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India to be given key UNSC role in fight against terrorism

1.can US averted 9/11 world trade centre attack??
2.can US averted Oklahoma city bombing in 1995??
3.can US averted 1993 attack on WTO???
4.can US averted it's embassy attack in kenya???

Now tell me why US should remain as the Permanent member of UNSC???

becoming the head of the anti terrorism dept. doesn't required that the country had to be cleared or foiled every terrorism moves.....& no country in the world can fully immune itself to terrorism..

The United States however inefficient that you may claim it to be. It is more than efficient when it comes to protecting their own.

The difference between India and the remaining nations is that, India as a nation has never projected their power outside of its boundaries. Sure, it has participated in UN missions around the world but the Indian contribution is much more insignificant compared to the other nations that actively participate in counter insurgency and contribute their troops..
Shame you do not mention the many people we have caught for terrorist acts as for 26/11 there was a recent scare in Germany on the same lines as the Mumbai attack or you forgot the attacks in western hubs like Madrid, London and New York. :azn:

As for your point on Kashmir this tells me you have no clue as militant activity has seen a sharp decline in the last decade and ask General Musharraf how easy it is to cross the LOC in Kashmir with the difficult terrain.

My last point do not worry about India try to solve the problems in Germany like the far right Nazi gangs roaming around :agree: they a bigger threat to world security than hindu extremist will ever be.

like i said, Resorting to personal attacks and attempts to shame another is hardly impressive. Regarding your LOC, its a matter between India and its immediate neighbors. If a nation is incapable of protecting their own boundaries, well...
US failed to avert 9/11...does this mean US is also not eligible?

We are crushing separatist rebels daily and in due course of time,you'll hear good news.

When was the last time a "Hindu extremist" caused slightest of anti national activity in other country?

Last time i checked,parliament attack was a failure for terrorists. They didnot even manage to inflict a scar on our politicians and kudos to our security forces for averting it!
Infact,this must be one of the plus points

Absolutely nobody on the international fora gives a sh!t to kashmir issue. MMS has told that kashmir is an integral part of India

Yes..Varanasi is a pilgrim center. So what?

Graham Stains is one the most striking examples. Even today, freedom of religion is not an option in the northern states. And the caste hierarchy is so deeply ingrained that any attempt to remove that from the system is immediately repelled. There are almost always constant harassment of Christian missions , schools meant for uplifting the downtrodden etc. Also i vaguely remember one incident where a a tribal woman and her family was dragged out, raped and killed ( while mutilating her body) simply because she was a lower caste Hindu who converted to another religion. Oh and this was done by the so called "elite class". Yes the Hindu extremist elements are still and existing threat and a source of shame for the nation.

The very fact that they were able to pull of something like that is a source of shame. Imagine, the place where the most important decision makers of the country gather is attacked (even with high security). I need not elaborate on that.

This is a democracy and even maoists have a say in that.

The Maoists are an outlawed group. Didn't you hear?
Graham Stains is one the most striking examples. Even today, freedom of religion is not an option in the northern states. And the caste hierarchy is so deeply ingrained that any attempt to remove that from the system is immediately repelled. There are almost always constant harassment of Christian missions , schools meant for uplifting the downtrodden etc.
Huh....!! Graham Stains, caste system has got nothing to do with UNSC seat! If that counts,then,

USA...needless to say how muslims are treated.
Russia...muslim voilence
China...uighur uprising
France..burqa ban etc etc.
Great Britan..brother of Usa :D

Also i vaguely remember one incident where a a tribal woman and her family was dragged out, raped and killed ( while mutilating her body) simply because she was a lower caste Hindu who converted to another religion. Oh and this was done by the so called "elite class". Yes the Hindu extremist elements are still and existing threat and a source of shame for the nation.
tell me one country where voilence is alien to nature of humans.

The very fact that they were able to pull of something like that is a source of shame. Imagine, the place where the most important decision makers of the country gather is attacked (even with high security). I need not elaborate on that.
You need to elaborate on that. Infact..it's a matter of Pride that such a high scale attack was thwarted by highly efficient and brave Indian security forces :)

The Maoists are an outlawed group. Didn't you hear?
Yes they are outlawed...that's not because they are maoist...it's because of their acts.
Huh....!! Graham Stains, caste system has got nothing to do with UNSC seat! If that counts,then,

USA...needless to say how muslims are treated.
Russia...muslim voilence
China...uighur uprisingFrance..burqa ban etc etc.
Great Britan..brother of Usa :D


Really? did the UN condemn China human rights abuse regarding the riot like they condemn the wonderful "caste-system"?:lol:
UN says caste system is a human rights abuse - Telegraph
like i said, Resorting to personal attacks and attempts to shame another is hardly impressive. Regarding your LOC, its a matter between India and its immediate neighbors. If a nation is incapable of protecting their own boundaries, well...

How stupid are you? even Pakistani members will tell u how easy it is to cross the LOC you can not control the border in it's entire form just ask General Musharraf he will tell you and i did not start speaking rubbish you did so I would think nxt time b4 speaking rubbish :agree:
Congratulation to Indians for this UNSC role, btw, whats the practical power or authority was given for this role? can it act on its own without the approval of P5 of UNSC?

Being in this role India can influence upon UN to put sanctions on the terrorist organisations considered as charity organisations in other countries. I don't think P5 will veto such a move.
More like license to India for trolling about Pakistan as much as it likes..the UNSC memeber figured out that was the only way to keep India from making long and boring Pakistan bashing sessions in the assembly.

