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India strikes back at nuclear protesters

LMAO...what so you take the Tsunami of 2004 and predict any future event will happen in such a specific manner LOL plz you dont know ****

As long as Lanka is there the KNPP would be shielded from the full ferocity of the tsunami waves. Doesnt take rocket science to figure that out.

.....just imagine if it it happens on the other sides then what?The narrow strip between Sri lanka would in fact suffer more.

The seas near Rameshwaram,Tiruchendur dont even have waves..if you have been there you would know. BTW aircraft accidents happen much more frequently than Tsunamis..have people stopped travelling by air... And again if people in all parts of the country start thinking like that where will be build the plants...Even in fukushima which is decades old technology the main reactor shut down and hardly there was any leakage.

Stopping a plant that has already 20,000 crore invested in it for the sake of a tsunami that might happen once in a century and that too in one particular direction which further lessens the odds is the ultimate stupidity.

The Govt appointed panel has given the clean chit to the safety concenrs and the NGOs have been blacklisted. Hope the Govt cracks down upon the the instigators and makes the common man understand that nuclear energy is the energy of the future and for a country like India there is simply no other alternative to it.

Kalpakkam....read my other post..plz...I was being saracstic even such acts have little effect on politicans who too rich off corruption they can fly away to their other properties.

Sarcastic or not...you saw how Kalpakkam withstood the Tsunami which attacked Chennai with direct force...still it stood and there was not a single issue and the fishermen living near it have not reported any signs of radiation. So how are the people of Thootukudi/TVL any special than people of chennai..?

.... One simply asked where was the water for such a reactor going to be sourced from.....

Why do you think they are situated on coasts..? Duh.

As I said the protestors are not involved in any genuine interest and I gave you the example how their self-declared leader Uthayakumar who tilll some days back was saying that the protests were only based the safety and now , after the Govt's clean chit, has done a somersault and is saying that the protests aim is to shut down KNPP permanently irrespective of it being safe or not.

The US and other parts of the world have a more extensive history than India and they are not getting a positive response on nuclear activity. France is uncomparable to India for a vairety of reasons.

Yeah right...that's because US has extensive reserves of untapped oil in Alaska and in oil shales all along the Green river basin (highest in the world) and access to cheap oil from Canada, Brazil and Venezuela. India does not have that luxury.

Look at china, which is comparable to India and see the pace at which they are building the plants

Plz Hindus have done more harm than good to their own. Sorry if can digest the facts.

Offtopic. But I would like to know what are they.
Among tamil nadu's 80 million population the protesters constitute 50000 so mathematically 0.0625 percentage..... among them
95 percent are poor uneducated fisherman families brainwashed by some A** H**ES.

Not even 50,000. Hardly 5000. And most of them are paid protestors -- 300 per head per day along with lunch

Govt should cut the power to these people's homes and make them understand the gravity of the situation and how much KNPP can go in bridging the deficit with its 1000 MW for TN quota.

The absolute majority of the people in TN are for KNPP includin the people in that area. A few paid protestors instigated by NGOs with vested interests and missionary orgs does NOT reflect the ground reality.
The problem is that the plant is being built by a Russian company.If it was an Yankee or European company there would have been no protests.
The seas near Rameshwaram,Tiruchendur dont even have waves..if you have been there you would know. BTW aircraft accidents happen much more frequently than Tsunamis..have people stopped travelling by air... And again if people in all parts of the country start thinking like that where will be build the plants...Even in fukushima which is decades old technology the main reactor shut down and hardly there was any leakage.

Stopping a plant that has already 20K crore invested in it for the sake of a tsunami that might happen once in a century and that too in one particular direction which further lessens the odds is the ultimate stupidity.

Exactly! There has not been a single casualty even from the notorious Fukushima plant meltdown. Tamil nadu coast is no where as Tsunami prone as Japan. We have some of most polluted towns and rivers in Tamil Nadu like Ranipet and Karur which has caused health problems for people. But these NGOs are hell bent on stopping a nuclear plant . They are anything but sincere.
LMAO...what so you take the Tsunami of 2004 and predict any future event will happen in such a specific manner LOL plz you dont know ****.....just imagine if it it happens on the other sides then what?The narrow strip between Sri lanka would in fact suffer more. Kalpakkam....read my other post..plz...I was being saracstic even such acts have little effect on politicans who too rich off corruption they can fly away to their other properties. How well do you understnad English. The knowledge I was referring to was not related to the nuclea reactors. It was a general theme of uplifting ppl. I also referred you idiots to a list of questions prepared by them that were in all honestly pretty fair. One simply asked where was the water for such a reactor going to be sourced from. What is that too difficult to answer for the gov;t? if so, then a reactor is the lesst of our problems. Readin comprehension is. No aswer till now. As for a blanket ban, I dont agree with but it could be some propaganda BS. In fact, the gov;t has not provided no proof. I can say whatever I want then.

