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India successfully tests short-range surface to surface guided ballistic missile ‘Pralay’ off Odisha coast: DRDO - Counter to Pakistan Fatah-1 missile

Some times Indian mindset is totally unthinkable. While China is beating sh*t out of them at every front but their every move is being compared to Pakistan. They even don't dare to name China, China being aggressor and occupant of their land never ever gets mentioned not even on these forums which have nothing to do with the official stance. What a pitty on this nation
Fatah 1 is a mlrs. The pinaka can be compared to it. Not a short range ballistic missile. Thats just sad. Thats like me comparing your spike atgm to the shaheen 3 MRBM.
What can you expect from Bhakts tho.
India tests Pralay missile. Is counter to Pakistan Fatah-1 missile and similar Chinese TBM.
Range upto 500 km with 500 kg payload.
Each launcher has two missiles and misisle are of a silimar class as Iskander latest versions.
Huge huge threat for Pak and Chinese HQ-9, S-400, S-300 etc.

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Comparing Ballistic Missile with MLRS 😂
counter to Pakistan Fatah-1

You mean a short range ballistic missile is a counter to mobile MLRS.

Huge huge threat for Pak and Chinese HQ-9, S-400, S-300 etc.

Make your mind whether Pralay is threat to MLRS or AD/AA Missile System. Such confusion might result in blowing one of your own column on the Front. Are these Huge Huge words similar to Ship Ship Ship kind of intelligence. Also, when it comes to see BM coming in, whether short range Pralay or Kerala; conventional parameter is already breached and threat ladder is gone to next. Do you get it?

If you or your gang wonders that why such a post with bit of pinching then, believe me; such kind of posts having no details to compare with while missing the very basic information of any system which is to be countered viz a viz Pralay's specs or some kind of super tech; deserves nothing but boils blood of people with interest coming here to read and gain some knowledge.
Huge huge threat for Pak and Chinese HQ-9, S-400, S-300 etc.
As i said before, every time Indians manage to put a bolt on a screw, it's either breaking news or a world winner....
Likewise every time as soon as India tests something, it suddenly becomes a huge huge threat to everything that already exists..... not to mention that if and when and in India, when can stretch over decades, the subject will even become operational. And i suppose, all Indian weapons will be operating from underground firing points so they will remain forever untouched.
Since the time, China has screwed India, in Galwan; India is doing tests upon tests, and all are "successful". :lol:
These are useless, unless India or pak or China want a nuclear war. All BM r useless as enemy don't know if it has nuclear payload or conventional.

So the 1st one will also not be sure any the response if it would be nuclear or conventional

Hence these missiles will rot in their canisters without ever being used.
Wasting money just like America Russia
@JamD It is estonishing that for half the weight (1 to 0.5 ton), it can go just 50 km further. It seems majority of the energy is lost during launch. @PanzerKiel
No length of minaturisation of modern electronics/navigation system is possible that leaves 50% weight reduction. Frankly I was thinking the extended range of Babur 1B missile was the weight reduction.
The babur engines are imported? and I dont think their efficiency is inadequate. The aerodynamics can play its role, but the design is not changed that much and the speed is subsoonic.
I wonder why 1B has higher range (with same size?). Then I wonder how Tomahawk range is 2500 km if dimesnions are similar to Babur. Or 900 km range is with higher load and possible 1200 km is with low load? And Paraly is BM wheras Babur is CM.? so payload matters significantly here.?
Hence these missiles will rot in their canisters without ever being used.
Wasting money just like America Russia
If the uncertainity can avoid the war, then the missile/money has served its purpose.
This is like comparring apples and oranges. comparing a rocket with ballistic missile is stupid.
@JamD It is estonishing that for half the weight (1 to 0.5 ton), it can go just 50 km further. It seems majority of the energy is lost during launch. @PanzerKiel
No length of minaturisation of modern electronics/navigation system is possible that leaves 50% weight reduction. Frankly I was thinking the extended range of Babur 1B missile was the weight reduction.
The babur engines are imported? and I dont think their efficiency is inadequate. The aerodynamics can play its role, but the design is not changed that much and the speed is subsoonic.
I wonder why 1B has higher range (with same size?). Then I wonder how Tomahawk range is 2500 km if dimesnions are similar to Babur.

If the uncertainity can avoid the war, then the missile/money has served its purpose.
You can even extend range of existing cruise missiles
By fitting a newer more efficient engine or putting a more energetic fuel mix
Hard to do with BM as they are already mostly fuel filled canisters
Biscuits were actually on the table but you can be forgiven as obviously Abhinandan couldn't munch and talk at the same time. :laugh:
Were the #doosraBanda also given the same biscuits in the hospital before he mysteriously died ?:coffee:

Can you ask the Ghafoora about this ? I ll Wait .... :pop:
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