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India Sponsored Terrorism in Bangladesh


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India backed Shanti Bahini, Burmese rebels: book

Mon, Nov 9th, 2009 7:37 pm BdST
By Subhra Kanti Gupta

Kolkata, Nov 9 (bdnews24.com)--Indira Gandhi was voted out of power in 1977, just when India's external intelligence organisation, R&AW, was preparing to substantially step up its backing for the Shanti Bahini, says Subir Bhaumik in his just-released book "Troubled Periphery:Crisis of India's Northeast".

Bhaumik, a journalist and academic researcher for three decades, has provided graphic details of the R&AW's involvement in the Chittagong Hill Tracts and Burma's Kachin Hills in his latest book. But he makes it clear the "orders came right from the top" and were not operations generated by the agency.

"The immediate provocation for the Indian sponsorship of the Shanti Bahini guerrillas .. was the military coup that killed Sheikh Mujibur Rehman and many members of his family. To Indira gandhi, this coup was a political defiance of India .

"Within a week of the coup, senior R&AW leaders arrived in Tripura's capital Agartala with a clear brief for their subordinates: Get
those Chakma leaders who want to fight Bangladesh."

Bhaumik's findings is based on detailed interviews of Shanti Bahini guerrilla commanders and R&AW officials and the book is replete with such references.

One Shanti Bahini leader tells Bhaumik about the quality of Indian training.

"The Indian training was intensive and tough as the instructors had served with military units in Nagaland and Mizoram. The leadership element of the course was gruelling and involved war games and dummy attacks.

"The instructors would observe how we went about the attack and whether we had absorbed the theoretical lessons. They would severely admonish us if we were found lacking. They always reminded us of the maxim that you bleed less in war if you train well in peace."

Indira Gandhi's election defeat in 1977 saved Bangladesh, then grappling with mutinies and domestic unrest, from huge trouble, suggests Bhaumik.

"Just when the Shanti Bahini were told to prepare for the big push forward and that India would support a strength of 15000 guerrillas came the news of Mrs Gandhi's election debacle and the Congress defeat...

"It is not clear how far Mrs Gandhi wanted to go and it is possible that, after the liberation of Bangladesh, she could see the value of a successful foreign campaign could boost her dropping popularity back home.

"But her defeat changed the course of events . The R&AW plans to intensify the guerrilla war in Chittagong Hill
Tracts were put on hold when Morarji Desai took over as Prime Minister. The R&AW topbrass were categorically told to lay off from CHT."

Bhaumik's book says the support to Shanti Bahini was resumed when Mrs Gandhi came back to power--but by then, the Bahini was in the throes of a fratricidal war that led to the assasination of its chief M N Larma.

It says that R&AW's Agartala station chief at that time, Parimal Ghosh even resolved this fratricidal conflict by drafting an agreement between the two Shanti Bahini factions.

Ghosh in 1971 was close to General (then Major) Ziaur Rahman and operated under his pseudonym Captain Hossain Ali.

As a BSF officer, he fought at the Shuvapur bridge with the Mukti Fauj.

Bhaumik also details how the R&AW won over the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and started giving them weapons -- just to ensure they would not back any Northeast Indian rebel groups anymore.

The man instrumental in this operation was one of the most successful R&AW operatives , B.B.Nandi, who had also served as their station chief in Dhaka.

During Nandi's tenure as station chief at Bangkok, he developed close links with the Burmese underground groups, specially the Kachins.

Bhaumik says that Nandi even planted a R&AW communications team at the KIA headquarters in the early 1990s, from where they monitored the China-bound movements of the northeast Indian rebels .

After retirement, Nandi became a fierce critic of the R&AW and the Indian government when Delhi started befriending Burma's military junta and the BNP-Jamaat combine in Dhaka.

Bhaumik's book , published by Sage, details the major issues of conflict in northeast India -- land,language, leadership, ethnicity, ideology , religion -- and offers a policy framework for resolving the crisis.

It says the region suffers from severe "democracy and development deficit" and argues that a secular and democratic Bangladesh and a truly federal and democratic Burma is crucial to the stability of India's Northeast.

RAW's involvement in Chittagong Hill Ttacts : some admissions

Mohammad Zainal Abedin , Bangladesh

The RAW's involvement in Chittagong Hill Tracts : some admissions

1.The Chakma guerrillas had closely assisted RAW operatives. They were assisted during and after the liberation War. The Chakmas, after the change of govt in 1975, contacted the RAW. The Chakmas offered to infiltrate among the Mizo rebels and pass on information to the Indian govt in lieu of assylum. This offer was accepted (Inside RAW : The Story of India's Secret Service, Asoka Raina, Vikas Publishers, New Delhi, 1981, pp.86-87).

