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India to produce $50 lightweight drones [theSpoof]

India to produce $50 lightweight drones


And before you all start jumping around, here's the source --

The Spoof : India to produce $50 lightweight drones funny satire story

Hilarious. :lol:

On a serious note, $50 kamikaze-style drones in not a bad idea. :P

OMG this is such bullshyt....like beyond recognition!

For the starter, the Indian guy has designed a 35$ Tablet. They are still looking for manufacturers and are still hopeless in the fact that by the time they sell it in the western market, it's price will go up to be not so cheapest. Just like TATA Nano, which after getting safety upgrades will cost no where near 2500$. (Actually $10,000 in USA)

35$ thing that India made up, is not a ipad. It's not a laptop.
It's a tablet. So that pretty much puts the credibility of your source at risk.

Secondly, i am sure these 50$ drones would be mere R/C planes, which Pakistan has been building since i don't know like 10 years?

I built $200 Helium Airships and R/C planes back when i was in high school. Being an Electrical Engineer, i absolutely don't see why building such a $50 thing would be even worth discussing. But then you have too much time to spam, of course.
Lol all you need are AAA gun and thoes soo called swarms of locus fitted with bomb are going to be nothing but dust
Lol all you need are AAA gun and thoes soo called swarms of locus fitted with bomb are going to be nothing but dust
You are spreading your knowledge on combat experience like you have been in combat of next gen.

What is the drone for?, what are its use?, first educate yourself how its used and then think of blowing it with air-bursting granades...Lol....
You are spreading your knowledge on combat experience like you have been in combat of next gen.

What is the drone for?, what are its use?, first educate yourself how its used and then think of blowing it with air-bursting granades...Lol....

He is right. This is not even a drone. It's doesn't fit the description.
Maybe a "Disposable Drone" would be a better name for it, for the fact i don't see how it can survive a real battle, which most of the "Drones" are made for.....
You are a smart guy, skipped the last line because you knew we would end up on 55% population below poverty line, 600 million people without toilets and begging bowls arguments...........

oh really,he is well really smart and intelligent and cultured to have think to skip all that,because any kind of such response from u have initiated failed state ranks,amount of aid and Pakistani per capita income
He is right. This is not even a drone. It's doesn't fit the description.
Maybe a "Disposable Drone" would be a better name for it, for the fact i don't see how it can survive a real battle, which most of the "Drones" are made for.....
No...You are right.

Its a mini drone, which will not have a direct compabt use, rather, interdiction, Intrusion control, Recce for small areas, which basically supports troop movements and real time data.....You might kill that, but before dying the drone would have done his job...
lol, the way whole article is written, it seems that a kid of age 15 is owner of this site...!
;)i am goona buy one ...to spy on the ladies hostel nearby.....:smokin:
another spoof??... can somebody design a 2 storied house for $45 now????
don't tell me india military been playing fuel of war video game, get a small drone point it to enemy soldiers and vehicles and destroy and than laugh out loud.
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