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India should help rebuild flood-ravaged Pakistan: Aziz Memon


Jun 10, 2010
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India should help rebuild flood-ravaged Pakistan: Aziz Memon


"How long will India and Pakistan avoid dealing directly with each other and go through illegal channels or trade via Dubai and Singapore?"

As a large country “that is doing so well economically,” India should “look at the misery of Pakistan during the unprecedented floods, put aside our differences and help Pakistan,” says Aziz Memon, chairman of the $100-million Kings group of Pakistan, which deals in textiles, water and medical services. In Chennai to participate in a Rotary meet on ‘Initiatives towards promoting Peace in South Asia,' in an interview to The Hindu Group, he reiterated his plea to accelerate trade and business ties, cultural and sporting exchanges, and people's movement between the two countries.

Excerpts from the interview:

How is the flood situation in Pakistan?

Terrible, 15 million people have been displaced; from the top of Pakistan down south, the infrastructure has been destroyed. Many, many small towns and villages have been completely wiped off, dams have given way. The total loss cannot be computed but it would be more than the combined loss from four major world catastrophes — the tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, the Haiti earthquake and our own earthquake of 2005.

And the flooding is continuing...

Oh yes, every day we wake up to news that the rains are unabated and flooding continues. There is fear the Sukkur barrage (across the Indus river, near Sukkur in Sindh) may give way anytime, and if that happens the devastation will be tremendous. This is the biggest tragedy Pakistan has faced in 100 years; the 2005 earthquake was limited to one region, the tsunami came, hit the coastal belt and it was over, and so with Hurricane Katrina and the Haiti earthquake. But this doesn't seem to be ending...

The North West Frontier Province and Punjab have been terribly damaged, Balochistan and Sindh partially damaged and Murry and the Swat Valley have been devastated. Pakistan is going through a very difficult time, facing one problem after another.

The total agricultural crop of Pakistan is destroyed, millions of acres of agricultural land submerged. Now tell me, where will we get our vegetables and other food from? Brazil, Chile and Argentina, or India?

What has been the response of the international community?

So far $115 million have come in; Mr. Barack Obama has asked the U.S. Vice-President to make a visit to Pakistan to assess the situation.

Till now India has not sent any help, has it?

Well, I have not heard of any so far. At this point of time, India should look at the misery of Pakistan, put aside differences and come forward to help us, we expect that from our biggest neighbour. (India has since announced an aid of relief materials worth $5 million for Pakistan).

What do you think India should do to help?

Basically, at this time, any help would be welcome. Nothing like this has happened in the last 100 years. We've asked the world governments to give helicopters to drop food, tents are required as also medicines for water-borne diseases. Any help would be welcome.

In the second phase, huge reconstruction will be on; schools, hospitals, power stations and other buildings that have been destroyed will need to be rebuilt and that will run into millions of dollars and...

So are you saying that will be a business opportunity for India?

A great business opportunity for India. One of the large refineries of Pakistan — the Pak Arab refinery in central Pakistan near Multan in Punjab — has stopped functioning because of the flooding, and gasoline supply will be eventually hit.

India has to understand that we ourselves are the victims of terrorism... Pakistan is victim No 1! But we are still trying to sort out old and contentious issues and going only back and back...Pakistan is getting hit by terrorism all the time. During these floods, in Peshawar, the chief of the rangers was killed by a suicide bomber. A few days ago, an attempt was made on the life of Dr. Gulalai, sister of (Awami National Party central president) Asfandyar Wali Khan, but she escaped. Now she is doctor, not a politician, but the Taliban targeted her because her brother is working against them.

My contention, even at this Rotary peace conference, was that our relationship can improve by allowing trade and commerce to flow. The relationship between India and China is not perfect or that cordial. They have problems, but they have a good trade relationship. The same between France and Germany; till today they haven't been able to sort out political issues but the business relationship is good, as also between Taiwan and the People's Republic of China.

Normally 60 per cent of trade is done with neighbouring countries. How long will India and Pakistan avoid dealing directly with each other and go through illegal channels or trade via Dubai and Singapore? It pushes up the cost for everybody.

How has the Pakistan Taliban behaved during the floods?

The army that was holding the Taliban back has been moved to relief work, giving them time to recoup and that is a danger. I told you their attacks continue.

How do you look at the recent Foreign Ministers meet which began well but ended in a fiasco?

