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India was aware of assasination attempt on Musharraf: George

Now he remembers to tell the world after three years. You know how much of a plus it would've been for the Indian government to boast "We saved Musharraf's life!"

As they say in Salam Namaste, short term memmories :lol:

Pak denies RAW tip-off on Musharraf assassination bid Add to Clippings
[ 25 Feb, 2004 2039hrs ISTPTI ]
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ISLAMABAD: Rejecting as "fallacious" reports that RAW tipped off ISI about a third assassination attempt on President Pervez Musharraf ahead of last month's SAARC summit, Pakistan today ruled out cooperation between the intelligence agencies of the two countries until "confidence" was restored in bilateral ties.

"Do not rely on it. This piece of information is incorrect and fallacious. There is no collaboration and coordination taking place between ISI and RAW. I can reject it categorically and I can state it with full confidence," Pakistan Foreign Office spokesman Masood Khan told reporters here, referring to a report in the Indian media on RAW's tip-off to ISI.

He also ruled out sharing of intelligence information between the two counties in the light of the present thaw in the relations. "What we have to do is to build confidence, first and then at a much later stage share intelligence. That stage arrives, when you have a mature relationship. We have to resolve our disputes first."

Khan also said Pakistan would raise the issue of India's construction of fencing along the LoC in the composite dialogue process agreed to by both the countries this month to discuss Kashmir and other issues.

Pakistan has raised its concern with the Indian government on the fencing issue and kept the United Nations informed about the development, he said and reiterated Islamabad's stand that fencing was a violation of bilateral agreements and UN Security Council resolutions.

This info sharing surfaced up right after the assasination attempt, so there may be some truth to it.
I think the private security cordon for Musharraf is done by CIA using the latest American equipment, jammers etc.

Emperor Bush protecting his man in Pakistan? ;)

srirangan its called spytech and any body with a licence can purchase products from them.jammers are actually old news ;)

isnt this the same empror thats giving u nuclear tech and other military hardware.

badshah bush is good for indians more then for us eh srirangan
Haha, let us compare it:

1. Give nuclear fuel for Plants
2. Protect a military leader who's carrying out your war

How are they the same? :P
As they say in Salam Namaste, short term memmories :lol:

This info sharing surfaced up right after the assasination attempt, so there may be some truth to it.
Just more efficient credit whorin.
Talk about credit whoring .. Musharraf - In The Light Of Fire.

"we won kargil, india copied our nukes, 71 defeat zab's fault, nawaz's fault, benazir's fault, I saved Pakistan, I saved A.Q. Khan .. yada yada yada.."


"india copied our nukes" = claim

Even if you worship Mushy like you do, there is no substance. Mushy is the credit 'whore', he is also appearing to be a media and PR 'whore'.

Oh I am using the terms you used Asim .. ;)
he still presented an argumetn and only said maybe.

fernandez is beating up a dead horse to claim some stardom since the musharraf assasination attempts are the talk of the town again.
Haha, let us compare it:

1. Give nuclear fuel for Plants
2. Protect a military leader who's carrying out your war

How are they the same? :P

sorry srirangan u have your facts mixed up.not nuclear fuel nuclear technology.
military hardware.

and what are they giving pakistan hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yeah u are right badshah bush is good for pakistan i say but u are good at twisting words :toast:
Talk about credit whoring .. Musharraf - In The Light Of Fire.

"we won kargil, india copied our nukes, 71 defeat zab's fault, nawaz's fault, benazir's fault, I saved Pakistan, I saved A.Q. Khan .. yada yada yada.."


srirangan didnt u and other indians went out and claimed it was pakistan president who ran to usa for help to stop kargil..

NEW DELHI, Sep 25(Online): The Indian Army Monday refuted Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf’s claims of "victory" in the 1999 Kargil conflict in Jammu and Kashmir and that a lesser Pakistani force had tied down four divisions of Indian soldiers.

The fighting ended (after then US President Bill Clinton(wonder who was under his tabble ) summoned (then Pakistani prime minister Nawaz Sharif to Washington and directed him to order a ceasefire)," a senior army official said, speaking on condition of anonymity:army: .

this clearly shows indians were there lobbying Americans and this is admited by your own army:partay: .i guess nawaz was orderd by americans.and it wasnt nawaz who went to washington volunterly.:chilli:

oh i almost forgot indians loved benazir and nawaz as they were making paksitan nothing more then a bankrupt state economically and politically. so obviously it must have given u(indians) heart burn when musshy is turning things around ..
Dude, your posts make no sense. What are you trying to say, and what is your point? Did you understand my previous messages?
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