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India: The Game Plan in Syria

Syrian Lion

Feb 6, 2012
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Syrian Arab Republic
Syrian Arab Republic
I posted the Syrian version of the article which summarize the Article, however I also included the original article... this article was written by Aamir Raza Husain,The writer is a theatre director and actor.

Syrian Arab news agency - SANA - Syria : Syria news ::
Indian Film Director: Events in Syria Are Result of a Hundred Years of Western Intervention

The Indian theater director and actor Aamir Raza Hussin strongly condemned the policy of the Western countries, topped by the US, towards what is happening in Syria as being fully responsible for the terrorist acts backed by Arab sides such as Qatar and Saudi Arabia, and Islamic sides like Turkey.

In an article titled 'The Game Plan in Syria', published on Tuesday by The Times of India newspaper, Raza Hussin said "The situation in Syria today is a result of a hundred years of Anglo-American intervention and incitement," noting that this is the third time the West has tried to topple the secular governing system in Syria but, "The difference this time though is that the West has a pliant press as an ally."

The Indian director explained that the inciting media waged a propaganda against Syria two years ago, citing the CNN, BBC and Wahhabi Arab channels which he said fabricated incidents, "with preachers like Sheikh Aruoor and the Qatar based Ahmed Karazvi extorting the Syrians to rise up and bomb government buildings and blow up minority religious institutions."

The writer narrated the story of "Western manipulation of the Arab world" which he said "started in the early 20th century as imperial Britain attempted to redraw the maps of the Middle East. They did it for oil, they did it for trade routes."

Raza Hussin said Britain and the Western countries fought "the secular nationalist regimes led by Egypt's Nasser, which included Syria, Libya and Iraq' and backed "pro-Western monarchies of Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait, Bahrain and Qatar [which] ruthlessly crushed human rights and followed archaic tribal laws," with Britain supporting the salafis and wahhabis in these reactionary regimes.

He pointed out that in the last decade, "America has targeted only those nations where there was no al-Qaida, no terror, and no Wahhabi ideology. American intervention has not only destroyed the infrastructure in these countries but also established violent terrorist movements in all of them."

The Indian theater director stressed that "The staunchest allies of the U.S. in the Muslim world are Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar and Pakistan. The first three are the largest sponsors of international terror."

Raza Hussin said that through the 1950s, 60s and 70s, "the US and the UK undertook military expeditions to destabilize secular Arab nations. They undertook an invasion of Egypt, which failed…They tried to instigate two revolts in Syria, which also failed."

He referred to a decision by the British cabinet to approve 'Operation Straggle' in the 1957, which is "a plot to engineer a coup in Damascus. The plan was to create disaffection on the border areas, infiltrate armed insurgents into urban areas and instigate uprisings. Then an Arab invading force was to walk into the country and take over."

The Indian writer added that the then British ambassador to Damascus, Sir John Gardener, "had sent funds to encourage defection of Syrian officials. But the plot was foiled by the Syrians and the main conspirators arrested."​

Syrian Arab news agency - SANA - Syria : Syria news ::
The game plan in Syria
The present violence is part of a larger narrative of Western manipulation of the Arab world
The situation in Syria today is a result of a hundred years of Anglo-American intervention and incitement. This is the third time the West has tried to topple a legitimate Syrian Regime. The difference this time though is that the West has a pliant press as an ally.

Bashar Assad had lost the propaganda war long before trouble started in Syria two years ago. The movement against him grew by the week in the media, while on the ground it remained a murmur of discontent. CNN, BBC and Wahhabi Arab channels belted out stories of large scale persecution, with preachers like Sheikh Aruoor and the Qatar based Ahmed Karazvi extorting the Syrians to rise up and bomb government buildings and blow up minority religious institutions.

The story of Western manipulation of the Arab world started in the early 20th century as imperial Britain attempted to redraw the maps of the Middle East. They did it for oil, they did it for trade routes, and they did it for fun. With the U.S. as an ally, Britain plotted the overthrow of unfriendly regimes, and the assassination of hostile leaders. After the Second World War President Eisenhower asked his British allies to develop "a high class plan to split the Arabs." And by the early 60's the Arabs were split right down the middle.