The US and other parts of the world have a more extensive history than India and they are not getting a positive response on nuclear activity. France is uncomparable to India for a vairety of reasons.

You have been spouting this gibberish for the last few days & now you are starting to get obnoxious, calling people idiots & questioning their understanding of English. Kindly look in a mirror because your knowledge of plate tectonics is abysmal. What if a tsunami comes from the other side? Indeed! What if Mount Everest had a volcanic eruption deep inside & came flying & hit the nuclear plant straight on?? There is no answer to such crazy questions. How many tsunamis do you know that have happened in India over the past 100 years? Simply stupid direction this debate has gone into.

Your support to the NGO's is fine. That's your prerogative as is our support to the government's actions. The NGO's now have more than an accusation to go by, if they feel they have been hard done by, they can approach the courts. Your position is quite untenable, the government has put its cards on the tables, the NGO's can respond by putting theirs if they dare.
As long as Lanka is there the KNPP would be shielded from the full ferocity of the tsunami waves. Doesnt take rocket science to figure that out.

The seas near Rameshwaram,Tiruchendur dont even have waves..if you have been there you would know. BTW aircraft accidents happen much more frequently than Tsunamis..have people stopped travelling by air... And again if people in all parts of the country start thinking like that where will be build the plants...Even in fukushima which is decades old technology the main reactor shut down and hardly there was any leakage.

Stopping a plant that has already 20,000 crore invested in it for the sake of a tsunami that might happen once in a century and that too in one particular direction which further lessens the odds is the ultimate stupidity.

The Govt appointed panel has given the clean chit to the safety concenrs and the NGOs have been blacklisted. Hope the Govt cracks down upon the the instigators and makes the common man understand that nuclear energy is the energy of the future and for a country like India there is simply no other alternative to it.

Sarcastic or not...you saw how Kalpakkam withstood the Tsunami which attacked Chennai with direct force...still it stood and there was not a single issue and the fishermen living near it have not reported any signs of radiation. So how are the people of Thootukudi/TVL any special than people of chennai..?

Why do you think they are situated on coasts..? Duh.

As I said the protestors are not involved in any genuine interest and I gave you the example how their self-declared leader Uthayakumar who tilll some days back was saying that the protests were only based the safety and now , after the Govt's clean chit, has done a somersault and is saying that the protests aim is to shut down KNPP permanently irrespective of it being safe or not.

Yeah right...that's because US has extensive reserves of untapped oil in Alaska and in oil shales all along the Green river basin (highest in the world) and access to cheap oil from Canada, Brazil and Venezuela. India does not have that luxury.

Look at china, which is comparable to India and see the pace at which they are building the plants

Offtopic. But I would like to know what are they.

"The Govt appointed panel" yeah say that a 1000 times to see if they are fair and balanced in their approach. Why not institute an independent panel that lessens the chances of it being bought out? I guess you didnt read the links I have provided in another tread... numerous. You point out CHina yet fail to realize how much they are also investing in Green tech. Wrong about the full ferocity. I suggest you read up on science a bit more. You are looking it from one angle based on the old tsunami. When a tsunami hits a narrow passage, the force it exerts multiplies manifold. Expect the unexpected should be the motto, it will lead to a better practices and standards. The US is not tapping any oil, do you even know that? Thats a problem for their industry, very little investment in the domestic side of it. Not only that but problems still persist. You think the only issues I am pointing out are wear and tear yet you conveniently fail to look at other issues that come with any nuclear plant and that is maintenance. suggest you read up on Trombay, a lot of info came up when India was trying to get NSG vote. The waste being sourced was an issue for the fishermen...in the event of any contamination (leakage). Of course, being brand new it shouldnt be an issue for now but it is a very common problem and India has it shares of problems. Do you want me to pull out points where folks died of such contamination. As for Japan, plz don;t be naive. Many details are not being released. I suggest you re watch the video I posted, India lacks the resources that Japan has in the event of an emergency.
You have been spouting this gibberish for the last few days & now you are starting to get obnoxious, calling people idiots & questioning their understanding of English. Kindly look in a mirror because your knowledge of plate tectonics is abysmal. What if a tsunami comes from the other side? Indeed! What if Mount Everest had a volcanic eruption deep inside & came flying & hit the nuclear plant straight on?? There is no answer to such crazy questions. How many tsunamis do you know that have happened in India over the past 100 years? Simply stupid direction this debate has gone into.

Your support to the NGO's is fine. That's your prerogative as is our support to the government's actions. The NGO's now have more than an accusation to go by, if they feel they have been hard done by, they can approach the courts. Your position is quite untenable, the government has put its cards on the tables, the NGO's can respond by putting theirs if they dare.

