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India will be betraying Muslims if it abandons Kashmir: Akbar

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I was expecting this reply lol.
It was the wish of the people of Gilgit -Baltistan to declare GB as a province of Pakistan. They have been demanding the status of Province for GB from almost 10 years but Pakistan have given them constitutional rights of Province not the status of Province. GB and Kashmir's separation is according to the Constitution of Azad Kashmir and not according to the constitution of Pakistan.

We have been demanding to be a Province of Pakistan for the past 60+ years unfortunately we are not being taken seriously. Even after more than 60 years we have still not given up in being part of Pakistan and hopefully our demands would be accepted.
By the way the accession of Gilgit-Baltistan was completely legal as the local people fought along side with the civilian and the military administration to liberate the area. After that they declared independence officially as a separate country and then asked Pakistan to accept Gilgit-Baltistan as a part of Pakistan. This way it was completely legal ............
The people of Kashmir, the MUSLIMS, could have wrested the power from the Dogra ruler without your 'HELP'.
They surely did and our tribal people helped them to do so. Its was the collective effort by the Muslims and For the Muslims, because of that you can see Azad Kashmir on Global Map today which kind of Hard reality which surely causes third degree Bottom-burns to our neighbours. :lol:

Oh crap,this guy oozes didacticism at every pore! No wonder India is always the stagnant victim of being inundated with the high-brows like him
This guy suffers with Limited Understanding Syndrome. There is possibly no cure for this Mental disorder.

We have been demanding to be a Province of Pakistan for the past 60+ years unfortunately we are not being taken seriously. Even after more than 60 years we have still not given up in being part of Pakistan and hopefully our demands would be accepted.
By the way the accession of Gilgit-Baltistan was completely legal as the local people fought along side with the civilian and the military administration to liberate the area. After that they declared independence officially as a separate country and then asked Pakistan to accept Gilgit-Baltistan as a part of Pakistan. This way it was completely legal ............
Pakistan's Stance on GB is same as it is for Azad Kashmir and Indian occupied Kashmir. Kashmir and People of GB should be given a right to take a decision about their Future by a Referendum which India have refused despite continous UN Resolutions.
Sooner or later , People of GB and Kashmir will surely be able to take the decision for their Future. Until then Visit Lahore and Enjoy some Nehari and NAN Chanay. GB and Kashmir are Pakistan for now. :D
Umm. Perhaps you have not read much about him.

The hate Indian Sunnis have for us is not due to books. But madarsas and knowledge passed down through generations. The rest of your observations are true. But not surprising.

Lest you forget - the Muslims of your Punjab, Sindh did not vote for Pakistan. Muslims from (what is today) India voted for Pakistan. No wonder they are far less tolerant.

But there are many very liberal and good natured Muslims out there as well. But they are a minority and don't dare to speak out about what they feel in the open. For obvious reasons.

Yes I am aware that the Pakistan Demand was not as popular in Punjab as it was in UP and the Muslim League didn't get support from Punjab till the 1946 elections. Before that the Punjab was dominated by the Unionist Party.

But how does that explain the Urdu speaking population who migrated to Pakistan in 1947, leaving relatives behind in India?

The Urdu speaking population in Pakistan is one of the most liberal communities in Pakistan but their relatives in India are from the most extreme Muslims on the subcontinent. Is there a explanation for this?

I take it from your posts that you accept that Hindus and Muslims are incompatible. So I infer that you support the two nation theory. And by extension you support the partition of India also? If every Indian thought like you Pakistan and India could co-exist peacefully, even if not as friends
Indians are the people who are pro-pork eating while being prohibited from eating beef,muslims are the type of vice versa,hog would fly if one day the two completely incompatible groups of people get along with eath other,it's like putting dogs and cats into the same cage,they never aligned so where is the so-called "betraying"? so why prolong the cold mutual-disdain period for so long in which both sides feel stifling,let's find a vent once and for all and turn this cold war made of mutual rancor and animus from cold into scorching,shall we?I bought popcorn
But Muhammad Sahab himself said that Cow meat is gunah. Indians don't have problem with beef. We have problem with cow meat and now you see we are actually in same standpoint. Both religions deny cow meat.
Oh crap,this guy oozes didacticism at every pore! No wonder India is always the stagnant victim of being inundated with the high-brows like him

Check up the word ... I take the same as a compliment. As for your generalization of statement ... personal attacks are the way to go .... carry on! As a person who reads military campaigns and history for his profession, I have a fair bit of inkling about the history of Indian subcontinent without your lectures pertaining to the history. We study our own national history, you bother about yours,

You call it Trolling :o:.
Oh Man, It was quite waste of time in arguing with person with Limited understanding. :hitwall:
And My level of understanding can't be Judged by a person who himself can't differentiate between the logical discussion and trolling.

