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India will be Taliban's next target: Ex-NSA Narayanan

You haven't answered my question what is the aim of Taliban in Pakistan ??


1. earning money along with gaining power to push their agenda of aiding al-qaeda

2. serving their foreign masters by killing innocent Pakistanis fore creating more fear and law and order

3. weakening Pakistani federation to break Pakistan into parts again this serve interests of big fishes including India.

there are plenty others.

BUT what will these Taliban gain from attacking India and who will support them when their interests are already better served under Indian own interest and agenda against Pakistan

You are really a low life , why did you drag religion on discussions ?? How many Hindu terrorists are on UN terror list ??

;) NVM i believe every low life feels that the others are also like him so i can understand your feeling.

BTW bharatis here say hindutva is not limited to religion

1. earning money along with gaining power to push their agenda of aiding al-qaeda

2. serving their foreign masters by killing innocent Pakistanis fore creating more fear and law and order

3. weakening Pakistani federation to break Pakistan into parts again this serve interests of big fishes including India.

there are plenty others.

BUT what will these Taliban gain from attacking India and who will support them when their interests are already better served under Indian own interest and agenda against Pakistan

;) NVM i believe every low life feels that the others are also like him so i can understand your feeling.

Idiot religious bigot troll. :wave:

1. earning money along with gaining power to push their agenda of aiding al-qaeda

2. serving their foreign masters by killing innocent Pakistanis fore creating more fear and law and order

3. weakening Pakistani federation to break Pakistan into parts again this serve interests of big fishes including India.

there are plenty others.

BUT what will these Taliban gain from attacking India and who will support them when their interests are already better served under Indian own interest and agenda against Pakistan

Bro that u got wrong.....
Your growing instability is not just detrimental to u but also us...because whenever there is growing instability in pakistan there follows a very untoward incident in india also bro....
so stability of pak is good for india....
bro who told u such a perfectly baised news???????......
by defination any religionists are not terrorists unless they act in a fashion that are detrimental to country's security as a whole.....
when taliban acts it kills ur citizens ur armed personnel ur very prestige internationally,but still ur isi and govt dont realise....
perhaps bro u r getting what i mean to say....

Indeed they are killing our people and we are fighting against their terrorism.

All i am again and again asking you Indians why you believe these Taliban will attack you?
Indeed they are killing our people and we are fighting against their terrorism.

All i am again and again asking you Indians why you believe these Taliban will attack you?

bro iknew u wld put this question .....

i have answered u in my previous reply.... #228
Bro that u got wrong.....
Your growing instability is not just detrimental to u but also us...because whenever there is growing instability in Pakistan there follows a very untoward incident in india also bro....
so stability of pak is good for india....

Indeed an unstable Pakistan will be bad for India BUT your defence analysts are blind in hatred and still advocating invading and destabilizing Pakistan.

anyway why will Taliban attack India?

any guess?

Idiot religious bigot troll. :wave:

so you have accepted that you dont have any valid argument. :) Good for your health

1. earning money along with gaining power to push their agenda of aiding al-qaeda

2. serving their foreign masters by killing innocent Pakistanis fore creating more fear and law and order

3. weakening Pakistani federation to break Pakistan into parts again this serve interests of big fishes including India.

there are plenty others.

BUT what will these Taliban gain from attacking India and who will support them when their interests are already better served under Indian own interest and agenda against Pakistan

If The taliban mentioned by Narayan is TTP then you are absolutely right..... But i doubt he mentioned TTP.... He was referring to the other taliban which pakistan consider to be a Good one !!!!!!!!!
Indeed an unstable Pakistan will be bad for India BUT your defence analysts are blind in hatred and still advocating invading and destabilizing Pakistan.

anyway why will Taliban attack India?

any guess?

thats what u think of us and same on our side....

when there will be instability in pakistan what would be the general course of events....???
u know betr bro...
there then comes political consequences,and even a single small incident can provide a spark for a catastrophe....
If The taliban mentioned by Narayan is TTP then you are absolutely right..... But i doubt he mentioned TTP.... He was referring to the other taliban which pakistan consider to be a Good one !!!!!!!!!

:) i also feel so BUT if you have been following the history and their way of working and ideology then Afghan Taliban have NO interest in attacking India rather their movement never had any link to attacking India.

But again lets assume what Narayan is saying have any weight then he should have and must and you also if agree with him, give reasons why will Afghan Taliban attack India? what will they gain from it?

As far as i know Afghan Taliban if come to power will have better ties with India if they continued to complete their govt tenure.

Also recently India had invited Afghan Taliban leaders to conference and also India hinted at talks with Taliban.
:) i also feel so BUT if you have been following the history and their way of working and ideology then Afghan Taliban have NO interest in attacking India rather their movement never had any link to attacking India.

But again lets assume what Narayan is saying have any weight then he should have and must and you also if agree with him, give reasons why will Afghan Taliban attack India? what will they gain from it?

As far as i know Afghan Taliban if come to power will have better ties with India if they continued to complete their govt tenure.

Also recently India had invited Afghan Taliban leaders to conference and also India hinted at talks with Taliban.

It may be trie that they have no interest in attacking india .... at east directly.... But i am sure you remember the incident of IC814 and the support taliban provided for those terrorists..... Why would they do it if they do not have anything against india?
What is the basis of taliban exists??? a stupid interpretation of otherwise a good religion...... and What India is called or considered to be?? A Hindu nation...... dont you think that is enough to justify if they chose to do attack india considering how brain washed are these talibs ..

I have no idea what made narayan say that or my agreement with him make no difference either....

But it will be very difficult for India to have a cordial relationship with Taliban (if they come to power in Kabul) because of the way Taliban work.......
It may be trie that they have no interest in attacking india .... at east directly.... But i am sure you remember the incident of IC814 and the support taliban provided for those terrorists..... Why would they do it if they do not have anything against india?
What is the basis of taliban exists??? a stupid interpretation of otherwise a good religion...... and What India is called or considered to be?? A Hindu nation...... dont you think that is enough to justify if they chose to do attack india considering how brain washed are these talibs ..

I have no idea what made narayan say that or my agreement with him make no difference either....

But it will be very difficult for India to have a cordial relationship with Taliban (if they come to power in Kabul) because of the way Taliban work.......

No that is not even a considerable point let alone reason for Taliban to attack India.

If being Hindu is the reason then NEPAL is really a Hindu nation unlike India :)))))))))))))

The only contention of India is Pakistan's interests otherwise India will go hand in hand with taliban be sure
No that is not even a considerable point let alone reason for Taliban to attack India.

If being Hindu is the reason then NEPAL is really a Hindu nation unlike India :)))))))))))))

The only contention of India is Pakistan's interests otherwise India will go hand in hand with taliban be sure

Could be... But then Why did they supported terrorists when there was a plane hijacked and parked in their air port.... In fact they supported the terrorists when a plane with negotiators landed in Kandhahar..... They have taken position which was offensive towards the civilian air craft.....
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