2.In 1975, the RAW was instructed to assist the Chakma rebels with arms, supplies , bases and training. Training was conducted in the border camps in Tripura but specialized training was imparted at Chakrata near Dehra Doon. Shantu Larma's Shanti Bahini members were flown to Chakrata and then sent back to Tripura to infiltrate into Chittagong Hill Tracts.

A RAW office and its operatives at Agartala monitored the progress of the trainees. In 1976, the Shanti Bahini launched its first attack on the Bangladesh force. A new insurgency had been born and India's secret war in the hills of Bangladesh had begun (South Asia's Fractured Frontier, Binalaksmi Nepram, Mittal Pablishers, New Delhi, 2002, pp-153).

3.The RAW was involved in training rebels of Chakma tribes and Shanti Bahini to carry out subversive activities in Bangladesh (RAW's role in Furthering India's Foreign Policy, The New Nation, Dhaka, 31 August 1994).

4.The Indian intelligence had collaborated the armed rebels of Chittagong Hill Tracts to destabilise the region ( Indo-Bangladesh Relation, Motiur Rahman, daily Prothom Alo, 10 December 2002).

India is doing that every where, also in pak, china and afghan
Hot news!

But what BD can do if India continue doing such insurgency in future?
What would be our strategy to stop these crime?
Hot news!

But what BD can do if India continue doing such insurgency in future?
What would be our strategy to stop these crime?

Tit for Tat. Do the same to them. Out of 100 active rebellion movements choose anyone and provide to them with the resources they require to do, what India is doing to you.


KIT Over n Out
We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on! We're going to survive!
- signature by Courage-never-dies

Yes we should.
Hot news!

But what BD can do if India continue doing such insurgency in future?
What would be our strategy to stop these crime?

Its not hot news but old news with some new facts.

We learnt about Indian involvement with CHT rebels back in 1980's.
RAW is enemy of Bangaladesh, China Nepal and Pakistan

Dr. Sabitri Chaudhary August 17 2005

I..K. Gujral, former prime minister of India and Nepal’s friend, was sent off to Russia during the late Indian prime minister Indira Gandhi’s era. He was trained under the Russian Communist ideology and was assigned to look after a project called RAW whose objective was to build a strong Indian spy network in Asian and achieve Indian stronghold in the region.

The modus operandi of RAW was to interfere in the neighboring nation’s internal affairs in such a way that they are engulfed in their won internal affairs and India could freely interfere in their internal affairs; encroach their border as well. The recent publication of a false report on the Internet against Nepal and Pakistan shows how unprofessionally this organization is operating.

Though the Indian government has denied any official bearing on the report, when over it comes in terms to the issue related to Nepal, the Indian foreign policy makers, ruling parties, opposition parties and the media unite together share a common negative perspective against Nepal. This way, it can never be accepted that the India government had no hands in publicising the report.

The fabrication of fictional characters and their terrorist activities are woven with such a lie that any civilized and democratic nation anywhere in the world would find it amusing to see the seasoned Indian propagandists lose so much of their credibility. RAW interfered in Sri Lanka affairs and the impact it created is still disturbed the peaceful country, was almost split in to two nations. As the saving goes, “he who’s the witch acts as the witch acts as the witch doctor himself”, the present Indian BJP government has now allotted USD $ 10 million as aid to the Sri Lanka government which is a paradox.

Bhutanese refugee problem in Nepal was also formulated by RAW from which Nepal is suffering a lot. RAW is also assisting the Nepali Maoists movement in supplying weapons and conducting guerrilla training and identifying remote and inaccessible 22 districts like Rolpa, Rukum, and Jajarkot for easy Maoists operation. Though Sri Lanka has been granted economic aids, the BJP government on the other hand neither takes any initiative to solve the root cause there nor does it speak anything against the Tamil Nadu leader Karuna Nidhi of DMK to stop his activities in Sri Lanka. India is also not free from the risk of being split up from problems with ULF As and Kashmiries.

But to cover it all up, to put an illusion on its own citizens, the government is performing all these theatrical gestures like providing donations to Sri Lanka. Unlike the Himalayan Blunder of 1962, the late Prime Minister Rajeev Gandhi had to enforce his military force into Sri Lanka to settle problems which India itself had created earlier. Later, the Indian army was compelled to pull out in defeat bearing a loss of more than 1500 army personnel.