Trolling : a deliberate attempt to inflame or excite emotions on a topic ......

Limited Understanding Syndrome? LOL ......

Indo-Pakistani Wars - New World Encyclopedia

Kashmir | Timeline 1947

Read the links .. neither Indian nor Pakistani ..... the history is there for all to see .... so that is why the word trolling is apt

The thread is about MJ Akbar and his statement and NOT history of J & K Conflict or the reasons thereto. If you have something to add in this context, please do .. do not deviate the thread in directions which have been flogged to death in different threads. It is an advice. Stop looking at flags and calibrating your answers accordingly. Before you even deviate into mental deficiencies or efficiencies of any forum member, please try and find out about the person.

All said, the message should be clear ... trolling a thread is counter productive. If you have something to add or denounce from MJ Akbar's statement do so ... do not troll.

And when you read a book written only by you and referred only by you it is not an authority for any one in the world. Your version of history is Pakistan's Only.

If you want to discuss the 47-48 campaign in details ... please come to the appropriate thread.

And for your information, there is nothing known as Limited Understanding Syndrome. Its a pathetic attempt at sounding like a physician. However, what we see here is an early advent of delusive personality (maybe schizophrenia?)

@waz please clean up the mess here, or close the troll thread. Apologies for my loosing my own control.
We make it better. Why you so jelly? :D

Please give some logical points. Not sentimental/ethical ideals.

Conversion is legal in India. Why would conversion of a people to another religion have to have negative repercussions? There have been mass conversions before as well. They happen now too.

Come out of the illusion that we are the GOOD and they are the BAD. Both are equally Good and equally Bad. These are subjective. There is no RIGHT way. I will share a System Dynamics model for you if you are not convinced. It is simple. Less Muslims in the Valley = less Islamic separatism. You want to try some other route - try it on the ground. :D

Mine is just another way to achieve the objective of a peaceful Kashmir. A peaceful Kashmir with little to no sectarian violence. And Pakistan will drop their demands as well.
You reminded my conversation with Kashmir atheist (Muslim) who says root of all the problem in Kashmir arises due to islamization of the valley ..... He currently is undergoing the learning of Buddhism in some location of Madhya Pradesh .....
He also told me very unfortunate story of conversion of Rojabal shrine from Buddhist / Hindus temples to Muslim shrine of Srinagar downtown.....
Check up the word ... I take the same as a compliment. As for your generalization of statement ... personal attacks are the way to go .... carry on! As a person who reads military campaigns and history for his profession, I have a fair bit of inkling about the history of Indian subcontinent without your lectures pertaining to the history. We study our own national history, you bother about yours,
I'm not interested in parsing your Indian riddles,spare me your martian style of talking,you Indians are enigmatic to me
You reminded my conversation with Kashmir atheist (Muslim) who says root of all the problem in Kashmir arises due to islamization of the valley ..... He currently is undergoing the learning of Buddhism in some location of Madhya Pradesh .....
He also told me very unfortunate story of conversion of Rojabal shrine from Buddhist / Hindus temples to Muslim shrine of Srinagar downtown.....

What you just said means you accept the two nation theory. Muslims (especially practising ones) are incompatible with Hindus and vice versa.
I second that. But I'd rather say "Ek Bihari Sab Pay Bhari - Jai Bihar". :p:
There are ... Just go to Opposite side of Krishna Dhaba( Dal gate ) who is normal tea seller with 3*5 feet chai shop extremely famous for his chai in the chill morning of Srinagar....
Just wait 370 to die in Jnk n see the real change....
There are ... Just go to Opposite side of Krishna Dhaba( Dal gate ) who is normal tea seller with 3*5 feet chai shop extremely famous for his chai in the chill morning of Srinagar....
Just wait 370 to die in Jnk n see the real change....


