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India watching China's military growth: IAF Chief

Friend, have you already forgotten what Gen. Kapoor said?

96 hours!

In another word, they can readily dig their graveyard in 96 hours...

Really, Gpit, I sometimes become disappointed to see that China's foreign policies appearing naive immature and incompetent.

One is China's public relations policy. I cannot imagine, such a big rising country would have such worst kind PR. The hostiles bash China and China appears to be always submissive and apologetic and yes defensive, always giving explanations at least as far as India is concerned. China never says anything that might offend India and any predictions about war, but look at India, always talking about war which is nothing but threatening.

China's International media, oh my god!...:lol: that old govt pattern objective reporting. Emotionless gesture less feeling-less as if it is dying. Indian media once deliberately spread one lie that Chinese border patrols intruded into Indian territory and painted China on small rocks. But that so called territory is not disputed and not yet demarcated. Border patrols of both sides visit them temporarily. That means Chinese border patrols as well as Indian border patrols, both visit them routinely depending on changing seasons. Chinese media remained silent. No words. The world thought the silence is admission.
Also the Chinese border patrols never painted China on the rocks.

China's foreign diplomacy seems inferior to that of US. Only its US' jingoist aggressive war policies that have given some advantages to China. But look at India's foreign diplomacy, how it manages to go up the ladder by diplomacy. In case of India, China is acting like China has suddenly discovered India, but Indian story is not new.

I became pissed off by China's such fantastic vision, when the leadership declared the defense budget. So, China wants to be a global treasure without sufficient security. But economy and defense are substitutes for each other. As a bank needs security measures to resist robbers, a rising country needs defense to resist any invasion. But the leadership is saying China will rise economically, but will remain militarily defensive. PLA Colonel Dai Xu said in his book China cannot escape the calamity of war, and this calamity may come in the not-too-distant future, at most in 10 to 20 years, but the leadership declared such a poor defense budget.

Now, you see this South China sea issue will become a permanent headache for China, as it seems. Then Japan is there and now India, God knows, why it is preparing for a war... Just tell me, preparing for war, is it a normal gesture?
Manufactured or assembled or painted. It takes you decades to do anything. We don't waste time. You can be jealous. :D

We are fine with our "painted" products. Getting ready to sell them too. You keep "manufacturing" LCA ;)

India pays top Rupees to Russia to have Indian name painted on Russian missile and India calls it Brahmos Missile. LOL
Manufactured or assembled or painted. It takes you decades to do anything. We don't waste time. You can be jealous. :D

We are fine with our "painted" products. Getting ready to sell them too. You keep "manufacturing" LCA ;)

How many sold as of now?
DiD I ever say these are finished Products??? I hope not, if You have Observed it through your Divine eyes, How Can I be Held Responsible, I have Only Said We would be Happy making, If it was Made would I be Using the Bolded Phrase??
JF17 is a matured fighter and is in massive production.Compare jf17 with LCA which is not operational is not suitable.Let along what ever MRA,FGFA which are on paper.
Errr... sorry, I beg to differ. Putting aside sentiments, I think, you are over estimating China's air defense. Otherwise, this Indian official, (remember he is a professional defense personnel, not some internet fan-boy) would not have made this remark.

After doing a research, I believe, that was not a silly comment or over confidence. I don't know how much you know about IAF, but if you spend some hours and put some labor on internet, you will know its capability.

China is ahead, we all agree, but in terms of economy, not military. Thats plain fact, no matter whether some accept it or reject it.

If US engages China in South China sea, it would be virtually impossible for PLAAF to defend Tibet. I think, such plan exists. As far as my analysis is concerned, IA would play minor role in combat with China, rather it will be IAF which will execute all the onslaughts.

