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India strongly objects to illegal construction of bridge on Pangong Lake by China

India is a thief. Originally, India was just a servant of the British Empire, but wanted to occupy the land arbitrarily marked by the British Empire on the map. I really don't understand the logic of India. If the British Empire assigned half of China's land to India on the map, does India have the right to claim territory?
Now the Chinese government's Indian policy and route are surrender routes.
India is strengthening its QUAD alliance with the United States, Japan, and Australia. This is a completely hostile policy against China. China should teach India a profound lesson and eliminate thousands of Indian soldiers. In this way, India will oppose the Modi government's risk of Hindu radicals policy.
The impression that Indians give me is that they are very confident, especially good at lawyer-like sophistry. Indians have a completely opposite way of thinking logically from ours.
Peace talks are useless, China should confront Hindu ultra-nationalism head-on. I really want to see what kind of political wave will happen in India when we kill thousands of Indian soldiers again
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