Keep talking

A few years ago Kashmiri Pandits paid a visit to Muzaffarabd. They asked the government of Pakistan for permission to visit their Sharda Temple in Azad Kashmir, one of the oldest Kashmiri Pandit heritage sites. They were refused permission.

Reading these Hindu posts about diluting the Muslim population of Indian occupied Kashmir makes me thank God Pandits were denied the chance to visit Sharda.
The Indo-Pak conflict wasn’t rooted in Geography but in ideology, BJP leader MJ Akbar said here Wednesday.

“India cannot abandon Kashmir precisely because it has Muslims… the Muslim is an equal citizen of India… the day you abandon Kashmir, you betray me. We are not a two nation theory… We are a one nation theory, “ he said during a session at the Counter Terrorism Conference here.

The BJP leader and Rajya Sabha member also stoked the intolerance debate again, saying India was the only country that allowed “audible” equality of all faiths in practice and those who talked about leaving the country should go and see if they could hear the Azaan in Washington.

“Secularism is a French word that (as it is) doesn’t apply to India. It either means separation of Church and State or the Marxist definition of elimination of religion.

“In India, all religions are equal not just in law but in society and in practice. My country is the only one where you hear the Azaan before dawn, followed by Hanuman temple bells, the Guru Granth Sahib and church bells. Nowhere else…will you get all this…audible,” he said.

“Those who talk about leaving the country… I challenge them to go hear the Azaan in Washington and then do a definitive report on the subject, “ Akbar added.

Talking about the Islamic State’s perceived geographic dominance designs, Akbar said Islam in itself had never been a sufficient factor for political unity of Islamic nations or there wouldn’t have been 22 Arabic countries.

“Since 1918, the sense of loss is deepest where there’s been a memory of power. And so the major theatre of conflict has been concentrated in the remnants of the Mughal empire and the Ottoman empire. At the heart of it is the romance of regression (and) the inability of many Muslim societies to come to terms with the modern world.

“Interestingly, the two principal countries of the Mughal and the Ottoman empires — India and Turkey — opted for modernity,” he said.

India will be betraying Muslims if it abandons Kashmir: Akbar | The Indian Express
First of India will be abandoning Jammu and Kashmir if it does so. J&K is a sacred trust. There should be no letting up to the yahoos.
What you just said means you accept the two nation theory. Muslims (especially practising ones) are incompatible with Hindus and vice versa.
Sorry not like that.... Hatreds are not drilled into our generations mind for Muslim ideology but the bigoted Muslims ....
Abdul Hamid ( Known for his valour in 1965 ) to Kalam sir are own heroes n will remain so ....
Sorry not like that.... Hatreds are not drilled into our generations mind for Muslim ideology but the bigoted Muslims ....
Abdul Hamid ( Known for his valour in 1965 ) to Kalam sir are own heroes n will remain so ....

According to our beliefs, any Muslim who fights against Muslims for non Muslims is no Muslim at all
According to our beliefs, any Muslim who fights against Muslims for non Muslims is no Muslim at all
You can join ISIS then.... Haha.... True way to serve green cause ....
Trolling : a deliberate attempt to inflame or excite emotions on a topic ......
O.K. I get it you can copy n Paste. But you don't understand what it means unfortunately.

The thread is about MJ Akbar and his statement and NOT history of J & K Conflict or the reasons thereto. If you have something to add in this context, please do .. do not deviate the thread in directions which have been flogged to death in different threads. It is an advice. Stop looking at flags and calibrating your answers accordingly. Before you even deviate into mental deficiencies or efficiencies of any forum member, please try and find out about the person.

All said, the message should be clear ... trolling a thread is counter productive. If you have something to add or denounce from MJ Akbar's statement do so ... do not troll.

And when you read a book written only by you and referred only by you it is not an authority for any one in the world. Your version of history is Pakistan's Only.

If you want to discuss the 47-48 campaign in details ... please come to the appropriate thread.

And for your information, there is nothing known as Limited Understanding Syndrome. Its a pathetic attempt at sounding like a physician. However, what we see here is an early advent of delusive personality (maybe schizophrenia?)
Whatever I said is totally related to the MJ Akbar's statement and Kashmir. I see you have started crying now so I'll just leave you with a little piece of Advice. Don't Jump in two people's discussion when you don't have enough courage to listen them back.
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