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'India testing missiles with longer ranges' :: Pak Embassy in Washington


Aug 5, 2012
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'India testing missiles with longer ranges' :: Pak Embassy in Washington
Monday, November 16, 2015
By: Geo.TV

NEW YORK: Pakistan has debunked a claim that it was irresponsibly building its nuclear arsenal, and called for shifting attention to India’s investment in destabilizing technologies and its aggressive posturing.

"Pakistan was not the first to introduce nuclear weapons in South Asia; India was," a spokesman of Pakistan Embassy in Washington said in a letter published in The New York Times on Saturday.

The spokesman, Nadeem Hotiana, was responding to a recent editorial of Times claiming that Pakistan's nuclear arsenal was growing "faster than any other country's", and that "persuading Pakistan to rein in its nuclear weapons program should be an international priority."

Hotiana, who is press attaché at the Pakistan Embassy in Washington, said, “Recent public reports confirm that India continues to grow its nuclear programmeby testing missiles with longer ranges, working on coming fissile material production facilities, and investing in a nuclear triad that inevitably requires a larger nuclear arsenal.

“India also propounds war-fighting doctrines while being ascendant as one of the world’s largest importer of military hardware. A special waiver for India for nuclear trade is another destabilizing step, the letter said.

It added, “Pakistan has for decades offered proposals to India for nuclear restraint, including a strategic restraint regime that could address concerns raised in the editorial.As late as September, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif of Pakistan made fresh proposals for peace in South Asia in his speech at the United Nations.

Sadly, India has refused to engage. “Peace can be better served by focusing the world’s attention on India’s lack of constructive response to Pakistan’s proposals, its investment in destabilizing technologies and its aggressive posturing.”
Exactly what Pakistan and China do when you whine about CPEC projects in AJK and GB.

Source: 'India testing missiles with longer ranges' :: Pak Embassy in Washington
Are you talking about Randi? Cause its randi to assume China is somehow going to save the Pakistani economy.
China support economic corridor from India-Bangaldesh-Burma-China. There is no or little money to be made with a direct link over the highest mountians in the world through no mans land unpopulated regions to reach Pakistan or Pakistani goods to reach China. If Pakistan was serious about economic progress they would have introduced a pipeline from Iran.
Linked with central Asia through afghanistan, and then providing security.
With out India in your economic plans, you are buying lemons and since China does not provide AID like America does but does soft LOANs Pakistani people will be paying for these stupid projects for years to come. On top of that the current water issue is not being resolved, and moving slowly even though everyone who knows water knows Pakistan needs more dams.
Country who can successfully complete mars mission, will it be any difficult to build long range missile, If government sanctions.

If they had to go shame the country, please pick up better subject next time
Leave aside India's fast breeder reactor ( 700 warheads annually) which only one country in Asia operate and India has enough uranium to last 60 years of weapons program and our Three stage program can last for 500 years .

Pakistan's Heavy water reactor capacity to produce plutonium == 275 Mwth
India's Heavy water reactor capacity potentially to produce plutonium== 8233 Mwth
Total plutonium India has outside safeguards including fuel grade and weapons grade === 16000 Kgs
Total plutonium Pakistan has outside safeguards in weapons grade form == 125 kg to 150 kgs

Total number of bombs Pakistan can produce per year == 9 nuclear bombs
Total number of bombs India can produce per year ==== 156 bombs

David Albright estimated in 1999 that India had approximately 4200kg of unsafeguarded plutonium.That's enough for 1000 bombs.

P.S - Our No first use policy Nuclear policy is a piece of crap meanwhile Israel's stance that any attack on it soil would invite nuclear retaliation on all of the Muslim world.

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David Albright estimated in 1999 that India had approximately 4200kg of unsafeguarded plutonium.That's enough for 1000 bombs.

Buddy reactor grade and weapons grade are two different numbers...both combine to produce a total fissile stock (safeguarded or unsafeguarded).

Reactor grade cannot be economically changed to weapons grade (unlike Uranium which is refined rather than artificially manufactured with Neutron flux)....because of Pu-240 contamination in reactor grade over time. Basically Weapons grade Pu 239 has to be specifically removed from a reactor quite early (just enough neutron flux time to transmute U 238 to Pu 239) and kept separate for weapons use. Reprocessing spent Pu fuel also does not alter the Pu-240 contamination (which plays no major role in reactor viability/performance but plays an appreciable role in making Pu implosion more dangerous/unreliable given the extra neutron capture which may result in undesirable fast fission).

Technically India may have the expertise to manufacture bombs with Pu-240 contaminated material (a specific design would need to be made, separate from the ones India has established)....but I doubt India will choose this option given the fresh injection of material we will be getting from the FBTR program soon and also the amount of testing that we have (and have not) done.

According to this report (One author is the David Albright guy you mentioned.):


India has about 550 kg weapons grade plutonium....about 75 - 125 implosion device...with a median of 100.

It is interesting to note they are estimating around 660 kg total weapons grade plutonium produced (using every available reactor in India over history)....implying that 550 kg have been diverted to purely warhead manufacture and the remaining balance is what has been used for civil energy reactors + FBTR program initial requirements so far.

The FBTR will be a game changer for India in the amount of fissile material available per year. But we will have to wait and see how the exact numbers unfold (at least those available to the public).

We are of course talking about Plutonium Weapons only here.

Pakistan derives most of its warhead numbers from its U-235 stockpile if I am not mistaken...so of course their Pu warhead production numbers are going to be quite low.
kid that's a disputed land.. this is what??/? Whining !! we could say that

Disputed or no disputed. You whine. And nobody gives a sh!t.

India dsnt protest CPEC it protests passing of it through lands it claims is Indian illegally occupied by others.

Yeah I know. Even though we are not illegally occupying it but you should continue to whine more often. It is fun seeing you whine.
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