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India shut down its economy to contain the coronavirus. It's now one of the most affected countries


Mar 16, 2012
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  • India reported more than 11,000 new cases of infection as of 8 a.m. local time on June 14, government data showed.
  • Delhi is said to have become a recent hotspot, with accounts of people struggling to get a hospital bed there, Reuters reported.
  • Infection cases have risen despite India being in a strict lockdown that began in late March and was lifted at the end of May, after a few rounds of extensions.
India's coronavirus cases have spiked in recent days, fueling concerns the situation could spiral out of control even as the country starts to reopen after weeks of stringent lockdown.

India is the fourth worst-hit nation in the world, with cumulative infection numbers over 320,000 — behind only the United States, Brazil and Russia, according to Johns Hopkins University data.

The city of Delhi is said to have become a recent hotspot, with accounts of people struggling to get a hospital bed there and some saying their loved ones died on the doorsteps of medical centers that refused to take them in, Reuters reported.

The deputy chief minister for Delhi told reporters that cases in the national capital region is expected to grow to 550,000 by the end of July, according to the news wire. Delhi reported more than 38,900 total cases as of Sunday morning.

"Last two, three weeks have seen a very significant increase in the number of cases every day," Arvind Kumar, chairman of the Center for Chest Surgery at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in Delhi, told CNBC's "Street Signs" on Friday.

Stop community transmission
The number of infections have risen despite India being in a strict lockdown that began in late March. After a few rounds of extensions, the country finally lifted those measures at the end of May. Still, some states and regions have restrictions in place and many districts are now demarcated into low-risk and high-risk zones. In low-risk areas, economic activity is resuming slowly, while the high-risk zones activities remain restricted.

As a medical doctor, Kumar said he has been appealing to people not to think "everything has returned to normal" — just because the lockdown has officially ended. He cautioned against "moving out and mingling in large numbers."

Even as confirmed cases would likely rise further, continued improvement in recovery rate and a low mortality rate would be key factors for the economy to open up as India 'learns' to live with the virus.

Samiran Chakraborty and Baqar M Zaidi

He also implored people to wear face masks if they have to step outside and maintain social distancing. "Presume every other person to be infected and maintain at least a meter distance from them," he said, adding that people should keep washing their hands as frequently as possible.

"If the people-to-people interactions become less in numbers, the transmission will become less and we'll be able to control the numbers," he added.

Virus toll on India economy
Nationwide restrictions grounded economic activities around the country, and India's growth outlook was badly hit.

Gross domestic product grew 3.1% in the three months between January to March — reportedly the slowest pace in at least eight years. The situation is expected to deteriorate further in this quarter.

Still, there are some encouraging signs emerging. Citi economists, Samiran Chakraborty and Baqar M Zaidi, said in a note there was a "sharp" improvement in economic activities in May, compared to the lows seen in April.

"Our weekly activity indicators continue to suggest further improvement in the first week of June as the economy has entered 'Unlock 1.0' from 8 Jun," they said in a note early last week, referring to the early stage of restrictions being lifted.

The geographic concentration of the virus has weakened further, with India's top 5 states accounting for 68% of daily new cases compared to around 80% in mid-May, according to the Citi economists in their June 8 note.

Maharashtra remains the worst affected Indian state, with its latest cumulative cases at 104,568.

Government data showed on a national level, more than 162,000 people have been discharged, while active cases are over 149,000. The death toll is comparatively low at 9,195.

"Recovery rate and incidence of death both improved a little more this week," the Citi economists said. "Even as confirmed cases would likely rise further, continued improvement in recovery rate and a low mortality rate would be key factors for the economy to open up as India 'learns' to live with the virus."

Still, reports have suggested that India's level of testing for the virus remains low and many people are dying without being tested positive for Covid-19. As such, the official death toll may potentially be lower than it really is.

it's very hard to get tested in India, there is definitly enormous under reporting, the guy in the video says it's so hard to get tested in India that at that point most people who would want to get a test would just give up at some point & not get the test.

PS: I'm not sharing this vid to bash India, after all my own country is in trouble & I wouldn't make fun of people because they got sick since it can happen to anyone including me.
It’s going to get much worse before it gets better. Mass population, sanitation issues poverty and an incompetent government is a poisonous mixture - and India will soon run out of body bags - it hurts me to say but that’s the facts.
India is shutdown is just like everything else in India, without plan and being very chaotic.

China shutdown the entire city, with a pre-plan on how to organize and arrange the residency of travellers, and how to deliver food and living essences, as well as medical supplies to the city and disturb these stuff to the 11 million people.

That's why there is no chaos and no riot in Wuhan during the shutdown, its not by ironfist like all the west wankers dreams, its by carefully and efficient planning, as well as the massive usage of high tech and transport system, and the very professional and devoted local government employee and voluntaries (the food/essences are delievered door-2-door by them in Wuhan, 11 million of people).

In the case of India, there is no plan no organization just shutdown and chaos, just like a primitive society it is
The main problem in third world countries (including India) is that they announce massive shutdowns without actually giving any economic relief, so what happens is that many simply don't abide by the shutdown & instead go out to work, and due to restricted movement those people at work barely get any costumer resulting in the continued spread of the disease & a severe economic crisis.
But some Indians were making fun of pmik when he criticized modi for unplanned lock down in India and was against this kinda useless lockdown in Pakistan
Announcing a lockdown is something different than implementing a proper planed lockdown.

We saw the oceans of migrant workers walking neck on neck in India during the "lockdown"
We saw the Indians stuck in sweatshops without any PPE and sanitary measures sewing and knitting PPE on dirty floors during the "lockdown"
We saw how the Indian government instigated civil unrest in north and southern India during the "lockdown"
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