As the saying goes: “those who plan poison tree well later be eaten up by the same tree”, Rajeev Gandhi was assassinated by the Tamils themselves. Likewise, late Indira Gandhi also had planted a poisonous tree in the name of Saint General Singh Vindarwala. The interference of the Indian forces in the holy Punjabi Golden Temple in Amritsar, the killings of the separatists all added up to the assassination of Indira Gandhi. It is because the poisonous tree she had planted earlier had grown old and she couldn’t uproot it. This is the price the Indian are paying for separating Bangladesh from Pakistan. The Pakistanis are now in possession of nuclear weapons.

Maybe they didn’t succeed in making Punjab and independent nation, but they won’t let Kashmir issue passes away easily. Like ‘tit for tat’ the Pakistani Inter Service Intelligence (ISI) is there to counter the RAW. There are so many spy networks working under-cover of diplomatic mission. But still Nepal has not been able to carry out any action against Raw. On the other hand, the situation in Bangladesh is also not stable.

The People’s Republic of China is also fighting Muslim separatists and it is being extra sensitive to the Indian politics. Down south, the military government of Burma is also facing separatist power though they are suppressing their people by military rule. What I want to point out from all the above scenarios is “What is the sole element responsible for such instability? The ultimate cause is the infamous organization RAW and its unethical activities. Because of not only the Bangaladesh and Pakistan are are suffering but also even Indian herself is in a big trauma and has already started explaining about cross border terrorism.

and india is doing for his safety...
but Pakistan is doing in whole world for money..:mod:
LOL! How insurgency can bring money?
If it can bring money then we must do it, also we will do it for our safety as India doing for it's security.
LOL! How insurgency can bring money?
If it can bring money then we must do it, also we will do it for our safety as India doing for it's security.

why we should do it in this way ???
manufacture the jehadies or terrorist
and ask money for kill him..
otherwise they are going to kill you..
i think this should not do by any country...
RAW uses Ford Foundation in Anti-Bangladesh campaign
Jaideep Saikia, an outward analyst, but virtually an Indian intelligence operative, hailing from Assam, abruptly tunes to India's anti-Bangladesh campaign that the demography of Assam is being rapidly changed due to the alleged infiltration of the Bangladeshi Muslims into Northeast India, particularly in Assam in his recent book, “Terror sans frontiers: Islamist militancy in Northeast India”.

Educated, better to say trained, in school at the Rashtriya Indian Military College in Dehra Dun, Saikia recently researched on so-called Islamic Militancy in North East India under the aegis of a Ford Foundation fellowship, which was awarded for the year 2003. The research was conducted at the Program in 'Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security'(ACDIS) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It is an astonishing and utter folly how 'For Foundation' could sponsor and allow Saikia to use his fellowship on such an issue, which is not only controversial, but also baseless and false and a part of India's anti-Bangladesh media campaign.
Saikia's effort cannot be termed as research work, as this type of stories is written almost daily in India. India's electronic and print media, including websites, are poured with such fabricated anti-Bangladesh items. It is assumed that Indian intelligence outfit RAW(Research & Analysis Wing) managed and possibly financed 'Ford Foundation' to award fellowship to Saikia, which he used not only to defame Bangladesh, but also to prepare a ground for India to invade Bangladesh.

Without deep and careful study it can easily be questioned, how Saikia, being a researcher could write, like his all other fellow-Indians, an essay having minimal statistics and historical facts, which he on the other hand, distorted in every possible ways. He tuning to his mentors in New Delhi chorused that Bangladeshis deliberately infiltrate into Assam to change the demography of the state either to form a new Muslim state out of Assam or merge the Muslim majority areas of the state with Bangladesh. To justify his claim, Saikia says, "The Muslims now constitute more than 70 per cent of the population of Dhubri district of Assam. But Saikia did not mention from which source he collected this religion-based demographic information, as the Indian census of 2001, did not enumerate its citizens on the basis of religion.
Secondly, he should know that at least five districts of Assam adjoining Sylhet had Muslim majority in 1947, when the subcontinent was partitioned. These districts were Goalpara, Hilakandi, Cacher, Dhubri and Karimganj subdivision of Sylhet. For this reason, the Muslims constitute about 30 per cent of the population of Assam. So whatever might be the percentage of the Muslims in any district of Assam it cannot be termed as a threat to Assam or India.
Thirdly, Assam or any other state is not richer than Bangladesh, rather many states of India, not to speak of Assam lag far behind Bangladesh to a great extent. So why should the Bangladeshis leave for a poorer region to lead a poorest life.
It is to be mentioned that Assam Gano Parishad, (AGP) is the prophet of anti-immigration crusade in Assam. But during its 2-term rules, AGP government under Prafulla Kumar Mahanto could identify few Muslims as illegal infiltrators in Assam. Even the current Congress Chief Minister Tarun Gagoi and Former Chief Minister late Hiteshar Saikia officially acknowledged that there is no illegal infiltration of the Muslims in Assam.
Meanwhile, the Ahoms, including the mainstream secessionist outfit ULFA
(United Liberation Front of Assam), comprehended the design of RAW to divide the people of Assam into several antagonistic groups and crush them using one against the other mainly to frustrate the freedom struggle of Assam.

