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India to catch up with China? Stop deluding yourselves!


Jul 9, 2015
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United States
United States
I shake my head everytime I hear an Indian say that India is only 15 or 20 years behind China. If only he had any idea of how far behind India is compared to China! Most Indians I have come across know practically nothing about the world. They have no idea about what it takes to build world-class infrastructure, world-class education system, and world-class companies. Indians are like the proverbial frog in the well, self-satisfied and smug, thinking they know everything. The few Indians lucky enough to travel abroad are quickly humbled by how backward India is compared to the rest of the world.

The best way to fight ignorance is through education. Here are some documentaries on Chinese infrastructure that will surely open the eyes of our Indian friends here. The documentaries are in Chinese, but you don't need to speak it to appreciate the message because a picture is worth a thousand words.

Witness how dedicated, disciplined, and hard-working the Chinese are. How can India compete with her famous "chalta hai" attitude? How can India catch up when Indians prefer talking over action?

I would Honestly Admit ( And 99% Indian will do the same ) India / Indians Do need, Supreme Efforts and a Focused Aproach for make India Rise and Reach where China Stands ( In terms of some Numerical Figures ) TODAY.

But Chinese Often Forget Indians are NOT TRYING to ( COPY ?) be the USA or CHINA, but we have our own Path to Achive what we know suits us.

Besides "Indians are like the proverbial frog in the well" ....
WHO ARE LEADING > Microsoft , Google and Adobe , I doubt if the term "Frog" can be used/justified for CEOs of Google and Microsoft !

Moreover, ITS NO the Indians ALone who feel its Right to Compare the "Frogs" with "Giants" . Have a Look :

Every country, irrespective of whether developed or under developed, has produced exceptional people, who have gone on to make a mark for themselves in the world. It was mainly because of their own efforts and abilities and their nationality has nothing (or very little) to do with it.

The fact that Indians continuously compare themselves with China and always try to enter into a size contest with them says a lot of the inferiority complex that plagues the Indian society.
Every country, irrespective of whether developed or under developed, has produced exceptional people, who have gone on to make a mark for themselves in the world. It was mainly because of their own efforts and abilities and their nationality has nothing (or very little) to do with it.

The fact that Indians continuously compare themselves with China and always try to enter into a size contest with them says a lot of the inferiority complex that plagues the Indian society.
Please look at who started this thread. He is Chinese. Please also look at all this posters other threads, they are all exactly the same, different ways to boast...nothing more , nothing less.
The fact that Indians continuously compare themselves with China and always try to enter into a size contest with them says a lot of the inferiority complex that plagues the Indian society.

Cant we take it in another way? We always compare and aspire to become someone better than us. While i was playing street cricket, i wanted to be Shewag. Does it mean inferiority complex? If you dont want to become better than yourself , your existence is futile and you are just taking up space.
I shake my head everytime I hear an Indian say that India is only 15 or 20 years behind China. If only he had any idea of how far behind India is compared to China! Most Indians I have come across know practically nothing about the world. They have no idea about what it takes to build world-class infrastructure, world-class education system, and world-class companies. Indians are like the proverbial frog in the well, self-satisfied and smug, thinking they know everything. The few Indians lucky enough to travel abroad are quickly humbled by how backward India is compared to the rest of the world.

The best way to fight ignorance is through education. Here are some documentaries on Chinese infrastructure that will surely open the eyes of our Indian friends here. The documentaries are in Chinese, but you don't need to speak it to appreciate the message because a picture is worth a thousand words.

Witness how dedicated, disciplined, and hard-working the Chinese are. How can India compete with her famous "chalta hai" attitude? How can India catch up when Indians prefer talking over action?

Since I entered this forum, I find the most confusing thing about them is that they do not really have an insight about the future. Every time they see we have done something, they panic and want the same but ultimately always screw it.

When we discuss automation, guys like @Bussard Ramjet will react, it's not important, you can't make everything automatic. When we built FAST, the biggest radio telescope, he will say, it won't soon change the leadership of the west. When we finish another 350km/h HSR, he always say, why not directly build 500km/h?

The more I read their comments, the more I feel relaxed.....
If that's the mindset of the educated middle-class indians who can speak english and have access to internet....then the whole country must be.......
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When we discuss automation, guys like @Bussard Ramjet will react, it's not important, you can't make everything automatic. When we built FAST, the biggest radio telescope, he will say, it won't soon change the leadership of the west. When we finish another 350km/h HSR, he always say, why not directly build 500km/h?

