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India, South Korea agree to go for joint production, export of military hardware

Prince Kassad

Apr 19, 2020
Reaction score
Hong Kong

South Korea is looking into building a carrier.

Maybe we can get them on board for our Tedbf and third carrier programme?

They are likely going to use F 35 for that or maybe KFX naval version since KFX / IFX is already double engine

About the ship, they are going to build themselves and the design is completed

South Korea is looking into building a carrier.

Maybe we can get them on board for our Tedbf and third carrier programme?

Indian contributions to joint ventures

Great partnerships, they are trying to export to each others. South Korea wanted to exports their KFX warplanes and India their Brahmos.

:sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:
They are in talks for the co-development of a Light battle tank....35 tons with 155 MM gun

South Korea is looking into building a carrier.

Maybe we can get them on board for our Tedbf and third carrier programme?

need of the hour we should go togather in countering china .
Indian contributions to joint ventures

View attachment 730034

india's contribution
you will get it free :enjoy:

South Korea is looking into building a carrier.

Maybe we can get them on board for our Tedbf and third carrier programme?
When your own ship gets delayed multiple times for parts and subsystems from different nations?
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