000

Unveiled in 1991, PARAM 8000 used Inmos 8000 transputers. Transputers were a fairly new and innovative microprocessor architecture designed for parallel processing at the time. It was a distributed memory MIMD architecture with a reconfigurable interconnection network.[6] It had 64 CPUs.112214

PARAM 8600

PARAM 8600 was an improvement over PARAM 8000. It was a 256 CPU computer. For every four Inmos 8000, it employed an Intel i860 coprocessor. The result was over 5 GFLOPS at peak for vector processing. Several of these models were exported.


PARAM 9900/SS was designed to be a MPP system. It used the SuperSPARC II processor. The design was changed to be modular so that newer processors could be easily accommodated. Typically, it used 32-40 processors. But, it could be scaled up to 200 CPUs using the clos network topology. PARAM 9900/US was the UltraSPARC variant and PARAM 9900/AA was the DEC Alpha variant.

PARAM 10000

In 1998, the PARAM 10000 was unveiled. PARAM 10000 used several independent nodes, each based on the Sun Enterprise 250 server and each such server contained two 400Mhz UltraSPARC II processors. The base configuration had three compute nodes and a server node. The peak speed of this base system was 6.4 GFLOPS.[7] A typical system would contain 160 CPUs and be capable of 100 GFLOPS[8] But, it was easily scalable to the TFLOP range.

PARAM Padma[edit]

PARAM Padma (Padma means Lotus in Sanskrit) was introduced in April 2003. It had a peak speed of 1024 GFLOPS (about 1 TFLOP) and a peak storage of 1 TB. It used 248 IBM Power4 CPUs of 1 GHz each. The operating system was IBM AIX 5.1L. It used PARAMnet II as its primary interconnect. It was the first Indian supercomputer to break the 1 TFLOP barrier.



PARAM Yuva (Yuva means Youth in Sanskrit) was unveiled in November 2008. It has a maximum sustainable speed (Rmax) of 38.1 TFLOPS and a peak speed (Rpeak) of 54 TFLOPS. There are 4608 cores in it, based on Intel 73XX of 2.9 GHz each. It has a storage capacity of 25 TB up to 200 TB. It uses PARAMnet 3 as its primary interconnect.

Param Yuva II

Param Yuva II was made by Centre for Development of Advanced Computing in a period of three months, at a cost of 16 crore (US$3 million), and was unveiled on 8 February 2013. It performs at a peak of 524 teraflops and consumes 35% less energy as compared to Param Yuva. It delivers sustained performance of 360.8 teraflops on the community standard Linpack benchmark, and would have been ranked 62 in the November 2012 ranking list of Top500. In terms of power efficiency, it would have been ranked 33rd in the November 2012 List of Top Green 500 supercomputers of the world. It is the first Indian supercomputer achieving more than 500 teraflops.
Param Yuva II will be used for research in space, bioinformatics, weather forecasting, seismic data analysis, aeronautical engineering, scientific data processing and pharmaceutical development. Educational institutes like the Indian Institutes of Technology and National Institutes of Technology can be linked to the computer through the national knowledge network. This computer is a stepping stone towards building the future petaflop-range supercomputers in India.


PARAMnet is a high speed high bandwidth low latency network developed for the PARAM series. The original PARAMnet used a 8 port cascadable non-blocking switch developed by C-DAC. Each port provided 400 Mb/s in both directions (thus 2x400 Mbit/s) as it is was a full-duplex network. It was first used in PARAM 10000.
PARAMnet II, introduced with PARAM Padma, is capable of 2.5 Gb/s while working full-duplex. It supports interfaces like Virtual Interface Architecture and Active messages. It uses 8 or 16 port SAN switches. The grid computing network GARUDA is also based on it.


Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, has a theoretical peak of 790.7 terraflop/s machine, called Prithvi, which is being used for climate research and operational forecasting.It is ranked at 36th in worlds top 500 super computers list.


Recently unveiled supercomputer SAGA-220 built by ISRO, is capable of performing at 220,000 gigaflop/s (220 Terra Flops).


EKA is a supercomputer built by the Computational Research Laboratories with technical assistance and hardware provided by Hewlett-Packard.This is devoloped by Tata sons. It is capable of performing at 132800 gigaflop/s or 132 terraflop/s.


Indian Institute of Technology, Madras has a 91.1 terraflop/s machine called Virgo. It is currently ranked as 364 in the Top500 list.

As of June 2013, India has 11 systems on the Top500 list ranking 36, 69, 89, 95, 174, 245, 291, 309, 310, 311 and 439.

2017 is a long way ahead, first do so and deliver it on time, which India is infamous for...Thank you, sir.
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:rofl: superpower india with super super power computer and modern marvel russian chinese air craft carrier comparing with a third world rag tag country with a slightly better health index

I like it when you people burn here :cheers:

This kind of comments are like an acknowledgement for the growing stature of India across globe.
:rofl: :rofl: .....I was simply being politically correct, sir.

Fact is Super computers field is known to India for long and the time lines will be met , not a problem :cheers:

INS Vikramaditya was delayed since Russia for the first time testing its own advanced systems on the carrier. Even Mig naval variant is a new tech. demonstration.

Mean while India aircraft carrier IAC is a about to float this august.
Fact is Super computers field is known to India for long and the time lines will be met , not a problem :cheers:

INS Vikramaditya was delayed since Russia for the first time testing its own advanced systems on the carrier. Even Mig naval variant is a new tech. demonstration.

Mean while India aircraft carrier IAC is a about to float this august.
:rofl:Indian predicting future fact
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