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India should have sought Sri Lanka's suspension from Commonwealth: BJP

Nobody is about to ask fro Sri Lanka's suspension nor will such a move fly in the commonwealth, most of whose members are not exactly great votaries of human rights in the first place. There are only a few exceptions to that rule. To imagine that India would ask for Sri Lanka's suspension on the subject of human rights would be more than silly. India is in no position to lecture anyone on that matter. Those believing that this is a serious suggestion that could really fly are simply living in a dream world with no connection to reality.
Marked for future reference. Will use it for Indian Muslims related threads.

won't make a difference mate. for them we will still b3 the Hindu india, but for sri Lanka, it becomes an internal matter.
Earlier I used to support Sri Lanka against LTTE, but opinion changed after I saw a Channel 4 documentary, why go after the civilians FFS.
Actually it is.

Techically the President does not speak for himself. but for the country as a whole. So when Rajapaksa brothers came to new Delhi and promised heaven and earth they were not speaking as Rajapaksas, but as president and defence sec of Lanka.

Realistically I have heard the Rajapaksa clan controls about 40% of Lankan weath.


Actually 100% coz finance Minister is President Rajapaksha. We do have some issues with him but in his era Sri Lanka is leading country in South Asia in most of sections. If he goes for an election tomorrow he will win in major share.
Isn't it ironic cat calling the kettle black? Afghanistan hello???

NOP no Afghanistan hello because they attacked our territory first and above all we do NOT call for any international actions or uniliteral action against Afghan Govt for fighting the opposition.

whereas India is trying to bully Sri Lanka and also harm its citizens even tourists
won't make a difference mate. for them we will still b3 the Hindu india, but for sri Lanka, it becomes an internal matter.

Poor SL Muslims - they do not qualify for the concept of Ummah unlike Indian Muslims though SL Muslims are as moderate as one can be.
Earlier I used to support Sri Lanka against LTTE, but opinion changed after I saw a Channel 4 documentary, why go after the civilians FFS.

Can the documentry on Kashmir and Indian attrocities change the opinion as well ?

Poor SL Muslims - they do not qualify for the concept of Ummah unlike Indian Muslims though SL Muslims are as moderate as one can be.

Poor Indians who are trying to bank on Muslim word here for supporting LTTE terrorists.

funniest movement when the same Indians who hate Muslims come up with Pro-Muslim trick viz a viz Sri Lanka


Actually 100% coz finance Minister is President Rajapaksha. We do have some issues with him but in his era Sri Lanka is leading country in South Asia in most of sections. If he goes for an election tomorrow he will win in major share.

yeah he will win by demonizing the minorites and whipping up sinhala passions like his brother is currently doing with the BBS.

I have read a bit about how he is getting loans like crazy and building white elephant affter white elephant (like the mattale airport). Good, that combined with the ethnic chauvinism would take Lanka back in time instead of moving forward.

And another thing I read was that a memorial was opened for the Aranthalawa massacre with gory details. What a lame attempt to keep the passion and hatred for Tamilians alive in the minds of the Sinhalas when the guy behind that, Col.Karuna is in the Rajapaksa cabinet as a minister ? :lol:
1. you mean majority of Indian Muslims are extremists? :P go take action

2. Sri Lanka dont poke its nose in our affairs and we dont poke ours in theirs.

simple rule. cut off your long nose and we wont comment on yours as well

I mean, if we had taken such actions against muslims who show even a small bit of extremism, , then our largest minority wouldn't have felt safe in their own country. look at owaisi and geelani, they spit venom against hindus and yet stay here without fear. I am sure no indian Muslim (with a few exceptions of course) would wanna leave india for pak, q country made for the muslims of south Asia.

u can't imagine a Tamil doing the same in Sri Lanka.
sometimes I feel that we are a bit too lenient.
but u still can't refer to us without godhra and 1984..

and about the long nose, we all have long nose, u poke yours in ours, we do the same.its just a matter who did it first, you say it is us, and we say it is you.

btw, long nose is not a characteristic of south asia but.....:P
Can the documentry on Kashmir and Indian attrocities change the opinion as well ?

Poor Indians who are trying to bank on Muslim word here for supporting LTTE terrorists.

funniest movement when the same Indians who hate Muslims come up with Pro-Muslim trick viz a viz Sri Lanka


That is what happens when one is xenophobic - concerns for humanity will be lost and would fail to see others' genuine distress for suffering fellow human beings.
Can the documentry on Kashmir and Indian attrocities change the opinion as well ?

I would never hesitate to admit IA's atrocities in kashmir against civvies. That said nobody here is asking for a breakup of Sri Lanka or any territorial concessions unlike in Kashmir
Majority of Sri Lankans will decide what we need, it's not India or Indians business to involve matters of another country.

Then SL shouldnt have used the lie of Implementing 13th, in our instance 13th + amendment to India. If majority of Lankans, decide, then u guys should have fought the war on yr own, without using the Indian intelligence information. Indian Diplomacy is still protecting SL. If India starts taking even in words, EU( major trading partner with SL) and US will follow suit, and it will be tough.
Its just India is refusing to go tough on SL govt on breaking promises.
That is what happens when one is xenophobic - concerns for humanity will be lost and would fail to see others' genuine distress for suffering fellow human beings.

Indeed . Indians dont look at Indian army atrocities in Occupied Kashmir
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