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India snubs an American admiral

Rehan khan 1

Dec 13, 2012
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According to the Delhi grapevine, Americans, in their private conversations with Indian interlocutors who are opinion makers, have been badmouthing Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar – just as they used to do to A. K. Antony in the UPA era. Their grievance remains the same – Parrikar is “slow” in decision making.
Washington hopes that by the time US Defence Secretary Ashton Carter visits Delhi next month, a few multi-billion dollar arms deals could be finalized and also that the Ministry of External Affairs would by then have somehow succeeded in piloting the Logistic Support Agreement (LSA) on the home stretch. A top Pentagon official told a US Congressional hearing last week that the LSA is finally sailing into view.
The LSA has become particularly urgent since there are gathering storms on the horizon in West Asia and the dogs of war are straining at the leash. Russia is moving its heavy aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov to the Mediterranean to lead its naval flotilla deployed there. (here).
Promoting arms deals and encouraging Sinophobia go hand in hand in the US diplomacy; they are mutually reinforcing objectives. Thus, we see a renewed push to get India on board the US’ rebalance strategy in Asia. From the US perspective, the optics of a US-Indian entente directed against China works well insofar as it will inevitably impact the Sino-Indian normalization. Thus, lately, the Pentagon officials have begun planting media stories that the US and India are planning to undertake ‘joint patrols’ in the disputed waters in South China Sea, which China claims as its sovereign territory. (See my blog Pentagon official takes potshot at India-China ties. )
To be sure, it was a masterly performance by the US Pacific Commander Admiral Harry Harris at a conference sponsored by the Ministry of External Affairs in Delhi last week when he went the extra league to give habitation and name to the idea of US-Indian ‘joint patrols’ in South China Sea. Harris said (in the presence of senior MEA officials and a senior Chinese diplomat), “In the not-too-distant future, the American and Indian Navy vessels steaming together will become a common and welcome sight throughout Indo-Asia-Pacific waters”.
Bluster is traditionally one half of US diplomacy and the Americans know how to create an optic illusion to trigger misperceptions which enable them to fish in troubled waters. But then, Admiral Harris was hit within the week by a rocket fired from Delhi. Significantly, it was none other than the indecisive, lethargic, slow-moving Indian Defence Minister who debunked Harris’ vision. Parrikar said:

  • As of now, India has not taken part in joint patrols but we do participate in joint exercises. So the issue of joint patrols at this time does not arise. I am not responding to what the US Admiral has said. Our viewpoint will come to you if we at all consider any such thing from our side. (here).
Parrikar also touched on Logistics Support Agreement: “It (LSA) has to benefit the nation on various counts. We definitely would say that our government is very active on almost everything. We don’t like to unnecessarily delay things. So, we do proper work, discussions are going on on many things”.
One of the good things about globalization is that word travels very fast, isn’t it? Parrikar seems to be aware that he “unnecessarily delays things”.
It is understandable if the Americans hustle India to let them in through the ‘Make in India’ gateway. But then, they don’t want to part with technology.They want India to keep buying and they hustle the government to take hurried decisions. Hence the smear campaign against select officials who stood in their way – Antony then, Parrikar now.
Even a newly-appointed joint secretary or additional secretary in the MOD promptly comes under intense American scrutiny – whether it is in his or her DNA to play ball with arms vendors and their middlemen (to mutual benefit, of course.)
India snubs an American admiral – Indian Punchline
Questions is not snubbing any country, but looking what's beneficial for us.

Be it US ,China or any other country, we should dance only if it helps us not to tune of others
  • As of now, India has not taken part in joint patrols but we do participate in joint exercises. So the issue of joint patrols at this time does not arise. I am not responding to what the US Admiral has said. Our viewpoint will come to you if we at all consider any such thing from our side. (here).
Parrikar also touched on Logistics Support Agreement: “It (LSA) has to benefit the nation on various counts.
Can we not say to these officials on LSA....
" GAA**D MAR***O". ?
I'm not sure some people know what the word "snub" means...

True.. This is no snub. Just countries looking out for their own interests. I wanted to reply to your post on the "rampant anti-american sentiments" you have seen in Indians in another thread, but lost of track of it then.

You must understand that we have been in the Russian camp for a very long time and American support for Pakistan has also been a thorn for decades. It's only really after September 11 and the rise of China, that the U.S has had to review it's strategy in South Asia. The fact is we had been warning about islamic terrorism and all this crap for many years before it hit you (Watch Tony Blair's video where he admits that should've listened to us).
The NGO's and the heavily funded churches also play their part in creating mistrust.

Now, to undo all this and see the change in the majority of the India.. It's going to take time. Being an anglophile and generally favourable to the US policies has brought me into conflict in political discussions umpteen number of times with my fellow compatriots.

You should also take into account, the influence of the left on the Indian Psyche.. Hell, we struggle with the socialist bastards even now. It's going to take more than a decade to purge India of their tentacles. The relationship and the people to people trust will only grow. However, it needs a lot of time.
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