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India threatened by Chinese Engineers in Pak Kashmir

they why so close with pakistan???
to sing a duet????

Pakistan is geostrategically important to us. Gwadar port, KKH, Middle Eastern pipelines, border with Xinjiang, etc.

Pakistan is also one of our oldest and closest friends.

China is perfectly capable of fighting our own battles, even against superpowers like the USA (during the Korean war), or the USSR (during the Sino-Soviet split.)
Righttttt!! :laugh:

and so are the people of Botswana

just take care of your own country then think about Kashmir or bostwana or whatever it is

Spark you produce for others now burning your own home
Pakistan is geostrategically important to us. Gwadar port, KKH, Middle Eastern pipelines, border with Xinjiang, etc.

Pakistan is also one of our oldest and closest friends.

China is perfectly capable of fighting our own battles, even against superpowers like the USA (during the Korean war), or the USSR (during the Sino-Soviet split.)

dont give the same old geo-graphical reason.. i'll not buy that....

why not have a relationship with some other countries like saudi arabia,or dubai or UAe...they are much neutral and don't come on newspapers under terrorism column....and u want a country as ur friend,where even the world no 1 terrorist Osama is not safe

and about oldest and closest friend..
how many years old?? centuries old?
and closest friend...and where were u in 1971 to help ur closest friend...

U need pakistan to confront against india when u attack India..ita raw fact..don't give some other reason and hide this fact...

and dont again bring that NDTV quote and new SCO charter rule
just take care of your own country then think about Kashmir or bostwana or whatever it is

We will. But we won't let go of issues in which we are a direct stakeholder. We also wont allow lies like this ''integral part of hindustan'' nonsense to be yapped and disseminated, unchecked. In fact, this line isn't being bought anywhere outside of your borders (especially in Kashmir itself --where anti-indian sentiment and resistance runs deep in the society)

Spark you produce for others now burning your own home

speak for yourself!!! :lol:

you say ''jiski laathi uski bains'' and unfortunately (for you) that formula sure as hell aint workin too well for ya
U need pakistan to confront against india when u attack India..ita raw fact..don't give some other reason and hide this fact...

LOL obviously not.

Why would we need outside help to fight against India?

We handled the last Sino-Indian war just fine on our own.
Righttttt!! :laugh
and so are the people of Botswana

Brother why even respond to someone like him, his Banana jumping emoticon just highlighted his fake bravado on the issue. Kashmir is Pakistan's in heart, body, mind and soul. Even Indian's have accepted this hence the state sponsered terrorism occuring within the region. When we get a competent leader and our economy is flourishing normalcy will return and we will get it back, that's a certainty especially the region bordering areas with and the Valley of Kashmir being highly supportive of Pakistan. Chinese prescence in the area is a welcome one, i was in MZ a year ago visiting family and the infrastructure had greatly improved however i was in a village so never got to see any Chinese presence. If i go this summer i'll be sure to take some photos of our Chinese brothers in Kashmir should they be present!
We will. But we won't let go of issues in which we are a direct stakeholder. We also wont allow lies like this ''integral part of hindustan'' nonsense to be yapped and disseminated, unchecked. In fact, this line isn't being bought anywhere outside of your borders (especially in Kashmir itself --where anti-indian sentiment and resistance runs deep in the society)

ohh i forget that you make new way to fool people of P O K by calling it Azad Kashmir even press is not free their let forget about other things

speak for yourself!!! :lol:

you say ''jiski laathi uski bains'' and unfortunately (for you) that formula sure as hell aint workin too well for ya

For you ???? WTF

Daily bomb blast in Pakistan
Drone attack .
Safe heaven for terrorist
Every terror link end with Pakistani connection
Global hub for terrorism

You made terrorist for your profit but now its your turn for pay it off
LOL obviously not.

Why would we need outside help to fight against India?

We handled the last Sino-Indian war just fine on our own.

after that in 1987 did Yama come and stop u??????:lol:

if u think even now its a 1960 situation where there will not be surveliiance...then i pity u.........

U know one thing,i know that at last when u dont have points u bring 1960 and fail to notice that u did nothing in 1987 when confronted with IA..

and u must also keep in mind the 1971,where kinda networks was used in the war to strike the correct point.....
and now in satellite age....that too a spy sat....forget ur dream...

After 1962 u know how many war india has fought??
1965,1971,1999 and siachin war....

We have even used Mirages and Laser Guided bomb in real to kill those enemies...
Get up...we have the latest experience in 1999 with a decesive victory
LOL obviously not.

Why would we need outside help to fight against India?

We handled the last Sino-Indian war just fine on our own.

If you still living in 60s so dude wake up its time for coffee
ohh i forget that you make new way to fool people of P O K by calling it Azad Kashmir even press is not free their let forget about other things

For you ???? WTF

Daily bomb blast in Pakistan
Drone attack .
Safe heaven for terrorist
Every terror link end with Pakistani connection
Global hub for terrorism

You made terrorist for your profit but now its your turn for pay it off

Safe heaven for terrorist
Every terror link end with Pakistani connection
Global hub for terrorism

indian terminologies / claims...

You made terrorist for your profit but now its your turn for pay it

where you read this...TOI i guess

what the hell is that ..
If you still living in 60s so dude wake up its time for coffee

You're right, there is a big difference between 1962 and 2011.

In 1962, China and India had similar sized economies.

In 2011, China's economy is four times bigger than India's economy, with comensurate military spending. The gap has widened enormously.

Tallboy123, seems to think that China "needs" Pakistan to fight against India. This is clearly false, China is more than capable of handling India by itself.

after that in 1987 did Yama come and stop u??????:lol:

That is not the job of Yan Wang. He has more important things to do. :D
You're right, there is a big difference between 1962 and 2011.

In 1962, China and India had similar sized economies.

In 2011, China's economy is four times bigger, with comensurate military spending. The gap has widened enormously.

Tallboy123, seems to think that China "needs" Pakistan to fight against India. This is clearly false, China is more than capable of handling India by itself.

That is not the job of Yan Wang. He has more important things to do. :D

In this age of war, Aerial wars finishes in Days...example ISraels Six day war...

Israel is smaller than all those 6 arab states yet those arabs were defeated. in this age the thing counts is air supermacy..

In this age ur econ0my size doesnt count...
after u acheive air supermacy it takes days for helicopter gunships to unload all it ammunitions on the enemy soldiers....
War ends in atleast a month...
so forget about economy size dragon..
talk about experience...
1965,1971(with inteliigence),1999 with a mirage bombing...

Experience matters..
Our army AF navy train with Us, French,UK,Japan,Russia.....
Hope u go it
If you want to think that India can beat China in a war, go ahead.

if u think China can beat india like 1960's in a war,go ahead....

I hope ur military planners still think indian military in in 1960's sitaution

next time u bring about bigger economy in war....remember of Israel six day war and the 3 war experience after 1960 for IA and the international excercise of navy,AF with live fire excercise.......
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