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India will buy 30 armed drones worth $3 billion from US under major defence deal

Indian Military can not stop Turkish UCAVs armed with superior missiles than any other UCAVs in the world

for example American MQ-9 armed with only 8km HELLFIRE missile , 15 km GBU-12 laser guided Bombs and 8km STINGER air to air missile

India buys 30 MQ-9 UCAVs for $3 billion

Turkish AKINCI UCAVs equipped with AESA Radar and 25-65 km BOZDOGAN/GOKDOGAN air to air missiles easly can hunt MQ-9 UCAVs ... and bye bye $3 billion

Turkish AKINCI UCAVs will be enough to wipe out enemy Navy , Air Defense Systems , Attack Helicopters , Tanks , Howitzers , MLRS etc

thanks to Turkish Defense Industry to arm AKINCI UCAVs with

-- 280 km SOM-C anti ship missile to hit even moving Warships
-- 250 km SOM-J Cruise Missile to hit Air Defense Systems like PATRIOT , S300
-- 250km KUZGUN-TJ joint strike Missile with IIR seeker to hit Air Defense Systems like AKASH , PANTSIR,TOR-M2 and BUK , also PATRIOT , S300
-- 30 km MAM-T laser guided Bomb to hit even moving targets ..,,. ( bye bye İndian Tanks , Howitzers , MLRS )
-- 50 km KGK guided Bomb
-- 65 km GOKDOGAN and 25 km BOZDOGAN air to air missiles to hit Attack Helicopters and UCAVs
-- 8 km MIZRAK anti Tank Missile with top attack capability to destroy Tanks

An 18 AKINCI UCAV battalion can carry 288 MIZRAK anti Tank missiles, each capable of destroying a Tank

Pakistan also can use AKINCI UCAVs to turn İndian Warships into crap of metal

against İndian SHIVALIK class Frigate armed with BARAK-1 , SHTIL-1 SAMs with range of 15-30 km
against İndian KOLKATA class Destroyer armed with 32x BARAK-8 SAMs with range of 70 km

even 10 AKINCI UCAVs can carry 80 KUZGUN joint strike munitions for swarm attack on Frigates

80 KUZGUN joint strike munitions = $8 million
SHIVALIK class Frigate : $500 million

this is a hilarious uninformed view of drone warfare. Against a sophisticated peer or near peer adversary the only drone that will be combat effective is the autonomous ones. The rest will be falling out of the sky because it can't phone home. There is no need to destroy runways or attack communication nodes.
As the article says, these are being acquired for anti tank roles. I don't understand what role they will play in IN then?
Also 10 drones seems like a very small number for that purpose.
this is a hilarious uninformed view of drone warfare. Against a sophisticated peer or near peer adversary the only drone that will be combat effective is the autonomous ones. The rest will be falling out of the sky because it can't phone home. There is no need to destroy runways or attack communication nodes.

attack communication nodes ? so hard to find Turkish mobile communication nodes

to destroy runways ? then Pakistani F-16s and JF-17s also wont work

Pakistan has also Ballistic and Cruise Missiles to destroy runways in Indian Air Bases
and MQ-9 UCAVs wont work ..... so $3 billion is waste money for İndia to buy 30 MQ-9 UCAVs ?

As the article says, these are being acquired for anti tank roles. I don't understand what role they will play in IN then?
Also 10 drones seems like a very small number for that purpose.

Turkey’s extensive deployment of Armed Drones in its fight against Syrian Regime Forces in Idlib province has put forward a new military doctrine in the world

UCAVs are more effective than Attack Helicopters to destroy Tanks

An 18 Turkish AKINCI UCAV battalion can carry 288 MIZRAK anti Tank missiles, each capable of destroying a Tank
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MQ-9 UCAVs wont work ..... so $3 billion is waste money for İndia to buy 30 MQ-9 UCAVs ?

I really don't understand your point of view. The MQ-9 has an endurance of 48 hours. India is a massive country and the PAF does not have the reach nor the stand off munitions to target every airbase in India.

The price tag of the MQ-9 seems to have caused you striker shock. Have you researched the capability and assessed the technology roadmap of the MQ9? Is it able to operate and execute its mission autonomously supported by AI? Does it have redundant, fail safe communication capability? Can it operate in a electronically dense hostile environment? how well does it integrate with surface, airborne or space based assets? what happens when there is no GPS?

here are a few search phrases to help you along ...
Agile Condor
Gorgon Stare
Stellar Relay
I really don't understand your point of view. The MQ-9 has an endurance of 48 hours. India is a massive country and the PAF does not have the reach nor the stand off munitions to target every airbase in India.