The comments made by your Interior (Home) Secretary were not required. But we need more trust and confidence and have to clear the backlog that we are carrying. Pakistan is bleeding with terror, and this concession has to be given to us.

Do you expect more generosity from India, the bigger country?

Yes, it is larger and doing so well economically; it has to carry its neighbours along. Also as we discussed at the Rotary conference if we improve the interaction between civil society and the media, our trade and business ties, etc., we can solve many issues. In the past, the politicians have said let's first resolve Kashmir, but I say put trade and commerce first. Today we need to get yarn and machinery from India, India has to get cement and other things from Pakistan. I know for sure that both your Prime Minister and our President want better relations but are shy about the backlash at home.

The Hindu : News / International : India should help rebuild flood-ravaged Pakistan: Aziz Memon
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IMO this is a matter of national pride and honour. Pakistan was doing so well under Musharraf and again it needs the same leader to bring the country out of crises. We must rely on our own and yet if we need foreign aid than there is Islamic world whom we should look first for the aid

This is the result of our bad policies regarding Dams. had we developed dams this would not have happened. Basically this is a lesson for country’s people(sorry to say) that they should stop voting on the basis of language and ethnicity and should support the true Pakistani leadership like Musharraf.
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IMO this is a matter of national pride and honour. Pakistan was doing so well under Musharraf and again it needs the same leader to bring the country out of crises. We must rely on our own and yet if we need foreign aid than there is Islamic world whom we should look first for the aid

This is the result of our bad policies regarding Dams. had we developed dams this would not have happened. Basically this is a lesson for country’s people(sorry to say) that they should stop voting on the basis of language and ethnicity and should support the true Pakistani leadership like Musharraf.

Why you bring religion in this situation? People is dying there and they do not care if the food come from mandir or masjid. What is the need of time is to arrange for them as much as possible, you can have all the time to think about matter of national pride later.
to hear that India has offered
Pakistan $5 million in aid – and I
think Pakistan should accept it. That
said, the amount is a drop in
ocean given the scale of
devastation – but every bit counts.
Why don’t the two countries play
some friendly cricket matches to
raise funds?
Published in The Express Tribune,
August 15th, 2010.
Without the culprits of 26/11 not being prosecuted and pakistan terrority being used to wage proxy war on India there is very little chance of drastic change in the relationship which was confirmed by PM Singh's Independence day speech.
Why you bring religion in this situation? People is dying there and they do not care if the food come from mandir or masjid. What is the need of time is to arrange for them as much as possible, you can have all the time to think about matter of national pride later.

We have our resources available let us utilize those. Zardaari has already said that we have enough food available to feed our people than why should we beg to others?
We have our resources available let us utilize those. Zardaari has already said that we have enough food available to feed our people than why should we beg to others?

are u out of ur mind......many countries have help u...
dont be too much patriotic....enlighten urself..
check this article..see how many countries have helped...
" en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_Pakistan_floods "

see the facts dont be blind,and pakistan is not in a state to save their people without foreign aid...
are u out of ur mind......many countries have help u...
dont be too much patriotic....enlighten urself..
check this article..see how many countries have helped...
" en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_Pakistan_floods "

see the facts dont be blind,and pakistan is not in a state to save their people without foreign aid...

Why I am not seeing Russia in donors club
Canno't we have friendly series of 5 ODIS between India vs Pakistan for charity. I know our damm BCCI would not hear but that would be able to get around 100 crore (10$ Million) if hosted in India ?
Canno't we have friendly series of 5 ODIS between India vs Pakistan for charity. I know our damm BCCI would not hear but that would be able to get around 100 crore (10$ Million) if hosted in India ?

What ? I am not great supporter of matches after terror attacks on Mumbai.
Anyway India has donated 5 million dollars and Pakistan has accepted it after pressure from US.
Aziz memon has seen the writing on the wall,and speaks the truth.Now if we can let go of our past and walk into a better future,that would be wonderful.If we set aside our national egos,we can see the sense in what he says.It is for India to take this further and for pakistan to not let such efforts get sabotaged by elements who are actually trying to destroy their country.
UNICEF - Pakistan Flood Relief

I personaly donate $100 to UNICEF, I wish to help the people!

I Strongly Oppose the GoI for Help.!

But why should a nation with 70% poor, without toilet, illarate, no food, poor middle class than u will help to reconstruct a healthy nation with 100% educatated, hav food, and worlds fastest gorwing eco, and no terrorism in there???
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