I think it is unnecessary to think so much.. First of all India will try to defend its area... to prevent intrusion.. If intrusion cannot be prevented and if india is in the face of defeat only all those daring gimmics will happen.. until then it is the borders that will matter... for sure both countries wont escalate the war outside the area they are intended to fight... as i have feeling that both of them are professional... may be here and there few areas like kashmir etc will be affected.. i think New Delhi and Beijing are out of scope for both of them...
I think it is unnecessary to think so much.. First of all India will try to defend its area... to prevent intrusion.. If intrusion cannot be prevented and if india is in the face of defeat only all those daring gimmics will happen.. until then it is the borders that will matter... for sure both countries wont escalate the war outside the area they are intended to fight... as i have feeling that both of them are professional... may be here and there few areas like kashmir etc will be affected.. i think New Delhi and Beijing are out of scope for both of them...

A few months ago, your Army Gen Deepak Kappor declared India can win war against both Pakistan and China and can even penetrate deep into Chinese territory within 96 hours. And now your Air force is saying it is also preparing for a multi dimensional war keeping China in mind. Your missile program is China specific.

India prepares for war. OK Right. But your military never mentions any country except China and Pakistan. That means the military preparation is China specific.

I can see, all your offensive military development is China specific. Then it is normal to consider it threatening.
That depends......if a country produces indigenous stuff then the growth is good but if a country depends on importing hardware from foreign sources then the growth is no good.

As for China's case....the growth is good because China is cutting down on foreign dependency while cranking out a lot of indigenous hardwares but that is not the case for India.

Not necessarily... If your local product is flawed or found to be less competent then :azn:.. how much ever you produce locally it is not going with stand... this applies to all the products even defence....

growth lies differently... economy or growth cannot be viewed in one angle only...it is a multi dimension.. multi impact factors... for (e.g.) if you own a company your profit is calculated like how effectively you spend the resource and how much profit you earn... Some time you earn good profit by spending on foreign stuff... for (e.g.) if you have a local machine which does a job in 10 hours and you spent so much of amount and resource to do the same job then you need to compare the same with foreign goods.. At the end of the life cycle of the product you calculate which has earned more profit and you go for it... a small portion of business will have such angle... then think of economy.. think of growth.. it is beyond lot of peoples level... including me :agree:.. samjee :agree:...
China's superb economic growth over the last 2 decades is an enviable achievement and is infact a superb example for all poor nations to emulate. With the kind of economic clout that China has, it has the wherewithal to influence global issues like the U.S. Unfortunately, for all the wealth and power that China has, China is still viewed with suspicion. The reasons for this are -- 1) China is not a democracy. Had China been a democracy it would not have faced the kind of negativity it is currently facing ... basically, in todays world no one trusts a dictatorship 2) China's policy of associating with rogue nations like N.Korea, Sudan and Gen. Musharaf's former home country ... basically, in today's world you are known by the company you keep. If you hang around with villains you will be treated as one. 3) Unnecessary military posturing towards unnecessary pieces of land -- arunachal pradesh, spratly islands. By openly coveting these areas, China has portrayed itself as an agressor to the whole world which I feel was a very stupid and cheap move by a powerful country like China.

I believe strongly that if it weren't for the 3 reasons mentioned above China could easily be a global counter weight to the U.S.A and it could easily be the a major player in international affairs just like the U.S.
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A few months ago, your Army Gen Deepak Kappor declared India can win war against both Pakistan and China and can even penetrate deep into Chinese territory within 96 hours. And now your Air force is saying it is also preparing for a multi dimensional war keeping China in mind. Your missile program is China specific.

India prepares for war. OK Right. But your military never mentions any country except China and Pakistan. That means the military preparation is China specific.

I can see, all your offensive military development is China specific. Then it is normal to consider it threatening.

Absolutely wrong, sir.

Read the reports carefully. These reports clearly indicate that India is looking into methods to "defend itself in case of an invasion". Nowhere is it mentioned that India will be the first attacker.
We never talk about any other countries because these two countries are the only real threats we have. Most other countries are friendly towards India. China to an extent is also friendly but it is hard to trust China after 1962, China's interference in Kashmir issue, and China claiming AP to be part of China.

