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India to provide Electronic Voting Machines to Egypt


Feb 13, 2010
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'India to provide EVMs to Egypt' - Hindustan Times

There may be lot of debate in India over efficacy of the Electronic Voting Machines but Egypt, which is holding elections after Hosni Mubarak’s ouster, is willing to try the “wonder machine --- the EVMs” --- in the country wide polls later this year. Egypt will not be the first country to use Indian
EVMs. They have been successfully deployed in Afghanistan general elections. The Election Commission has also provided inputs to Nepal, Bhutan, Ethopia and Mexico on use of EVMs in making the election process more fair and transparent.

Chief Election Commissioner S Y Quraishi on Friday offered to provide EVMs to Egypt for conducting the elections. "India is glad to lend Egypt its machines since there is not enough time left before elections," PTI quoted Quraishi as telling reporters in Cairo. This was after his meeting with Egyptian Minister of Justice and Communication.

India has about 14 lakh EVMs, one-third of which are being used in state elections elections in Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Assam, Kerala and Puducherry. But, other can be used, a commission official said.

Quraishi is heading a five member team to Egypt to apprise the country’s officials on success of EVMs in India and the country’s electoral process. This is after newly formed government in Egypt had asked the Election Commission’s help in conducting the elections slated for November this year.

India has offered to help Egypt in conducting elections but has refused to be part of an international team to monitor them. “India does not support international monitoring of elections and hence would not participate in monitoring elections in Egypt,” the CEC said.

Egypt's military rulers had last month announced an interim constitution and said presidential elections would be held by November after Mubarak was ousted in a popular uprising in January.

The CEC, who termed the EVMs as wonder machine of democracy, said it had revolutionized elections in India. He has already initiated measures to upgrade the EVMs before next general elections.
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