On one hand were the secular nationalist regimes led by Egypt's Nasser, which included Syria, Libya and Iraq. On the other hand pro-Western monarchies of Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait, Bahrain and Qatar ruthlessly crushed human rights and followed archaic tribal laws.

"Britain is forced to support the traditionalist (read Salafi/ Wahhabi) though obscurantist regimes" piously wrote James Craig of the foreign office in 1973. "The anti-imperialists" (read anti west) are just so detrimental to our interests."

In the last decade, America has targeted only those nations where there was no al-Qaida, no terror, and no Wahhabi ideology. American intervention has not only destroyed the infrastructure in these countries but also established violent terrorist movements in all of them. The staunchest allies of the U.S. in the Muslim world are Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar and Pakistan. The first three are the largest sponsors of international terror and Pakistan of course practices terror as a state policy.

Through the 1950s, 60s and 70s, the US and the UK undertook military expeditions to destabilise secular Arab nations. They undertook an invasion of Egypt, which failed. They sponsored two assassination attempts on Nasser, which failed. They tried to instigate two revolts in Syria, which also failed.

Way back in 1957 the British cabinet had approved Operation Straggle, a plot to engineer a coup in Damascus. The plan was to create disaffection on the border areas, infiltrate armed insurgents into urban areas and instigate uprisings. Then an Arab invading force was to walk into the country and take over. The then British ambassador to Damascus, Sir John Gardener had been sent funds to encourage defection of Syrian officials. But the plot was foiled by the Syrians and the main conspirators arrested.

Undeterred the MI6 and CIA came up with a "Preferred Plan", which envisaged sabotage and disruptions as strategy. "False Flag" action was initiated, under which Western sponsored terrorists would carry out killings and bombings in opposition areas, blaming the Syrian government, and instigating widespread riots and protests. Watching the events unfold in Syria over the past two years, it seems that the Americans are serving old wine in old bottles. They have just changed the date on the labels.

Beleaguered Assad has been claiming that the terror blasts in Syria in December 2011 were Saudi/US sponsored. The Western media kept insisting that they were engineered by the regime itself. But when a tragic blast recently killed the defence minister, the head of national security and Bashar's brother-in-law, this media remained silent.

For centuries British foreign policy was dictated only by commercial gain. Today's Western intervention needs to be understood against the backdrop of a new pattern of energy transportation. Gas pipelines between Iran, Iraq and Syria, provide an enormous impetus to growth. New markets, constructions contracts, infrastructure development are all now available to Russia and China while Bashaar cocks a snook at the West.

The Arab nationalistic challenge to Western interests has always been rooted in the desire to be masters in their own lands and control their own resources. In the latter part of the last century Nasser, Hafiz al Assad, Gaddafi and Saddam became symbols of this freedom for all Arabs.

Today, after 60 years, the lands of Nasser, Gaddafi and Saddam stand destroyed, their resources plundered, their infrastructure demolished, their children growing up in the shadow of guns. Assad stands as the lone survivor.

As the Indian diaspora flee from Damascus and land in Delhi, they have a similar story to tell. "Before an American presidential election some Muslim country gets ravaged," says Kaniz Zainub Zehra. "Clinton did it to Afghanistan, Bush did it to Iraq, Obama did it to Libya. As he comes up for re-election, he is doing it to Syria." "The protests against the regime were all engineered," said Sayed Intikhab, who returned to UP recently.

Even as India has finally re-asserted its non-alignment by abstaining in the Saudi/Qatar/US sponsored UN resolution against Syria, Moscow and China staunchly shield Bashar. Saudi Arabia and Qatar provide rebels with heavy arms while the US and their Western allies continue to fund them.

While Syrians on both sides die the gap between Romney and Obama widens in opinion polls.

The writer is a theatre director and actor.

The game plan in Syria - Times Of India
This makes interesting reading.

