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India to allow EU's Pak trade package to go through

Could you give us the number from both India and Pakistan? My google is acting up.

You think google can support you for ever in hiding the actual figures?

If our foreign office monitor the amount spent on advertisement for Indian aid.. only that amount exceed few millions in an year.


Do you see Pakistan in above picture????????? it shall automatically means zero... and trust me RAW is well informed about what is going on in Pakistan's foreign office and various embassies.
If you have objection over trade than you will blow out any figure of aid related to Pakistan.
This step won't hurt Indians in any way whatsoever only it will benefit Pakistanis.

Who said so ?

Why do you think India and BD both opposed the move earlier ? It was not because of some grudge but because this subsidy amounts to unfair trade practise which will tilt the market in favour of the Pakistani garment manufacturers and directly affect the livelihoods of millions of Indian and BD weavers which will make their products costly and thus reduced orders.

If the EU wants to give some aid to Pak well and good . Let them give it in cash or materials. But making the Indian textile manufacturer subsidize their intention is pure deceit and this stupid PM instead of opposing it as he should have supports it.
You think google can support you for ever in hiding the actual figures?

If our foreign office monitor the amount spent on advertisement for Indian aid.. only that amount exceed few millions in an year.


Do you see Pakistan in above picture????????? it shall automatically means zero... and trust me RAW is well informed about what is going on in Pakistan's foreign office and various embassies.
If you have objection over trade than you will blow out any figure of aid related to Pakistan.

So you refuse to give numbers, is that it? And I was asking for all aid, not just one random example.
So you refuse to give numbers, is that it? And I was asking for all aid, not just one random example.

If you are interested... writte an email to the website owners and get your figures.
You can have the annual figures by pointing your mouse on the map.
This is formal aid not the aid in shape of trade... and this for sure is one humble example.
If you are interested... writte an email to the website owners and get your figures.
You can have the annual figures by pointing your mouse on the map.
This is formal aid not the aid in shape of trade... and this for sure is one humble example.

Hmmm...Anyways, If India gets 7 dollar and Pakistan 1, they basically get same amount of aid.
A good gesture by the PM, but why do we need a Quid pro quo from Pakistan in return for withdrawing objections?

These EU measures are designed to give relief for the devastation caused by the floods in Pakistan. Is the EU supplying arms and weapons to Pakistan under this trade package? I think not. Why should we wish to benefit from some one's misery? Assistance for natural calamities is one thing and supplying weapons or causing an adversary to gain military or strategical edge is something else altogether. We are big enough not to have to benefit from someone's misery caused by a natural calamity. Surely these foreign ministry big shots know that. Why does the PM have to ask them to back off. I am all for a good and ruthless fight with no quarters given and none expected, but this is mean. We don't need this kind of thing. I am happy the anomaly has been corrected.
A good gesture by the PM, but why do we need a Quid pro quo from Pakistan in return for withdrawing objections?

These EU measures are designed to give relief for the devastation caused by the floods in Pakistan. Is the EU supplying arms and weapons to Pakistan under this trade package? I think not. Why should we wish to benefit from some one's misery? Assistance for natural calamities is one thing and supplying weapons or causing an adversary to gain military or strategical edge is something else altogether. We are big enough not to have to benefit from someone's misery caused by a natural calamity. Surely these foreign ministry big shots know that. Why does the PM have to ask them to back off. I am all for a good and ruthless fight with no quarters given and none expected, but this is mean. We don't need this kind of thing. I am happy the anomaly has been corrected.

Sorry I don't buy this. We are not robbing anyone or benefiting from anyone's misery to feel sorry for blocking this deal earlier. It was just in the interests of the millions of Indian garment manufacturers that such a move was necessary. The Indian manufacturers had captured their market through their hard work,cost cutting and quality not by any slime ball means after the floods in Pakistan.

The orders from the EU garment market is of vital importance to our garment industry as most of our exports land there (china having captured the US market). With EU resorting to such unfair practises and more shamefully our "economist" PM agreeing to it what answer do the all-knowing hotshots in FM have for the garment manufacturers whose livelihood will be hit hard by this move ?

Will the Govt give them cash subsidy every month to offset the loss ? Will the Govt arrange for another alternative market on the scale of the EU to compnsate for this ? Already the move to allow Indian cotton manufacturers to export their produce without any control is hitting our garment manufacturers bad and this move it plain economic murder and nothing else.

Secondly and more importantly coming to EU intentions, if those europeans wished to help Pakistan they could have given them in cash or material. But making the Indians (and Bangladeshi weavers) pay for their desire to help Pakistan is like robbing Peter to pay Paul.

The earlier Indian stance of blocking the move was completely justified as the Indian Govt is elected to serve the interests of the Indians and NOT Pakistanis.
Now I hate Congress with a vengeance. Dirty mongrel MMS and his mistress Maino. :angry: Curse the two to infinite depths of hell.
@ gounder.....^^ You think so... Indian was only able to capture the garment industry in lieu of western aid and anti Pakistan govt. of Pakistan, itself.

Otherwise, Indians cannot compare the garment quality or quality of any product with Pakistan.
I respect PM MMS's constant efforts to move relations foreword with Pakistan despite immense pressure to do the contrary but I question- when is enough enough?? Infiltration attempts are still happening, although thankfully the IA's effectiveness has limited the success of them. Key 26/11 planners are still roaming free in Pakistan, dozens of terror camps remain on the Pakistani side of the Indo-PAK border maybe not with Pakistani government support but with there consent as they still exist.

I'm all for the carrot and stick approach but in Pakistan's eyes the carrot isn't enticing enough and the stick isn't scary enough.

And after seeing the horrid sights of 26/11 I'm less inclined to pursue this unless something actually changes.
@ gounder.....^^ You think so... Indian was only able to capture the garment industry in lieu of western aid and anti Pakistan govt. of Pakistan, itself.

Otherwise, Indians cannot compare the garment quality or quality of any product with Pakistan.

Why only products?

Even Pakistani genes are highly supreme to Indian genes.

Pakistanis are a biologically engineered superior race.

Now go to sleep.
India is a cursed nation under congress rule. :hitwall:

Why? We pakistani and indian people are hungry for peace and development. We should applaud our leaders when they try to diffuse tensions and bring about good relationships. I for one being a pakistani applaud every little move towards freindship with all neigbours
I love the arrogant ToI titles. We LET Pakistan have this because we are magnanimous and graciousness in nature ha ha ha. Tripe.

You can editorialize if you want but don't mix it with reporting.
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