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India: Violence Against Women on the Rise


Sep 12, 2008
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March for women's right in India

India's reputation as an unsafe country for women has taken another hit. The current problem is that the incidents of rape, sexual molestation and harassment have been followed by dubious attempts by perpetrators and law enforcers to arm-twist the course of justice. The affected are not just citizens but also foreign tourists. India has ranked 113th out of 130 nations in a study conducted by the World Economic Forum on gender parity.
Official statistics show that rape is the fastest growing crime in India compared to murder, robbery and kidnapping. Every 60 minutes, two women are raped in this country, according to the latest report prepared by the home ministry's National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB).

A total of 20,737 cases of rape were reported in 2007 year registering a 7.2% increase over the previous year, with central Indian state Madhya Pradesh the "rape capital" of the country, with the biggest number of such crimes.

Madhya Pradesh (3,010) accounted for 14.5 % of the total cases, with West Bengal following with 2,106 such incidents. Records of high incidence in other states are Uttar Pradesh (1,648), Bihar (1,555) and Rajasthan (1,238).

According to NCRB, 19,348 rape cases were reported in 2006 registering a 678% increase since 1971, when records commenced.

One-quarter of the victims were minors, 75% of culprits were known to victims and 10% were relatives.

These figures are underestimations as many incidents go unreported due to fear of stigma and non awareness of rights; there are also the countless cases of eve teasing, indecent gazes, pinching, brushes and comments that infringe upon the rights of women, especially in overcrowded spaces and public transport buses and trains.

This year, communal violence in the state of Orissa in August was marked by the rape and naked parade of a Christian nun in Kandhamal, Orissa.

The traumatized victim in a press conference in New Delhi recounted her ordeal and demanded that the case be shifted to a court out of Orissa as she had no faith in the local police probe.

Elsewhere, in February 2008, Scarlett Keeling a British teenager was found dead, raped at Goa's famous Anjuna beach. Investigations have reached a dead end.

On October 2, 2008, Goa education minister's son was accused of raping a 14-year old German girl. The status of the case is unsettling as the lawyer of the minor's mother was brutally attacked by hooligans.

Following reports of harassment by Goa police, known to side with drug and real estate mafia and fearing a similar fate for her daughter as Scarlet, the German mother withdrew her complaint.

In a letter to the media she said: "We are constantly hounded, our names sullied, campaigns organized against us and all sorts of motives attributed to us."

In New Delhi, on the eve of last Christmas, a British woman was brutally assaulted. The victim has alleged that the Indian government is not seriously dealing with attacks on foreign women tourists as official prosecutors failed to appear in her case.

"If the government fails to turn up at the Supreme Court, that's not taking it seriously; sexual crime against women in India should be taken very seriously", she said.

The Delhi Police Annual Report of 2007 says that in 64% cases, crime against women were committed in homes and 5% had occurred in the slum areas.

The Constitution of India in Article 21 lays down the right of every person to life and liberty. Justice Arjit Pasayat has remarked that "while a murderer destroys the physical frame of the victim, a rapist defiles and degrades the soul of a helpless female.''

In a landmark case in 1997 of Vishaka vs. the State of Rajasthan relating to fundamental rights of working women, sexual harassment was identified as a separate illegal behavior, for the first time.

Recent changes in law have extended scope of criminal liability to charge a husband in the rape of his wife; sexual act with a minor even after consent is punishable and sexual history of the woman cannot be used to undermine her case.

The fact remains that there is sufficient information about crime against women that calls for appropriate remedial actions.

As per the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network, in America 1/6th of women and 1/33 the men are likely to face sexual assault in their life time and 73% of the rapists are known to their victims.

The image of India as a tourist destination and more importantly the rights of an individual needs a complete overhaul. There is a need for a drastic change in attitudes and mindsets.

The Goa, Orissa and Delhi cases show that the system tilts in favor of the rich and politically powerful.

Poor investigations, harsh cross examination of victims, senseless adjournment of cases and faulty assessment of evidence and furnishing of evidence by victims in presence of culprits are areas that need reforms.

Section 155(4) of the Evidence Act, whereby the victim is cross examined in the presence of the accused and her past sexual history is recorded is an obstacle as well.

Misdemeanors directed against women have always taken a particular form of commercial interest. Despite changes in the Indian patriarchal system private ownership of property needs radical assessment to tackle marital rape.

As India develops, it stands analyzed: what good can come of a nation that cannot respect women's rights.

Toward Freedom - India: Violence Against Women on the Rise
A total of 20,737 cases of rape were reported in 2007 year registering a 7.2% increase over the previous year, with central Indian state Madhya Pradesh the "rape capital" of the country, with the biggest number of such crimes.

I feel sorry for those women. The problem rises when the ELITE class decides to completely change the thinking of the general public and the Influx of "Derogatory" Movies and Images take over the society within a couple of decades. If it wouldn't lead to frustration, and violence towards women, what else is it good for?
Safety of women in Pakistan is not also bright,heard the case of Mukhtar Mai's.
so its not case of India only but whole subcontinent is filled with sex starved souls.
Please have a look at the following and judge yourself the condition of women in Pakistan.


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You've truly excelled yourself in the art of derailing threads. This thread is about the violence towards women in INDIA. You don't have to act like a kid and start posting videos about Pakistan to justify your petty soul's thirst for some sort of a revenge.
Indeed the situation on the entire subcontinent is horrible for women and women are oppressed, though in regards to India the situation is numerically worst as India's massive population is in deep poverty, poor education, poor infrastructure, poor discipline, and a suppressive culture for women in general, etc...

Also Bollywood's negative impact on Indian society and on the minds of Hindu Indian men has not been very good to counter violence against women, as Bollywood films glorify women as mere sex objects and show violent scenes of women being beaten...

This really damages society and women take the brunt of it...

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