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India to watch out for maiden Russia-Pak summit

For an American, your english writing style is very desi.. Guess that's the influence of Indians with American visas as well :)

Don't worry there are a lot of guys flying false flag specially that of America. And surprisingly they are more worried about Indian economy and army than Pakistani Members. Plus you will never see them posting news about American army, but they always seem to post good news about our neighbors.
When China started to engage India, Pakistan was relaxed. Indians will shoot themselves on the foot by coming off trying to bully Russia.
Prove to me how's this garbage? When you can't counter you call that garbage? I guess if you go around India...clearly you can see what garbage means.

Plus, I AM waving my real flag. I am not here on a visa by overtaking one of American jobs with either fake degree, name or even my place of birth!

Prove to me how what I said is garbage to you? By saying what you said above, you actually proved my point. You guys are so delusional and out of touch with the reality. It's crazy. Cows live better in India than humans. I was there last week on a business trip. Instead of all of you, Indians, Chinese or Pakistanis getting your people a better lifestyle, you want to be a superpower. It's stupid and sad!!! If you talk to a Pakistani, they'll tell you that they are in an arms race cuz of you. If you ask the Chinese, they'll tell you India, Japan, China, US and previously Russia. When you ask some Indian guy, they already think they are entitled to a superpower status? I guess the down payment was provided by my fellow countrymen sitting in Washington who got paid big Indian $$ but destroyed millions of Americans future by outsourcing jobs to India! Oh, you'd be surprised how I am proud of my country. I'd love to share my 4th of July pics with you but you won't get the privilege !

Oh yeahhhh dude get over the hangover o have over ur newly acquired american green card btw how did u acquire it? Filed political asylum or u must be the best taxi wala in pak .well now I'm going to burst ur bubble , what did u say u stray dog american we jump visas and forge documents?? We who was david headly, an american pig who forged docs and visited india and mind u he is a terrorist produced in america who killed indians now when u open ur shi! Tty mouths next time give us his custody before that.

What americans feel sickened by the dirt and ***** in india?? 50000 rotten dead bodies was left over in bhopal all because of an american swine warren andersen so next tym before lecturering us come clean the ***** in bhopal and hand over anderson for prosecution..

We steal ur jobs, u ****** ppl are not capable of doing basic jobs and blame us for ur incompetence u guys loose to us in ur own country and then whine like a swine.btw look at ur american hope obamas report card on job creations in america and he will be proud to tell u that we indians because of the arms race we are leading with pakistan are feeding destitute americans and obama is damn proud of it and thanks india from the bottom of his heart.
But then why.am I taking to am imposter like u??to appreciated india u should be a native and patriotic american which ur not
You seems to be a very much frustrated american who lost its job due to visa issue...Any way..your point is valid...but sometimes i feel sad about you that wtf is that US gov is not banning the visa program altogether....I beleive millions of people like you will definitely support you...Am i right....???? Oh..no...i forgot to mention one thing...money and bussiness does not have any nationality...Money talks to money only...wherever money can be generated...bussiness man will go there...Yesterday it was USA...Today it is China...and to some extent India...So what can you do dear...Stop it if you can ....but donot frustrate yourself with visa issue......

