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India shouldn’t involve in two-front conflict with China, Pak: Chinese media

It's a long term struggle, so be patience.

That's the refuge of one who knows the result to be disappointing one already. Expand the time frame...and keep expanding it as necessary. China revenge on Japan for what it inflicted on you in WW2 is also very long term right?

Or you can set a relevant time frame and take the appropriate loss of face (more prudent) and move on....of course not nearly as good for 99% of your keyboard warriors here.

When the supply line cut off, those 200 millions soldiers will have to eat grass.

Your supply lines are secure? Have you looked at the map? This finger of land is surrounded on all sides by India, we have the closer resources to deploy and the higher ground around the finger too.

There are not even 200 million soldiers in the entire world, what are you talking about.

Unless stupid India will put yourself in the risk, no one will come to your aid in war with China. Aggressive but stupid.

I'd worry more about China in the himalayan ridge lines tactically (given supply routes of indian plains compared to Tibetan plateau and their respective broad holding and transfer capacity for war materials). Strategically no one is interested in all out war.

Now China and India's relationship is going to hell, credit to Modi.

The more you paint this as full zero-sum situation ,the more you will be disappointed the route your govt is going to take in the end (seeing how it deals with much much smaller countries than India these days).
One belt one road is really a winner.

Might see countries switching allies from india to china.

Once that happens, only india is left facing the storm.
China won't solve this intrusion by diplomatic channel. No way.

In 1962, India's GDP is 42.9 billions USD, while China's 47.2billions. Now China's GDP is 11 trillions and only 2.1 trillion for India. The gap is even larger.

We have more manpower, money, firepower. We are not the one to compromise. Chinese government spokesman had said: we won't talk to India unless they pull back and stop intrusion. We will deploy more troops for confrontation, see who collapse first.

You have no idea how wars are fought.

What were the Vietnamese Economy/Manufacturing capabilities compared to the US? Was US able to achieve its objective?

What were the Afghan Economy/Manufacturing capabilities compared to Russians/US/British?

And above all those nations had a rich experience of war. Unlike Chinese who haven't fired a single weapon in anger in a very long time.

At the end, their soldiers will have to eat grass.

Do you know why you retreated in '62? Because India is too far off to keep your troops supplied.

Remember this?

Had we shot down that helicopter.. it would have been you, who had been chewing on rocks (since, not even a blade of grass grows there) and you are telling us that you will make us eat grass.
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