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India ,Us, Iran secret Nexus?US Says It Won’t Impede India’s Chabahar Project


Sep 20, 2014
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US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley on June 27 told India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi that Washington would back his country’s plan to develop the Iranian seaport of Chabahar to open up a trade route to Afghanistan that avoids its arch-rival Pakistan.

“We realize we’re threading a needle when we do that,” said Haley on a visit to India, describing the balancing act of ensuring Indian use of the Iranian port while the US simultaneously attempts to throttle Iran’s economy to force it to renegotiate the nuclear deal, bne IntelliNews reported.

India sees Chabahar, Iran’s only oceanic port, as vital to its ambition of shipping goods directly across the Indian Ocean for further transiting across Iranian territory by rail and road to landlocked Afghanistan and Central Asian markets.

The transportation corridor would help cut Afghanistan’s dependence on neighboring Pakistan.

“We know the port has to happen and the US is going to work with India to do that,” Haley, the daughter of Indian immigrants, said. “We know that they’re [India] being a great partner with us in Afghanistan and really trying to assist the US and trying to do more. The port is vital in trying to do that.”

In February, Iran said it had agreed to lease operational control of Chabahar, located on the Sea of Oman, to India for 18 months.

China has also expressed some interest in using Chabahar for some of its export flows but part of the rationale for India developing the port is to develop a rival to the Pakistani transit port of Gwadar, which China is developing to further its own trade ambitions for Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia.

Gwadar, on the shore of Sea of Oman, is located just 90 km from Chabahar.

Indian Union Minister Nitin Gadkari recently said India is trying to make Chabahar Port operational by 2019.

Moreover, Indian shipping ministry officials have been recently quoted as saying that notwithstanding the US plans to impose fresh sanctions on Iran’s nuclear deal, India is all set to begin interim operations in the strategically important Chabahar Port project.

As per the memorandum of understanding signed between India and Iran in May 2016, India would equip and operate two terminals in Chabahar Port Phase-I with a capital investment of $85.21 million and annual revenue expenditure of $22.95 million on a 10-year lease.

“We have been able to enter Chabahar Port for interim operations, which will start from June 13,” said shipping secretary, Gopal Krishna, earlier this month.

The shipping ministry has also started the process of inviting fresh bids to select an Indian partner to manage, operate and maintain the port for the next 10 years.

Iran’s only oceanic port, Chabahar, dubbed “international gateway” by Iranian officials, consists of two separate ports named Shahid Kalantari and Shahid Beheshti.

President Hassan Rouhani inaugurated the first phase of Shahid Beheshti Port in the presence of some 70 visiting dignitaries from 17 countries in December.

The opening of the first phase (out of five phases defined for the project) has tripled its capacity to 8.5 million tons (equal to that of all the northern ports of the country) and will allow the docking of super-large container ships (between 100,000 DWT and 120,000 DWT) and increase India’s connectivity with Afghanistan.


U.S says it won't

BUT in reality it will

Between the Taliban and the U.S trying to harm iran it will put sufficient squeeze on Chabahar to make it useless
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What a stupid article, why would Iran ever be in US camp. Iran is in anti Israel camp, also Iran has anti Saudi camp. Which is not going to change for next 50 years.

US has allowed Chahbhar port, coz US knows this port idea is foolish and destined to fail.
“We realize we’re threading a needle when we do that,” said Haley on a visit to India
This sums it up. Chah is not going very far. It's impossible to hurt Iran but not hit Chah. Chah Bahar is in Iran. This "threading neadle" is just sugar coating for Modi ..... for what is a bitter pill.
U.S says it won't

BUT in reality it will

Between the Taliban and the U.S trying to harm iran it will put sufficient squeeze on Chabahar to make it useless

US trying to harm Iran, while Iran trying to harm Pakistan... choose your sides!
US trying to harm Iran, while Iran trying to harm Pakistan... choose your sides!
Please explain, how?

Although I dont believe in this nexus theory. But even if it exist, we can break it by giving Afghanistan more and cheaper access. Whats the big deal..
Just one port build for economic reasons ( not economically viable though ) wont put Iran in any strategic relationship with India.
You and your tribe are trying so hard to sell, that Indians are most stupid, when it comes to spending $. I envy your courage!
In real world.... India would never give a penny to any country. We are talking here 1/2 $billion or even more.
You have to see it logically....
Chabahar port is connected to the newly built road in Afghanistan, which connects US bases.
However you or any one else wish to sugar coat it, this will remain an alternate supply route for US forces in Afghanistan. For US it's not difficult to declare $billions as unaccountable.
As everyone else can see, chabahar port has no economical importance for India or Iran... because just 100 k.M apart there exist Bandar Abbas.
You and your tribe are trying so hard to sell, that Indians are most stupid, when it comes to spending $. I envy your courage!
In real world.... India would never give a penny to any country. We are talking here 1/2 $billion or even more.
You have to see it logically....
Chabahar port is connected to the newly built road in Afghanistan, which connects US bases.
However you or any one else wish to sugar coat it, this will remain an alternate supply route for US forces in Afghanistan. For US it's not difficult to declare $billions as unaccountable.
As everyone else can see, chabahar port has no economical importance for India or Iran... because just 100 k.M apart there exist Bandar Abbas.
What you mean me an my tribe? Rest of your post is based on your point of view , which means nothing to me. So whats wrong with having an alternate US route?? So you are saying Iran will let US use that route? You must be high on some real cheap stuff.
What you mean me an my tribe?
above the law of Pakistan - tribe.
You can kill, shoot, loot, scoot, abuse, slander, label, accuse.... basically you have super rights in Pakistan, you may even choose to pass your wishes to army chief of Pakistan. It's 80% chance that President of Pakistan and bureaucracy is your family and tribe.
Rest of your post is based on your point of view
If you read my post carefully, i said logically... a country who would not throw a dry bone to a dog without having prospects full cow in return, would never spent $ 1/2 billion on a project which every on is saying a fail !!!!!!
I'm surprised... when THE tribe doubts on Investment skills of Indian regime!

So whats wrong with having an alternate US route??
I never said it's wrong for US to have an alternate supply route.

So you are saying Iran will let US use that route?
Now you are suddenly interested in my ''POV'' OK!
FYI, Iran is not allowed to operate even a grocery shop in Chabahar and for Pakistani consumption....India would be supplying to ''Northern Alliance'' not to US army.
Rest of the world neither care and Iran anyway is a closed country. No one knows... what goes around.
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