Realising the duplicity of Indian government, ULFA in July 1992 publicly declared the Bengali speaking migrants, which also include the Muslims, as friends. In a publication addressed to the 'East Bengal migrants' ULFA stated: "East Bengal migrants are considered Assamese. Without these exploited lot, ULFA cannot be successful. These are people who are educationally, economically backward. They cannot be our enemies.

These hardworking people are ULFA's protection shield. Their contribution to the national income is immense. They can produce essential things from a small piece of land, sell without any profit, work hard for the betterment of Assam, sacrificing them for the future of the state. They are our real well wishers, our friends, better than the Indians. ('The Revolution Comes Full Circle: Bibhu Prasad Routray.)
In the same publication, ULFA went on to define the term 'Bidekhi'(foreigner). "Those who do not regard this state as their own, accept it as their motherland, are not ready to sacrifice their lives for the sake of this country, are aliens, 'Bidekhis for us." Saikia should have read this statement of ULFA. He should also know that the Bengali Muslims accepted Assamese as their mother tongue and identify them as Ahoms not as Bengalis. The new generations of the Muslim Ahoms even do not know Bengali. They are not antagonistic to the interest of Assam. All these factors prompted ULFA not to brand the Muslims as foreigners.

Being failed to brand the Muslims as infiltrators or outsiders, very recently India floated another allegations that Bangladesh designs to secede the Muslim majority districts of Assam either to merge with her territory or create an independent Muslim state in Assam. Virtually, the campaign is made to create anti-Muslim sentiment among the Ahoms so that the unity among communities becomes far a cry.
Saikia and other Indians not only floated the allegation of infiltration of the Bangladeshi Muslims to Assam, but also allege that Bangladesh in one of the mentors of the decades old secessionist militancy in Northeast. According to the allegation, which Saikia also did not forget to forefront in his book, Bangladesh provides shelter, training and even arms to different militant groups of the region, particularly ULFA, ATTF (All Tripura Tiger Forces), etc.
But being an Ahom and above all a researcher, Saikia should know that secessionist insurgency in Northeast when India got its independence from Britain in 1947, well before the birth of Bangladesh. People of this region do not feel them as Indians. They are fighting to end what they call, "Indian occupation." Previously India blamed China, Burma (Now Myanmar), Pakistan and even America. But they shortened their list over the years and ascribe the allegation on Bangladesh and Pakistan. Some of the Indians now consider Bangladesh more dangerous for northeast than Pakistan. This allegation against Bangladesh was brought to the forefront, because it will be easier to squeeze weaker Bangladesh than any other country that India blames

But India could never prove any of her allegations against Bangladesh. India officially challenged that there are 195 camps or training centres of the Northeast insurgents in Bangladesh and supplied a list mentioning their whereabouts. According to the list, training centres and camps are situated in hospitals, police stations, residential colonies, government offices, playgrounds, etc. Bangladesh repeatedly requested India to come and show on-spot the existence of these camps and centres. But India never accepted the offer, as Indian policymakers know that there is not even single such centre or camp of the northeast militants, not to speak of 195.

Still the propagandists in New Delhi deliberately continue their fabricated allegations against Bangladesh, whose brief ulterior reasons I have mentioned earlier. I really feel pity for Saikia as well as Ford Foundation for being used as the tools of RAW. How Ford Foundation could accept such a baseless research work which goes against a country, which is a main target of Indian expansionist design. I would request Ford Foundation to send a 'fact finding mission' to Assam and Bangladesh as well to inspect the ground realities. Such mission will surely find that all the allegations that Saikia mentioned against Bangladesh in his so-called research work are the products of exaggeration and misinformation. Ford Foundation, to uphold its neutrality and worldwide reputation and acceptability, should consider my suggestion and act accordingly.

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