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India, UK should keep eye on China military:British defence secretary Liam Fox

Well it's their choice. :tup:

My perspective: Joining the US camp means that India will have to sacrifice their Independent foreign policy, and risk being drawn into many unwanted future conflicts. Such risk and volatility is not conducive to strong GDP growth, which is the most important thing right now.

Of course I hardly expect the GoI to take my personal opinion into account. At the end of the day, India will make a decision... and we'll live with it. No point in me complaining about it.

we havent sacrificed our independent foreign policy anytime.
US pressured hard on india to send its troops into afghanistan but we resisted. we just sent out medical team to help war torn afghans. same was the case with iraq.

GOI knows india cant be invloved in any expensive military opertion.we will continue to engage with all countries be it UK, US or china.
Call me just another Indian but I'm still not getting the picture. CD you seem to tread on the middle path and free of unnecessary smartassery. Why do you think India and US mending their relation should anyway be an obstacle for China?

Having US military influence next door to China is never a good thing. At the very least the US found in India a convenient airbase in the case of a Sino-US conflict over Taiwan.
God forbid. Let's not replicate a Pakistan here in India!

I see you can't resist a jab at Pakistan even when it is entirely unnecessary and the discussion is civil and reasonable. Good for you. You nurture that hatred and keep it going. I am sure carrying it around will do wonders for you.
I see you can't resist a jab at Pakistan even when it is entirely unnecessary and the discussion is civil and reasonable. Good for you. You nurture that hatred and keep it going. I am sure carrying it around will do wonders for you.

Not sure how is it hateful to Pakistan. The post was as hateful to Pakistan as sarcastic your post was to India.

Let's end it here, bringing Pakistan to the topic was not a wise thing to do, I agree.
Having US military influence next door to China is never a good thing. At the very least the US found in India a convenient airbase in the case of a Sino-US conflict over Taiwan.

US airbase in India? Why do you think India would allow any other country to operate an air base in India? :O

And US-India tie has more to do with business. We have negligible defense exchange with them.
US airbase in India? Why do you think India would allow any other country to operate an air base in India? :O

To scr*w China.
India doesn't have to give Americans permanent bases, just let their military hardware pass through. Or lease them temporary air strips.
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To scr*w with China.

---------- Post added at 03:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:22 AM ----------

India doesn't have to give Americans permanent bases, just let their military hardware pass through. Or lease them temporary air strips.

Leasing temporary air strip is out of any possibilities. US have enough bases surrounding China to get their military pass through.

I'm not sure if I have the right idea of scr*wing, but it would incredibly bad scre*ing, in a way almost scre*ing yourself to let a country to use your land for offensive activity against your nuclear neighbour!
lol ab main kya bolun...:blink:

1. Drone attacks.
2. Blackwater.
3. Kerry Lugar Bill.

I am confused. Are you mentioning these as the good or the bad things? Both the Pakistan Gov and the US Gov say Blackwater doesn't exist in Pakistan, so that's not even disputed. Yes, there are the Zaid Hamid types, but I didn't think you were a Zaid Hamid admirer... I guess one is surprised every day.

The KL Bill will dispense 7.5B, and after a lot of back and forth, the terms are now even acceptable to the Army, plus another 2.some B was added in military supplies to make it an even 10B. This is the kind of thing your press cites to suggest Pakistan is using the US.

And as for the Drone Attacks, if you know how to use Google Earth, or just plain Google, look around for images of Predators and Reapers parked at Airbases in Pakistan. If you try, I am sure you will find them. What more evidence do you need that the drone program is happening as a collaboration between Pakistan and the US? Also, look for articles that detail joint manning of intelligence centres by CIA and ISI officers. These centres are in Pakistan and Afghanistan and make calls on which targets to get. Finally, humint for these attacks is provided by the ISI.

By the way, before you degenerate this thread into another, "Pakistan vs India, who is being used more?" discussion, sit back for a moment and think about something calmly. The reason why everyone *now* alleges that Pakistan is using the US is precisely because this time around, our approach to relations with the US has *not* been what it was historically. We have learnt our lesson. We are not going to repeat the mistakes of the past. There are nuances to this relationship now that never existed previously.

For example, in the '60s, we gave US U2 Spy aircraft basing privileges at Badaber Airforce Base in Peshawar. Garry Powers' famous May Day mission was flown from Peshawar. He got shot down. Khruschev was furious and he publicly threatened to nuke Peshawar. Instead of making a statement that extended the US nuclear umbrella to Pakistan, the US gave a weak and pathetic statement which made everyone in Pakistan feel betrayed. But we soldiered on in partnership with them. That is called being used & betrayed. When you give a friend the use of your house to spy on his enemy - not even a common enemy - and when the enemy threatens to burn down your house, your friend stands aside washing his hands of his role in your predicament.

Then there are so many countless other examples, such as the embargo placed on us in '65 when Russia was continuing to arm India, the refusal of the USG to meet the defence requirements list we sent them when signing the SEATO/CENTO pact, and in more recent times, the F-16s, Afghanistan abandonment, leaving 4M refugees in a developing country like Pakistan for us to bear the burden etc. etc.

Today, if Pakistan is seen as "using" the relationship with the US, the only response to this can be, "No sh1t, Sherlock!". We are not going to get roped in like we did in the past.

What I am telling you is not that you are bad and we are good, or you are stupid and we are smart. I am telling you that we have had an experience - some of the details of which I am sharing with you above - and we have learnt our lesson. If you can learn from our past to improve your future, wonderful.

If instead you want to throw sticks and stones at us and give me nonsensical 3-item bullet points to somehow continue with the rather boring and passe, "ooo pakistan bad" story line, then so be it. It speaks to your own mental capacity, and not much else.
Leasing temporary air strip is out of any possibilities. US have enough bases surrounding China to get their military pass through.

I'm not sure if I have the right idea of scr*wing, but it would incredibly bad scre*ing, in a way almost scre*ing yourself to let a country to use your land for offensive activity against your nuclear neighbour!

And if Americans promise you fortune glory and the protection of their nuclear umbrella?
Call me just another Indian but I'm still not getting the picture. CD you seem to tread on the middle path and free of unnecessary smartassery. Why do you think India and US mending their relation should anyway be an obstacle for China?

Well if India and the USA work to increase their diplomatic/economic relationship, that is not a problem at all.

The worry is that the USA and India will increase their "military" relationship, as DesiGuy was saying.

TigerShark got it right, when he said that China doesn't want American influence on its borders. For geostrategic/political reasons etc.
The combined Defence budget of Nato counteries is far more than the Chinese.
These guys are bound to fight another Cold War and this time the Adversery for them is China.
The combined Defence budget of Nato counteries is far more than the Chinese.
These guys are bound to fight another Cold War and this time the Adversery for them is China.

Why would China and NATO have a Cold war?

We are halfway across the world from each other, and strong trading partners.
And if Americans promise you fortune glory and the protection of their nuclear umbrella?

Nuclear umbrella won't protect us from another nuclear umbrella to happen in our country.

Anyway, Americans won't be there for ever. India will have to live with China like it's been living with them since time immemorial; and vice versa!
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