"Before an American presidential election some Muslim country gets ravaged," says Kaniz Zainub Zehra. "Clinton did it to Afghanistan, Bush did it to Iraq, Obama did it to Libya. As he comes up for re-election, he is doing it to Syria."
Oh come on this is conspiracy
bulldung .....................................everything that is happening in the muslim word started with tunisia...and then spread like wild fire though africa to bahrain and now syria !!

How the heck is US in this hole !!! are scapegoats for everything in the west !!
Oh come on this is conspiracy
bulldung .....................................everything that is happening in the muslim word started with tunisia...and then spread like wild fire though africa to bahrain and now syria !!

How the heck is US in this hole !!! are scapegoats for everything in the west !!


The west itself admits supporting those terrorists, and USA it self admits it. so what theory you are talking about?? this is reality??? u just need to check the facts man......
Interesting question being posed here. Why does the USA always have a problem with secular Islamic nations buts hugs radical states such as Saudi , Bahrain and one of our neighbours in South Asia ?

International politics has only one funda:

Give me the man and I'll give you the rule.
I posted the Syrian version of the article which summarize the Article, however I also included the original article... this article was written by Aamir Raza Husain,The writer is a theatre director and actor.

The Indian theater director stressed that "The staunchest allies of the U.S. in the Muslim world are Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar and Pakistan. The first three are the largest sponsors of international terror."

The syrian paper reported incomplete article. Times of India clearly said Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar are "sponsors of international terror" while Pakistan "practices terror as a state policy."

The description of pakistan is not published in Syrian paper while the rest is described. Can Syrians answer this??

Paper only published those parts of article which it thinks beneficial for them not the actual truth.
The syrian paper reported incomplete article. Times of India clearly said Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar are "sponsors of international terror" while Pakistan "practices terror as a state policy."

The description of pakistan is not published in Syrian paper while the rest is answered. Can Syrians answer this??

Paper only published those parts of article which it thinks beneficial for them not the actual truth.

I did state that the Syrian version was a SUMMARY , and in a summary you only include the part that are important, since Pakistan and Syria relations are neutral then no need to mention Pakistan in a bad manner.. again Syria and Pakistan have relations and neutral relations..... its politics....

Interesting question being posed here. Why does the USA always have a problem with secular Islamic nations buts hugs radical states such as Saudi , Bahrain and one of our neighbours in South Asia ?

Well you know that GCC are obeying orders, so no need to mess with them....... on the other hand Syria refused to obey the West's orders therefore USA considers Syria an enemy, it must destroy it at any cost...
I did state that the Syrian version was a SUMMARY , and in a summary you only include the part that are important, since Pakistan and Syria relations are neutral then no need to mention Pakistan in a bad manner.. again Syria and Pakistan have relations and neutral relations..... its politics....

Well you know that GCC are obeying orders, so no need to mess with them....... on the other hand Syria refused to obey the West's orders therefore USA considers Syria an enemy, it must destroy it at any cost...
means you do agree this is politics. your relations with pakistan has nothing to do with true and actual reporting. It clearly indicates Syrian media belongs to the class of western media which includes BBC, cnn. Right?

Indian relation with Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar are also good, still TOI reported them "sponsors of terrorism". whats your point??
means you do agree this is politics. your relations with pakistan has nothing to do with true and actual reporting. It clearly indicates Syrian media belongs to the class of western media which includes BBC, cnn. Right?

Indian relation with Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar are also good, still TOI reported them "sponsors of terrorism". whats your point??

Are you kidding me right now?? have you been following the Syrian crisis ??? Syrian media belongs to the west???
My friend do you know who is fighting in Syria right now?? terrorists that are sponsored by the west, and GCC........
i don't know what else to say...... I just don't have enough time to explain right now....
But Syria is in war against international terrorists that are supported by the west...
and the article it self said it.. the western media is spreading propaganda and such against Syria
so the west is anti-Syria

but I still posted the actual article....

and the rich countries such as Saudi "arabia" are the ones funding terrorists.... they got the money......

The west itself admits supporting those terrorists, and USA it self admits it. so what theory you are talking about?? this is reality??? u just need to check the facts man......

