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India wants second line of fighter jets: Report

If everything goes right, by next year Indian airforce would start getting aircrafts from 3 production lines( MKI, Tejas in India while Rafale from France? In total around 30 aircrafts every year.
Honestly how do you guys do it?

Check the list you gave afterwards, the first two spots and the last!

When France enters our modern times ( post-WWII ), its chance is big
and so are its ambitions. A few men, a tall Army guy turned politician in
particular, understood self-reliance to be a strategical sine qua non.

To achieve it would have to come at low costs or it would not happen.
The answer is thus necessity.

There is more to say about why in relation to other main powers & supers
but it touches on so many subjects and circumstances it would turn into
an essay and become off-topic.

Do find my post on DGA though. It is timely that you asked, Tay.
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I understand what a MLU is and it's costly and worth it, but I feel India had a good chance of building brand spanking new Mirage-2000 10 years ago. now you are 10 squadrons short of ideal to handle a two front war.

You can win Battle with imported Weapon not the WAR.
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