No some of you have been really getting on my last nerve. What do I call someone if they pick one point and ignore all the others? Either they cannot comprehend English or they are an Idiot. The point is simple answer their questions. All of you sprout this and that, but not a single poster has put out documented proof of the government answering their questions. All I see is accusations being thrown around from both sides. Isn;t this a democracy? Then act as such. The govt acted as such coz the Russians were threatening to pull out. Now, it becomes a big farce of justice. The NGOs have already responded in kind and they are taking up action. I don;t support every single NGO and every single act they do but to hear folks completely label Christians as foreign and such nonsense. There are bad apples in every tree right? So stop badmouthing an entire community. You kept your bloody mouth shut when a quite a few posters said unsavory words.

As for plate movements, what's so hard about googling expert?
"The Govt appointed panel" yeah say that a 1000 times to see if they are fair and balanced in their approach. Why not institute an independent panel that lessens the chances of it being bought out?

If you don't believe a democratically elected Govt why elect it in the first place. See how dumb that looks ?

And who selects those "independent" panel ?

And what were the doing till 90% of the work was completed, 20,000 crores invested and the plant months away from commisioning..?

I guess you didnt read the links I have provided in another tread... numerous. You point out CHina yet fail to realize how much they are also investing in Green tech. Wrong about the full ferocity. I suggest you read up on science a bit more. You are looking it from one angle based on the old tsunami. When a tsunami hits a narrow passage, the force it exerts multiplies manifold. Expect the unexpected should be the motto, it will lead to a better practices and standards.

Expect the unexpected is good. But expecting a really unexpected event (a one in a century or even two century event or even a event that might not happen) and holding progress/development to ransom is stupid.

While going in a bus will you always expect the unexpected (ticket getting lost) and buy a spare one ? :lol:

And you dont know about the tsunami. Even if a tsunami strikes the current structures are build to withstand that and the best example is how the Kalpakkam plant withstood the 2004 tsunami. Its just either the protestors and their lackeys are too dumb to see that or too ingenuous to gloss over that.

The US is not tapping any oil, do you even know that?

They are not tappin because right now they have plenty of cheap fuel from Canada and venezuela. That doesnt mean they will not tap into the future. They have the alternatives and if push comes to shove can utilize it. Does India have any other alternative to nuclear power ? NO.

suggest you read up on Trombay, a lot of info came up when India was trying to get NSG vote. The waste being sourced was an issue for the fishermen...in the event of any contamination (leakage). Of course, being brand new it shouldnt be an issue for now but it is a very common problem and India has it shares of problems.

Why go to Trombay..? Come closer home to Chennai..There are also many fishing hamlets near the Kalpakkam plant. None of them have reported any leakages or radioactive exposure, even immediately after the tsunami. This only shows that technology get progressively better.

As for Japan, plz don;t be naive. Many details are not being released. I suggest you re watch the video I posted, India lacks the resources that Japan has in the event of an emergency.

yeah right..now that your points are busted go into conspiracy theories. Is it RAW-CIA-MOSSAD that is holding back the information or the Zionists alone ?
It would have been a genuine protest if they protested from the day they started building the nuclear power plant. It is not as if the power plant sprung up there just in a day. They had 10 years to protest but they are protesting only after the plant was completed. This shows their intent.... The leader will try to make as much money as possible using ordinary people.. just like it happened in maruti suzuki strike fiasco.
So these ngo's are saying "what if there is an earth quake,what if there is a tsunami,what if mother nature goes mad"

When it comes to mullaperiyar issue the same logic wont apply.What a hypocrisy.

Why is that?? is it because the 100 yeay old dam is in Kerala.
I don;t support every single NGO and every single act they do but to hear folks completely label Christians as foreign and such nonsense. There are bad apples in every tree right? So stop badmouthing an entire community. You kept your bloody mouth shut when a quite a few posters said unsavory words.

What am I, a keeper of morals? If you had bothered to read my posts, you would have known that I defend any & every community as the situation warrants. I have no interest in replying to pure communal tripe which is why I avoid responding to such posters. You do realise that I have taken no particular interest to responding to your comments on Hindus either.

Having said that, two of the NGO's mentioned by the government have christian connections & I take this more seriously because it is a congress government saying it. I might have been somewhat sceptical about a BJP led government making these remarks but one made by a Congress government needs to be taken nearer to face value. Your defence of these NGO's merely because you happen to be Christian smacks more of a communal mindset than mine ever would. I look forward to further actions against any NGO that the government deems to be a national security threat regardless of their religious affiliation.

As for plate movements, what's so hard about googling expert?

