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India to cut 50% oil imports from Iran

In 2012 India secured a waiver by cutting imports by 20%, but we knew this time would be worse and 50% was worst case scenario. Last month India imported record amount of oil (750k bpd) so a 50% cut would be very disappointing but still significant and a big blow to Trump's plans to reduce Iran's oil exports to 0 (China already said they won't cut at all).
Want 100% cut. Btw a country that is too meek to import irani oil shouldn’t be laughing lol.
Saudis give us free oil and more every time there is a war like situation with India. Who needs Iranian sanctioned oil :lol:

As an indian you should sit back down and take dictation like a good dog from Uncle sam, Modi is already being a good boy infront of Trump. What happened to your Chabahar :lol:

In 2012 India secured a waiver by cutting imports by 20%, but we knew this time would be worse and 50% was worst case scenario. Last month India imported record amount of oil (750k bpd) so a 50% cut would be very disappointing but still significant and a big blow to Trump's plans to reduce Iran's oil exports to 0 (China already said they won't cut at all).
So the main question is why is Supa Powa India taking dictation from US president like a good dog ? when even the Chinese told them to F off regarding Iranian oil. @Śakra

Just cant get the white slavery out of indian mentality
India is all over the place in this trade war.

Nikki is taking Notes
What happened to your Chabahar
(China already said they won't cut at all).
I have been saying all along - consistently to my Iranian friends that the Israeli lovin, Trump kissin India would dump Iran like trash when US asked it to do. And it obliged. The reason it's not more then 50% is because India is a large country and it is not easy for them to shift over to other sources so quickly - asides price of oil would start rising even more. I also have been saying to my Iranian friends that the most US proof country is China. And sure enough it is least pliable to US sanctions as Iranian will see now. They should learn a lesson and cultivate relationships at a strategic level with states that are geostratigic rivals of and not fcuk buddies of US/Israel.

Now back to my favourite song "chah chah" song. Here we go "Cha, Cha, Cha, Cha, Chah, Chah, Chah Ba, Chah Bah, Chah Bahar ......................... !"

So the main question is why is Supa Powa India taking dictation from US president like a good dog ? when even the Chinese told them to F off regarding Iranian oil. @Śakra

Just cant get the white slavery out of indian mentality
China and US are having trade war and China is Trump's biggest enemy (accused them of "raping" the US in trade etc) in Asia, so obviously China are retaliating by refusing to listen to Trump. But India still wants to avoid conflict with US and 10% of oil imports come from Iran, the cost benefit analysis of refusing to cut imports at all is probably not worth the cost to India (other than morally/independence wise).
Good news !

Its really heartwarming to see India is taking our side, we will sell you Best in the world American oil & Gas at reasonable prices as Trump promised. :)

Soon many countries in Asia will buy their majority of oil from US and our great Allies like Canada and Saudi Arabia.
China and US are having trade war and China is Trump's biggest enemy
This is merely the exposition or symptom of the fundamental geostrategic rivalry between USA and China. USA acts the boss of the world. China wants to be the boss of the world and you can only have one boss. Thus strategic rivalry. Smaller states like Pakistan and Iran can use this to their advantage. India on the other hand has decided to be a partner with USA in this rivalry against China. This fundamental laying out of alliances is something Tehran badly needs to adjust to.

India being a strategic partner of USA creates it's own logic. The benefits are huge. US market access to India. Us/Western massaging of India. US access to it's nuclear tech to India. The list goes on. However the other side of the coin is when US/Israel ask India to join in their campaign against Iran India is obliged to follow them. This will become more clear and jarring to Iran as we move forward.

China on the other hand is a strategic threat to US hegemony and India. For instance down the road if US or Israel decided to attack Iran it is with reason to believe if needed India would give it's bases if required to do so. But you can bet China or Pakistan never will do such a thing. Many Pakistani's might be sectarian a*ssholes but the state of Pakistan will never act against Iran.
This is merely the exposition or symptom of the fundamental geostrategic rivalry between USA and China. USA acts the boss of the world. China wants to be the boss of the world and you can only have one boss. Thus strategic rivalry. Smaller states like Pakistan and Iran can use this to their advantage. India on the other hand has decided to be a partner with USA in this rivalry against China. This fundamental laying out of alliances is something Tehran badly needs to adjust to.

India being a strategic partner of USA creates it's own logic. The benefits are huge. US market access to India. Us/Western massaging of India. US access to it's nuclear tech to India. The list goes on. However the other side of the coin is when US/Israel ask India to join in their campaign against Iran India is obliged to follow them. This will become more clear and jarring to Iran as we move forward.

China on the other hand is a strategic threat to US hegemony and India. For instance down the road if US or Israel decided to attack Iran it is with reason to believe if needed India would give it's bases if required to do so. But you can bet China or Pakistan never will do such a thing. Many Pakistani's might be sectarian a*ssholes but the state of Pakistan will never act against Iran.
This view is too black and white.

1) USA and China trade over $600 billion every year!
2)You can have two superpowers - USA and USSR for instance.
3) Trump is demanding no oil imports from Iran at all, India is not following this and is insisting on its right to import Iranian oil, albeit at a reduced rate (but even half of the current rate would still make India one of Iran's biggest export destinations for oil). This shows India has its own interests and does not blindly follow US instructions (in 2012 as well India continued importing Iranian oil).
4) The point about Indian bases is irrelevant because India is too far from Iran for such a use. I also doubt that Indians would support a US conflict with Iran.
5) I broadly agree with you that Iran needs to form a strategic alliance with China, but geopolitics is much more complex than this, so Iran cannot and should not just turn against India like you seem to suggest. That is why Russia has relations and trade with Iran, Israel and KSA at the same time for example.
Hahah what happened to independent foreign policy??? What about we dont take dictation ??

Now going back to same question, why are Indians so shameless??

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