Bro...no offense. I think I'm about ten times smarter than the smartest person you can produce. I am an executive and I have a few of my companies that do business in India and worldwide. So I am VERY secured, thank God.
What I've written down is reality. If you don't want to accept it, that's fine. I work with people from India in good positions, not programmer. Sad to say, the work ethic is VERY Indian focus when their paycheck comes from India. I blame that on the American leadership but Indian community has its share of issues. When you interview Ram, and Shankar shows up as Ram...that's illegal and specially when Shankar shouldn't be allowed to work... but it's happening on Daily basis. I can give you a laundry list of things that I know. But that will just make it worst for you. I am not against India, I think there are good people that live in India as well. However the business community that's in the US and the lobby, uses dirty tactics, from bribes, using different people to work, fake degrees, two people working on one social security number, etc, etc. I've been seeing it all over.
Plus the bribes and lobby money that goes to lobbying for India. The American public is never made aware of this as this happens at a very high level. The American public is being made aware of other unimportant issue that shouldn't matter when compared to jobs and a better future. The American media is pro Indian due to the lobby and $$ being spent so news about India are suppressed. No wonder. But the constant BS that media feeds to the American public is the WOT, political issues to support politicians by putting whatever ethnic and racial controversies on the media, whether that's Blacks, Illegal Mexicans, China, Africa, Russian, Muslims, etc, etc , when the jobs should be the first focus as that helps the economy.
This is just an example of how the lobby money pays off. If you don't agree that the Indian lobby's influenced all decisions by $$, you can live in your own world. That's fine. You are entitled to your opinion. Business wise, India isn't much cheaper than US anymore. If they really wanted to, they'd get a person here for $ 10 more and reduce the ceiling of jobs that get offshore. That way, you have some healthy competition. But they blind folded took millions of jobs away just due to the lobby and dirty tactics, both in land in the US and in India. People are aware of it they just don't know what to do and the media doesn't talk about it so it'll never hit mainstream. Occupy Wall street protests were an example of this.
Bro...no offense. I think I'm about ten times smarter than the smartest person you can produce. I am an executive and I have a few of my companies that do business in India and worldwide. So I am VERY secured, thank God.
What I've written down is reality. If you don't want to accept it, that's fine. I work with people from India in good positions, not programmer. Sad to say, the work ethic is VERY Indian focus when their paycheck comes from India. I blame that on the American leadership but Indian community has its share of issues. When you interview Ram, and Shankar shows up as Ram...that's illegal and specially when Shankar shouldn't be allowed to work... but it's happening on Daily basis. I can give you a laundry list of things that I know. But that will just make it worst for you. I am not against India, I think there are good people that live in India as well. However the business community that's in the US and the lobby, uses dirty tactics, from bribes, using different people to work, fake degrees, two people working on one social security number, etc, etc. I've been seeing it all over.
Plus the bribes and lobby money that goes to lobbying for India. The American public is never made aware of this as this happens at a very high level. The American public is being made aware of other unimportant issue that shouldn't matter when compared to jobs and a better future. The American media is pro Indian due to the lobby and $$ being spent so news about India are suppressed. No wonder. But the constant BS that media feeds to the American public is the WOT, political issues to support politicians by putting whatever ethnic and racial controversies on the media, whether that's Blacks, Illegal Mexicans, China, Africa, Russian, Muslims, etc, etc , when the jobs should be the first focus as that helps the economy.
This is just an example of how the lobby money pays off. If you don't agree that the Indian lobby's influenced all decisions by $$, you can live in your own world. That's fine. You are entitled to your opinion. Business wise, India isn't much cheaper than US anymore. If they really wanted to, they'd get a person here for $ 10 more and reduce the ceiling of jobs that get offshore. That way, you have some healthy competition. But they blind folded took millions of jobs away just due to the lobby and dirty tactics, both in land in the US and in India. People are aware of it they just don't know what to do and the media doesn't talk about it so it'll never hit mainstream. Occupy Wall street protests were an example of this.

And the point of this rant in a thread about Indo-Pak-Russia tangle is ?????
Oh yeahhhh dude get over the hangover o have over ur newly acquired american green card btw how did u acquire it? Filed political asylum or u must be the best taxi wala in pak .well now I'm going to burst ur bubble , what did u say u stray dog american we jump visas and forge documents?? We who was david headly, an american pig who forged docs and visited india and mind u he is a terrorist produced in america who killed indians now when u open ur shi! Tty mouths next time give us his custody before that.

What americans feel sickened by the dirt and ***** in india?? 50000 rotten dead bodies was left over in bhopal all because of an american swine warren andersen so next tym before lecturering us come clean the ***** in bhopal and hand over anderson for prosecution..