As for googling plate tectonics, google harder! You might actually yet understand what part of the planet are at risk & why.
Lets have a referendum in TN (bcs they are the biggest loosers and gainers from this plant). If they say OK..the plant gets commissioned, if not close the plant, move the machinery to somewhere where nuke plant is welcome (Gujurat perhaps) or sell it for scrap and write off the billions. We have wasted billions before, lets add this to it.
If you don't believe a democratically elected Govt why elect it in the first place. See how dumb that looks ?

And who selects those "independent" panel ?

And what were the doing till 90% of the work was completed, 20,000 crores invested and the plant months away from commisioning..?

Expect the unexpected is good. But expecting a really unexpected event (a one in a century or even two century event or even a event that might not happen) and holding progress/development to ransom is stupid.

While going in a bus will you always expect the unexpected (ticket getting lost) and buy a spare one ? :lol:

And you dont know about the tsunami. Even if a tsunami strikes the current structures are build to withstand that and the best example is how the Kalpakkam plant withstood the 2004 tsunami. Its just either the protestors and their lackeys are too dumb to see that or too ingenuous to gloss over that.

They are not tappin because right now they have plenty of cheap fuel from Canada and venezuela. That doesnt mean they will not tap into the future. They have the alternatives and if push comes to shove can utilize it. Does India have any other alternative to nuclear power ? NO.

Why go to Trombay..? Come closer home to Chennai..There are also many fishing hamlets near the Kalpakkam plant. None of them have reported any leakages or radioactive exposure, even immediately after the tsunami. This only shows that technology get progressively better.

yeah right..now that your points are busted go into conspiracy theories. Is it RAW-CIA-MOSSAD that is holding back the information or the Zionists alone ?

Plz you have done nothing to bust my points. For Japan to get back on its feet and not scare its people, it has to do anything and everything. George Bush after 9/11 declared Manhattan was safe in the aftermath to travel and visit. The reality was he lied. Many ppl were exposed to dangerous loose particles, concrete dust and asbestos.

i never said dont build nuclear plants so your statement is just a waste of space.

Comparing a bus to a nuclear reactor is pretty stupid and kinda of shows your value of human life. An independent panel could be composed of academicians who may possess a fair and tolerable view, at least enough to read the material and come to an independent conclusion. Plz...this is India where Pawar's chappal slapper lives in fear after repeatedly being attacked and reporting it more than once. What do you know about tsunamis expert? Why not compare Trombay? Secondly, those reports I mentioned were never even released in India. It was hushed up and barely came to light ony thru the NSG proceedings. I have to look for it, and who it what other reactors it mentions. How would you know there are no ill effects. Any studies of cancer clusters documented? Doubt it..

You talk about a democratically elected gov;t and voting for it right? Lets start picking it apart bit by bit....an Indian citizen proved how our proud, wonderful voting machine can be hacked and what did out govt do? Arrested him and tried to convict him. Now he lives in Canada as a political refugee. We have a wonderful gov;t that fails to implement the most basic anti corruption measures to police itself. The same politicans who have been living above the law for 50 yrs. The same democratically elected govt which has been ruled on and off by a dynasty family or bunch of associated thugs. Yeah some democracy. The truth hurts but its time to open your eyes. I could point the same about politics in TN :no:

Ask yourself how can a group of poor, very poor fishermen and families protest? They needed support in the form of at least food otherwise how you can protest in this day and age. So, we are complaining of NGO's giving the poor ppl food so that they can fight for their rights. Shame. The govt was counting on these folks to put up and shut up, thats why the statment smakcs of controversy yet you fail to see it. You blame them for what..... having the ability to have their voices heard when the media or govt wont listen or paint them in a negative light? I have been around long enough to see what cheap tactics can be pulled especially by our govt. No doubt India needs electricity, but answer their questions and make it bloody public to the rest of the country then you wont hear a peep out of me. Got it?
I know....which places are more endangerd. India not being in the top. My comment for Hindus is simply tit for tat. My bro-in-law is Hindu. So, no harm meant. Dude I don;t trust none of these parties....they all their own separate agendas. My cant the youth, IIM IIT alumni all float a party in every INdian state? I would value their opinions more than these seasoned jokers. As for your point about national security and NGO's, I am on the same page 110%. But if you are going to look at such things with a fine tooth comb apply it the same with those Islamic charities getting funds from the Gulf and Hindu NGO's affilated with RSS There are pros' and cons in everything we do. It would in the Indian's Citizen;s benefit to hear out both truthfully.
But if you are going to look at such things with a fine tooth comb apply it the same with those Islamic charities getting funds from the Gulf and Hindu NGO's affilated with RSS .

As i said earlier in my post, follow the same rule regardless of religious affiliation. That means Everyone!

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