You are misquoting me and misrepresenting me.

Automation is one of the biggest future technological trends, and I never downplay it. BUT, there are some people who think that somehow automation will make humans themselves redundant, that is not the case. THIS IS RIGHT INSIGHT INTO FUTURE.

Similarly, while FAST is a good step towards science prowess, I said that it alone will not make China the leader in astronomy to a message from a member who was saying that China now leads astronomy. And this is truth. THIS IS RIGHT INSIGHT INTO FUTURE.

Similarly, when you are building HSR of 200-350kmph, I appreciate and applaud your achievements. My question was not whether you will make a HSR of 500kmph. I asked are the tracks compatible for 500kmph. If you build the tracks without keeping in mind that within the 10 years you may possibly change to 500kmph trains, it will be a huge loss. THIS IS RIGHT INSIGHT INTO FUTURE.

So your comment about we not having INSIGHT is actually wrong.
You are misquoting me and misrepresenting me.

Automation is one of the biggest future technological trends, and I never downplay it. BUT, there are some people who think that somehow automation will make humans themselves redundant, that is not the case. THIS IS RIGHT INSIGHT INTO FUTURE.

Similarly, while FAST is a good step towards science prowess, I said that it alone will not make China the leader in astronomy to a message from a member who was saying that China now leads astronomy. And this is truth. THIS IS RIGHT INSIGHT INTO FUTURE.

Similarly, when you are building HSR of 200-350kmph, I appreciate and applaud your achievements. My question was not whether you will make a HSR of 500kmph. I asked are the tracks compatible for 500kmph. If you build the tracks without keeping in mind that within the 10 years you may possibly change to 500kmph trains, it will be a huge loss. THIS IS RIGHT INSIGHT INTO FUTURE.

So your comment about we not having INSIGHT is actually wrong.
Calm down, you don't need to use Capital Lettres.
You have the right to say India is only 1-2 decades behind, but your leaders and countrymen have no idea what is insight.

The most prominent achievements I think are not these "final products", aka road, railways, bridges, new energy farms, etc.
But the manufacturing chain behind it, compressor, machine tools, boring, construction machinery, high-volume capacitors......
Five-Year Plan Of China

So what do you exactly want to say ?? India will never ever catch up with China ??

But remember one fact, China is a communist country, and given the previous track record of all the previous communist giants on the globe, a good political instability is more than enough to break a communist regime. History is the proof. :)
Now we have examined China's infrastructure achievements, let's look at Chinese science and research. The following documentary is in English and looks at the current state of Chinese research and innovation, an area China has made breathtaking progress. Despite being a self-proclaimed "knowledge superpower", India lags many decades behind China in basic and applied research.

Another documentary on Chinese science and engineering... China is lightyears ahead of India in scientific output even thought just 30 years ago China was behind India in this area. How could India have fallen so far behind?

I would Honestly Admit ( And 99% Indian will do the same ) India / Indians Do need, Supreme Efforts and a Focused Aproach for make India Rise and Reach where China Stands ( In terms of some Numerical Figures ) TODAY.

But Chinese Often Forget Indians are NOT TRYING to ( COPY ?) be the USA or CHINA, but we have our own Path to Achive what we know suits us.

Besides "Indians are like the proverbial frog in the well" ....
WHO ARE LEADING > Microsoft , Google and Adobe , I doubt if the term "Frog" can be used/justified for CEOs of Google and Microsoft !

Moreover, ITS NO the Indians ALone who feel its Right to Compare the "Frogs" with "Giants" . Have a Look :

Don't respond to troll threads
This goes for all of Indian members @Sky lord @Srinivas @Thomas M @Bussard Ramjet
So what do you exactly want to say ?? India will never ever catch up with China ??

But remember one fact, China is a communist country, and given the previous track record of all the previous communist giants on the globe, a good political instability is more than enough to break a communist regime. History is the proof. :)

No, I'm very certain that India will catch up with China in population.
So what do you exactly want to say ?? India will never ever catch up with China ??

But remember one fact, China is a communist country, and given the previous track record of all the previous communist giants on the globe, a good political instability is more than enough to break a communist regime. History is the proof. :)
China is communist country?
No, China is capitalist dictatorship.
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