I mean before every election .induced turmoil in the muslim world or the revolutions took place not because of oppositob but coz its engineered
Are you kidding me right now?? have you been following the Syrian crisis ??? Syrian media belongs to the west???
My friend do you know who is fighting in Syria right now?? terrorists that are sponsored by the west, and GCC........
i don't know what else to say...... I just don't have enough time to explain right now....
But Syria is in war against international terrorists that are supported by the west...
and the article it self said it.. the western media is spreading propaganda and such against Syria
so the west is anti-Syria

but I still posted the actual article....

and the rich countries such as Saudi "arabia" are the ones funding terrorists.... they got the money......

The terrorists are being funded chiefly by some GCC countries, tell me if in a scenario that Assad's regime falls then what will be the environment in Syria when these rebels take over? Estimates say there will be close to 10 million deaths in a civil war and the minorities including Christians may get slaughtered is that true?
The terrorists are being funded chiefly by some GCC countries, tell me if in a scenario that Assad's regime falls then what will be the environment in Syria when these rebels take over? Estimates say there will be close to 10 million deaths in a civil war and the minorities including Christians may get slaughtered is that true?
In their "peaceful" demonstrations they chanted racist slogans such as " Christians to Beirut, and Alawat to Coffins"... that shows hoe peaceful they are......
And those terrorists that are sponsored by the GCC want to take Syria 1000 years back.... and its funny how the countries with kings and dictators are talking and preaching democracy to Syria, while some nations wont allow woman to drive.....

This might explain little bit......... it's not about democracy, it's not about freedom its about destruction.....

now someone is gonna pop up say this a Syrian uprising, which is not.......
If Syrians wanted Alasad to leave, then he would have been already out... I have been saying that for YEARS...
Again the POWER AND THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE CAN NOT BE BEATEN NO MATTER WHAT, NO GUNS NO WEAPONS CAN BEAT IT.. If the majority of Syrians wanted him out, then he would have been out, however Syrians support Alasad, which is why he is still in power.

In their "peaceful" demonstrations they chanted racist slogans such as " Christians to Beirut, and Alawat to Coffins"... that shows hoe peaceful they are......
And those terrorists that are sponsored by the GCC want to take Syria 1000 years back.... and its funny how the countries with kings and dictators are talking and preaching democracy to Syria, while some nations wont allow woman to drive.....

This might explain little bit......... it's not about democracy, it's not about freedom its about destruction.....

now someone is gonna pop up say this a Syrian uprising, which is not.......
If Syrians wanted Alasad to leave, then he would have been already out... I have been saying that for YEARS...
Again the POWER AND THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE CAN NOT BE BEATEN NO MATTER WHAT, NO GUNS NO WEAPONS CAN BEAT IT.. If the majority of Syrians wanted him out, then he would have been out, however Syrians support Alasad, which is why he is still in power.

The whole trouble making is foreign funded and foreign influenced with some internal support that is quite evident to all, but then is the regime so weak to quell this uprising? there is a lot of funded negative media spread propaganda saying Assad will fall in a few months. Assad did promise a democratic election in the near future and under the aegis of Russia didn't he?
The whole trouble making is foreign funded and foreign influenced with some internal support that is quite evident to all, but then is the regime so weak to quell this uprising? there is a lot of funded negative media spread propaganda saying Assad will fall in a few months. Assad did promise a democratic election in the near future and under the aegis of Russia didn't he?

Yes and the new Constitution states there must be elections, Alasad passed more then 70+ laws and bills, so he met the Syrians demands and he fulfilled them... and elections wont happen in this chaos..... so a real fair elections will only happen in 2014....

Plus this conflict is taking time because the west and GCC, Jordan, Turkey, and others are fully supporting those terrorists, they either support them with money, weapons, intelligence and diplomatic. and those same countries don't encourage dialogue, which is a peaceful solution to the issue, The U.S state department made it clear to those terrorists to not drop their weapons to sit and talk on a table, it told them directly to not stop fighting, which only caused in Syrian bloodshed..

so basically its Syria vs. World terrorism....
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