We steal ur jobs, u ****** ppl are not capable of doing basic jobs and blame us for ur incompetence u guys loose to us in ur own country and then whine like a swine.btw look at ur american hope obamas report card on job creations in america and he will be proud to tell u that we indians because of the arms race we are leading with pakistan are feeding destitute americans and obama is damn proud of it and thanks india from the bottom of his heart.
But then why.am I taking to am imposter like u??to appreciated india u should be a native and patriotic american which ur not

Look at the arrogance!!! Really? That's the BEST you can come up with an argument? I am from here. Let me ask you this, how did YOU get your Visa? Was that for you? Your uncle or the company JUST didn't let the US-CIS figure out who was Ram....ya'all look the same.
Second, America has LEAD the world since WWII. So if you'll come and say Americans can't do BASIC jobs......you are right. They can't do BASIC jobs. But good jobs...they know how to do. They lead even your as$ for years too.
Why on the earth my patriotism is linked to supporting India when you took 13 millions of our jobs. Obama and others may be appreciative of it because you guys spend crazy money on lobbying and they close their eyes and let the country get robbed out of work, both here and offshore. Which will change.

BTW, same Obama that you claim is is love with India, just had election campagin adds out against his opponent....saying "yes, Romney will create jobs, but in India and China". So that should tell you what they REALLY think about India. The ONLY reason they try to be on the Indian side is due to money that you pay and the hedge against China. THAT is it!! Even defence secretary called India and China the next American enemies. Google it, if you can't find it, I'll give you the link :) . Btw, you are making it sound like Hillary's forefathers are from India and Obama is half Indian lol.

Last but not least. your post called me a taxi driver, to a dumb American terrorist to jobless to not being able to comprehend life to whatever else. It is obvious how confused you are about me. I can read how smart you are, just by your response. Can you read me? :). BAM!

Back to the thread, what started this was some arrogant Indian guy portraying like a super power asking Askai Chin and Kashmir to be 'GIVEN' to India to solve the dispute. And I explained how unrealistic that 'demand' was and to keep the discussion productive.

Going forward, there will be another world order that will be formed, by around 2015 to 2020, it'll become apparent and influential.
That will have three future blocks, The US / NATO/ the West, this is a 70 year proven alliance as the ally's have fought WWII together so it will remain as is. With a few new members. BUT, some things will change due to world financials changing rapidly. It won't be as quick in decision making as it is right now. Initially / for now, it'll have India in it as a non Nato US ally. But that'll change in the next 10 years or so. As American dollars pour into India and the middle class comes up, with sustainable economy, India will object to a lot of American decisions so it'll become a mutually beneficial relationship than really an ally, willing to do anything for the other. India will form a region through religious affiliations and power projections within the Indian sub continent (with the exception of Pakistan, China, Russia) so like Maldives, Srilanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, little far East to some degree.

This is WHY the defense secretary last year called India and China the future threats / enemies of the US as he knows this is coming. Too bad, we are paying American dollars and feeding American jobs to bring India as a threat to ourselves!

Second block will be China, Pakistan, some Middle East (Saudi Arabia (half by then as it's going to get out of the American influence to some degree due to American issues with Islam and SA's military dependence and threat of sanctions, Iran, some Turkey, Egypt) and some South America (Brazil, Venezuela, etc) plus Russia on as needed basis on issues.
Then you'll have a third block containing Russia, the ME (Syria, Iran, Jordan), some Eastern Europe, some Russian states, partial Pakistan and partial China. The last two will work with the Russians on regional issues and UN issues together to counter the west.
The above list is what people in the strategy discuss. How it actually plays out, only time will tell. Usually there is a margin by 20% plus minus in the assessment.