We have China specific development and missile program because China is the only significant threat we face.
China's superb economic growth over the last 2 decades is an enviable achievement and is infact a superb example for all poor nations to emulate. With the kind of economic clout that China has, it has the wherewithal to influence global issues like the U.S. Unfortunately, for all the wealth and power that China has, China is still viewed with suspicion. The reasons for this are -- 1) China is not a democracy. Had China been a democracy it would not have faced the kind of negativity it is currently facing ... basically, in todays world no one trusts a dictatorship 2) China's policy of associating with rogue nations like N.Korea, Sudan and Gen. Musharaf's former home country ... basically, in today's world you are known by the company you keep. If you hang around with villains you will be treated as one. 3) Unnecessary military posturing towards unnecessary pieces of land -- arunachal pradesh, spratly islands. By openly coveting these areas, China has portrayed itself as an agressor to the whole world which I feel was a very stupid and cheap move by a powerful country like China.

I believe strongly that if it weren't for the 3 reasons mentioned above China could easily be a global counter weight to the U.S.A and it could easily be the a major player in international affairs just like the U.S.

I am sorry to be rude here but your points are utterly foolish

1. Who in the world told you that Democracy is the best form of governent?. The word democracy was invented by the Americans inorder to exert their control over other nations by Exporting democracy.

The earlier periods during Monarchy, Communism have all been Dictatorships and all have been superpowers.

Sorry but this notion of Democracy = PROGRESS + Development is uttetly flawed to say the least.
Yup. Rayban chose China over India to produce Ray ban Glasses.

Painting is better than Stealing Candu Nuke secret to build "Indian" nukes.

Doesnt make sense if you take the credit of there hard work ... does it???

And you have some proof for the candu Nuke burst??? ....
China's superb economic growth over the last 2 decades is an enviable achievement and is infact a superb example for all poor nations to emulate. With the kind of economic clout that China has, it has the wherewithal to influence global issues like the U.S. Unfortunately, for all the wealth and power that China has, China is still viewed with suspicion. The reasons for this are --

1) China is not a democracy. Had China been a democracy it would not have faced the kind of negativity it is currently facing ... basically, in todays world no one trusts a dictatorship

It has nothing to do with democracy. China bashing led by the West has to do with White people's fear of a "Yellow Peril". Especially the USA is afraid of losing her sole Superpower title to China.

2) China's policy of associating with rogue nations like N.Korea, Sudan and Gen. Musharaf's former home country ... basically, in today's world you are known by the company you keep. If you hang around with villains you will be treated as one.

"My enemy's enemy is my friend"
China was forced to be friends with USA's enemy or else China
would be let alone to face American Hegemony.

3) Unnecessary military posturing towards unnecessary pieces of land -- arunachal pradesh, spratly islands. By openly coveting these areas, China has portrayed itself as an agressor to the whole world which I feel was a very stupid and cheap move by a powerful country like China.

USA and the West has always pictured China as the "aggressor" not matter what the situation was. USA could easily picture India as an aggressor whenever Indians talked about reclaiming Pakistan's portion
of Kashmir.

I believe strongly that if it weren't for the 3 reasons mentioned above China could easily be a global counter weight to the U.S.A and it could easily be the a major player in international affairs just like the U.S.

I disagree.
Manufactured or assembled or painted. It takes you decades to do anything. We don't waste time. You can be jealous. :D

We are fine with our "painted" products. Getting ready to sell them too. You keep "manufacturing" LCA ;)

India's economy doesnt depend on exports... it is of local demand.. we dont need to expand to grow.... that is india for you...

Secondly If you dont waste time in manufacturing or assembling and you are happy with the painted product.. then it is a really good thing for us :agree:... Please we dont need to talk OT...

We are watching China and it is good for us.. better be watchful than sorry later... China have there might for sure... we have our fist to hold china for now hopefully even in future...
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