Even Pakistan doesnt need to attack Air Bases ..... if Pakistan buy Turkish AKINCI UCAV

American MQ-9 UCAV is without AESA Radar and armed with only 8 km STINGER air to air missile ... so pathetic
Turkish AKINCI UCAVs equipped with AESA Radar and 25-65 km BOZDOGAN/GOKDOGAN air to air missiles easly can hunt MQ-9 UCAVs ... and bye bye $3 billion

and Pakistan can use AKINCI UCAVs even from highways with mobile communication nodes

no need Airbase

btw The MQ-9 has an endurance of 14 hours fully loaded

The price tag of the MQ-9 seems to have caused you striker shock. Have you researched the capability and assessed the technology roadmap of the MQ9? Is it able to operate and execute its mission autonomously supported by AI? Does it have redundant, fail safe communication capability? Can it operate in a electronically dense hostile environment? how well does it integrate with surface, airborne or space based assets? what happens when there is no GPS?

even most modern American , İsraeli and Russian Electronic Warfare Systems could not jam Turkish UCAVs to protect their proxies in Syria and Libya

and Turkish AKINCI UCAV has state of the art technology with 6 multi-core Artificial Intelligence Computers for signal processing, sensor fusion and situational awareness in real time.

AKINCI UCAV will be able to collect information by recording the data received from sensors and cameras on the UCAV through artificial intelligence computers

This artificial intelligence system that can detect the angle of tilting, standing and heading of the UCAV without the need for any external sensor or GPS

It will also provide environmental awareness using geographic information and advanced artificial intelligence system will have decision making feature by processing the data it obtains

American MQ-9 is a toy to compare with Turkish AKINCI in technology and firepower

only read please and learn about AKINCI UCAV
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Really....using drones to take out armour and anti aircraft systems.....inthink drones and the perfect answer
It is untested against a real foe, Armenia is a third world country with little to no money based and an army based off Soviet doctrine.
It is untested against a real foe, Armenia is a third world country with little to no money based off a Soviet doctrine.
In our environment drones will be vital in future. Additionally kamikaze drones for taking out armour and ground troops will be essential.

Gaza just showed the best systems can be overcome with sheer numbers.
In our environment drones will be vital in future. Additionally kamikaze drones for taking out armour and ground troops will be essential.

Gaza just showed the best systems can be overcome with sheer numbers.
I like Kamikaze drones far more than UCAVs in real conflicts. I think kamikaze drones like the Harop and Harpy for example could work for Pakistan SEAD tactics.

They are much more survivable in my opinion, and easier to conceal.
American MQ-9 is a toy to compare with Turkish AKINCI in technology and firepower

I believe a picture is worth a thousand words. Turkey uses civilian western components in its drone - it will not survive against a capable adversary.

But you are free to live in your la-la land.

I'm out.:turkey:

India should by now be able to make its own drones.

They are nowhere near as complex to make as a fighter aircraft.

100 million US dollar per drone is really, really expensive and even more than a F-35A flyaway price.

Look like making MALE UCAV drone is not as simple as people may think, just take example of Europe which has Dassault and Airbus, they havent made one until now, and even try to bring consortium of several European countries that has Aerospace industry to built it, latest news shows the program hasnt been started yet
I believe a picture is worth a thousand words. Turkey uses civilian western components in its drone - it will not survive against a capable adversary.

But you are free to live in your la-la land.

I'm out.:turkey:

He thinks Turkey makes all components for its UAVs when they rely on many vital Anglo-Saxon components.
It is untested against a real foe, Armenia is a third world country with little to no money based and an army based off Soviet doctrine.

Russians used most modern Air Defense Systems and Electronic Warfare Systems to stop Turkish Bayraktar TB-2 UCAVs in Syria ,Libya and Azerbaijan

İndia is nothing to stop Turkish Bayraktar TB-2 UCAVs ..... only Fighter Jets can stop Bayraktar TB-2 UCAVs
but İndian Jets can not enter Paakistani airspace

if İndia try to invade Pakistan , Turkish UCAVs can turn all İndian Tanks,Howitzers,MLRS,Attack Helicopters,etc into crap of metal

I like Kamikaze drones far more than UCAVs. I think kamikaze drones like the Harop and Harpy for example could work for Pakistan SEAD tactics.

1.000+ km Turkish KARGI anti-radiation Drone is coming for Pakistan

We dont need zionist crap
He thinks Turkey makes all components for its UAVs when they rely on many vital Anglo-Saxon components.

no any Anglo-Saxon components ......
What a ridiculous price to pay for drones. The Indians are outdoing even us in corruption.
Russians used most modern Air Defense Systems and Electronic Warfare Systems to stop Turkish Bayraktar TB-2 UCAVs in Syria ,Libya and Azerbaijan
Export Pantsirs are not top of the line air defense, they won't give top of the line to Wagner mercs which risks being captured.
no any Anglo-Saxon components ......
Stop lying, we all know you still rely on Western components whether you want to admit it or not. You are a vital part of NATO.:-)
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