Russia wants to play a lead role and is trying to be proactive here and involve Pakistan with it. History has it that Pakistan is a good ally (look at American partnership until before 911, they took risk of getting attacked by the US in Afghan war, allowed U2 flights over Russian from the north, etc for American benefit). So as US puts a footprint in that area, Russia is eagerly looking for future 2 & 3 scenarios / blocks to be really one massive block with a huge portion of global economy involved with member countries. Thus the effort with Pakistan, some Russian states, South America and with China of-course.
Bro...no offense. I think I'm about ten times smarter than the smartest person you can produce. I am an executive and I have a few of my companies that do business in India and worldwide. So I am VERY secured, thank God.
What I've written down is reality. If you don't want to accept it, that's fine. I work with people from India in good positions, not programmer. Sad to say, the work ethic is VERY Indian focus when their paycheck comes from India. I blame that on the American leadership but Indian community has its share of issues. When you interview Ram, and Shankar shows up as Ram...that's illegal and specially when Shankar shouldn't be allowed to work... but it's happening on Daily basis. I can give you a laundry list of things that I know. But that will just make it worst for you. I am not against India, I think there are good people that live in India as well. However the business community that's in the US and the lobby, uses dirty tactics, from bribes, using different people to work, fake degrees, two people working on one social security number, etc, etc. I've been seeing it all over.
Plus the bribes and lobby money that goes to lobbying for India. The American public is never made aware of this as this happens at a very high level. The American public is being made aware of other unimportant issue that shouldn't matter when compared to jobs and a better future. The American media is pro Indian due to the lobby and $$ being spent so news about India are suppressed. No wonder. But the constant BS that media feeds to the American public is the WOT, political issues to support politicians by putting whatever ethnic and racial controversies on the media, whether that's Blacks, Illegal Mexicans, China, Africa, Russian, Muslims, etc, etc , when the jobs should be the first focus as that helps the economy.
This is just an example of how the lobby money pays off. If you don't agree that the Indian lobby's influenced all decisions by $$, you can live in your own world. That's fine. You are entitled to your opinion. Business wise, India isn't much cheaper than US anymore. If they really wanted to, they'd get a person here for $ 10 more and reduce the ceiling of jobs that get offshore. That way, you have some healthy competition. But they blind folded took millions of jobs away just due to the lobby and dirty tactics, both in land in the US and in India. People are aware of it they just don't know what to do and the media doesn't talk about it so it'll never hit mainstream. Occupy Wall street protests were an example of this.

I think i made an mistake by taking you and opinion as opnion of an descent american people opinion..But by reading rest of your posts...rest of your thing is bs grabage......You are an executive...OMG....Such hillarious..i can understand than you are a false flagger from pakistan mindset to derive negative comments from Indian posters here...And again...i missed out to analyze your id itself...So now enjoy your stay as being as american in pdf ..:)
I think i made an mistake by taking you and opinion as opnion of an descent american people opinion..But by reading rest of your posts...rest of your thing is bs grabage......You are an executive...OMG....Such hillarious..i can understand than you are a false flagger from pakistan mindset to derive negative comments from Indian posters here...And again...i missed out to analyze your id itself...So now enjoy your stay as being as american in pdf ..:)

My man, I think we are done with this conversation. You are talking from both sides of your mouth and it's evident that even you are confused yourself about what I am saying or who I am....
You've YET to produce substantial claims against what I posted. Just to clarify, I don't have an issue with 'Indian people' as I have friends from all over the world including India. However, the business ethics of Indian companies focuses on India and it f*cks over the American public from a jobs standpoint. So, naturally I have an issue with that. I think if India tried to outsource all jobs to Russia, you'll have an issue with that too, especially when 13 million or more of your people were jobless and couldn't pay mortgage or take care of your families.
You can call me Pakistani, Bengali, Chinese, etc as much as you want to. The fact remains the same. The Indian business ethics combined with bad American politicians who just love money is screwing up the American public. You can't change that stance nor can you substantiate anything concrete to prove otherwise.
More personal BS from you and I'll start naming companies here as a proof and contacts. And issues that I and others have dealt with, briefly mentioned in my previous posts. May be then you'll realize who I may be and how much I know.
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