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India using terror as ‘a propaganda ploy,' alleges Pakistan

India using terror as ‘a propaganda ploy,' alleges Pakistan

Show the proof and present them in front of UN and other world powers like we did or Else it never Happen..!

Just pure Fake Allegation not more then this....:coffee:

Last line If you can;t prove it then "Who the **** Cares ..!
india needs to stop using its influence on western media to portray pakistan as the bad guys. pakistan has suffered more than any other nation on earth in the hands of the miscreants. all this does is create panic and anger among the populace. i mean just today this article was in bbc

BBC News - Mumbai manhunt for 'four Lashkar-e-Taiba militants'

I think that you over estimate our influence on the western media, they in their own right are genuinely concerned about terror.

But the again why don't we look at this from another angle, "the establishment" in Pakistan stops supporting LeT, JeM and other terror organizations and automatically all this negative publicity ceases. Is that not something not worth thinking about?
india needs to stop using its influence on western media to portray pakistan as the bad guys. pakistan has suffered more than any other nation on earth in the hands of the miscreants. all this does is create panic and anger among the populace. i mean just today this article was in bbc

BBC News - Mumbai manhunt for 'four Lashkar-e-Taiba militants'

What is wrong in an article warning people about a possible terrorist attack. Had such intelligence been available before the Mumbai attack may have been avoided.

The 26/11 Mumbai Attacks have been traced to Let which is based in Pakistan. This has been proved, nothing said in the article is in error.

If you are claiming that the article is anti-Pakistani, then you also say that LeT is a state tool owned by Pakistan.
dude please change the avatar it is very offensive else we will start doing the same


edited :
its just the starting this avatar will stay till u remove urs..............

What a nice punch man…….. keep it up. Latho ke bhhot bato se nahi mante.

Now change your avtar buddy.
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