India is the new outsourcing destination of colonial goals.
This is the rise if new anti-Muslim platform in the form of India.
Washington: India, which has joined the UN Security Council after a of gap of 19 years, is most likely to be given a key responsibility by this powerful 15-membered body in fight against terrorism; thus acknowledging New Delhi's prominent role in the global war against terror.

Diplomatic sources privy to the discussions at the United Nations headquarters in New York told PTI talks are in advance stage to request India to head one of its two key counter-terrorism committees.

Ahead of its joining the Security Council on January 1, in its informal consultations with its other key members, India had made its intentions clear that it wants to make the fight against terrorism a priority area during its two-year term as the non-permanent member of the council.

Almost all the members of the UN Security Council, especially its five permanent members, believe that not only just being a victim of terrorism; but also as a country which has successfully and patiently tackled the menace of terrorism for the past several decades, be it the one in Punjab in the 80s, or the one in Kashmir, and the those coming from across the border and reflected in terrorists attacks like that on the Parliament or 26/11, New Delhi is best positioned to lead the counter terrorism initiatives for the next two years.

The Security Council currently has two key committees related to its fight against terrorism. On October 15, 1999, the UN Security Council via its resolution number 1267 had established the "Al-Qaida and Taliban Sanctions Committee" which is the form to slap sanctions on terrorist outfits and its leaders; that is implemented by its member States.

Post 26/11, several Lashkar-e-Taiba leaders and its frontal organisations have been added to the list at the request of India.

"We would naturally want to take a very keen interest in the 1267 committee, which deals with listing of entities like Al-Qaida and Taliban and there are entities of interest to us, which we would want to be pursued through the 1267 committee," Indian Ambassador to the UN Hardeep Singh Puri told PTI.

There is currently one seat vacant in this committee; which has been vacated by Austria. Guided by Security Council resolutions 1373 (2001) and 1624 (2005), the Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee works to bolster the ability of United Nations member states to prevent terrorist acts both within their borders and across regions.

It was established in the wake of the 11 September terrorist attacks in the United States.

The two-year term of this Committees chairman Ertugrul Apakan, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Turkey, expired on December 31, 2010.

Informed sources familiar with the discussions said India could be offered this chairmanship. The final decision in this regard is expected to be announced on Tuesday, when the Security Council meets for the first time this year.

Resolution 1373, adopted unanimously on 28 September 2001, calls upon member states to implement a number of measures intended to enhance their legal and institutional ability to counter terrorist activities, including taking steps to criminalize the financing of terrorism, freeze without delay any funds related to persons involved in acts of terrorism, deny all forms of financial support for terrorist groups, and suppress the provision of safe haven, sustenance or support for terrorists.

It also urges member states to share information with other governments on any groups practicing or planning terrorist acts, cooperate with other governments in the investigation, detection, arrest, extradition and prosecution of those involved in such acts; and criminalises active and passive assistance for terrorism in domestic law and brings violators to justice.

India to be given key UNSC role in fight against terrorism

One of the best example of outstanding kind of BULLSH...T:tdown::tdown::tdown::tdown::rofl::rofl::rofl::blah:

India has a great first day at UNSC

India couldn’t have asked for a better start to its stint at the UN Security Council. On its first day on the council on Wednesday, India was elected to chair the important committee on counter terrorism, which gives it a significant voice and clout in the ongoing effort against the worst security threat facing the world
A little later, the UN mission in Nepal in support of the peace process was officially wound down, something which India had been working towards for a while. “Basically getting UN out of India’s backyard,” said a diplomat. :azn:

Not a bad day for India, which returned to the Security Council after 19 years to begin a two-year temporary, non-permanent stint, widely seen as a dress rehersal for a larger role — a permanent seat — in not too distant a future.

“An excellent first day for India,” Permanent Representative to UN Hardeep Puri told HT.

While India took its position in the council officially on January 1, it attended the full and open meeting of the body for the first time on Wednesday, making its first appearance in the elite grouping.

India has been preparing for the day for a long time. Its permanent mission in New York launched press and public outreach weeks ago, getting out its message on where it stands on major issues. The Security Council’s Counter-Terrorism Committee was set up in 2001 within weeks of the September 11 attacks to monitor implementation UN resolution asking member nations to deny terrorist outfits access to funds and havens.

“That gives India, long a victim of terrorism, a chance to use all available forums now to increase the pitch against terrorism,” said an Indian diplomat refusing to be identified as he was not authorised to speak to reporters.

Specifically, this position will give India additional ammunition against state-backed terrorism across its border in Pakistan, whose ambivalent fight against terrorism had frustrated the world and its ally the US. The UN mission in Nepal was the first briefing India received as part of the Security Council, and happily for it, Representative Karin Landgren’s recommendation to wind down her mission was accepted. Its extended term was lapsing on January 15.

The mission was set up in 2007 to help Nepal transition to a democracy after the Maoists-led political alliance overthrew the monarchy. It was set up at the request of the Nepalese government. India saw this as something of an encroachment in its backyard invited by the Maoists, who have always viewed New Delhi with suspicion. “We had been working behind the scenes for its end,” said the Indian diplomat, adding, “as we were not part of the council then.”

But that the mission’s end was announced on India’s first day in the council was seen as not merely a coincidence.

India has a great first day at UNSC - Hindustan Times
Will this help India to launch attacks on terrorist hiding in mountains or just to put sanctions on them...?

Wat can we do to terrorists now...?
Sanctions or attacks???

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