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India sees Pakistani hand in North Korea’s nuclear test

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If you are gona throw blames..
Blame Americans..They invented it and could keep the secret...

I placed on the table the facts i did not blame you as of yet!. Stop blaming everyone around you and first understand why the world community would think its logical to blame Pakistan if that was the case.

Due to NK getting their hands on nukes look at the regional security situation right now. who can be held accountable for the situation if things get out of hand. if Pakistan creditability is in tatters it would be ludicrous for the world community to not to suspect you guys as you have a habit of getting yourself in trouble.
Well Pakistan is paying the price for proliferation. India got the deal without signing NPT, Pakistan didn't. For short term gains, you forgot long term effects.

We don't know to whom Pakistan have given this technology ? Iran may be :undecided:

India should raise this issue at UN. :enjoy:

Lets have a UN Probe. :D
@Abu Zolfiqar We started our program because of China. You started because of us. Its understandable.

But why give it to regime like North Korea ?
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Every time there is a pregnancy of a nice looking girl, TOIlet "Pakistani _______ (name your body part) is involved. :coffee::whistle:
yeah but they seldom bite.
stick to the topic if you cant contribute constructively then keep your useless brain farts to yourself.

Actually its pretty much related to the topic, dumb retard. We have been seeing all sorts of whinning from Indian side for quite some time now.

NK has been improving their nuke tech over time, it really was bound to happen. And these days, a country willing to spend millions on parts, disobeying everyone in the world only needs Google as all the knowledge it needs to build one....
Well Pakistan is paying the price for proliferation. India got the deal without signing NPT, Pakistan didn't. For short term gains, you forgot long term effects.

We don't know to whom Pakistan have given this technology ? Iran may be :undecided:

India should raise this issue at UN. :enjoy:

Lets have a UN Probe. :D

First lets have a UN Probe on LoC killings and ceasefire violations then come and talk.
In past they may have received help, but this test they did it on their own.
Who knows ? Pakistan always deny until its get evident like in case of AQ Khan.

First lets have a UN Probe on LoC killings and ceasefire violations then come and talk.
:lol: LOC is bilateral issue.

This is involved with NK, ROK, US and Pakistan. Even China has denounced this test.

I think UNSC can launch a probe. :azn:
Who knows ? Pakistan always deny until its get evident like in case of AQ Khan.

Pakistan clearly dont want to invite trouble with more issues like this, it has distanced it self now from rogue states and has cooperation with South Korea.
Pakistan clearly dont want to invite trouble with more issues like this, it has distanced it self now from rogue states and has cooperation with South Korea.
But this may affect Pakistan-SK relations. People of SK won't like the fact that Pakistan was behind NK nuclear program.
Pakistan had transferred the technology for enriching uranium to weapon grade in exchange for the knowhow for missile development from the Communist dictatorship as part of a deal negotiated by Benazir Bhutto and Kim Jong-il.
Benazir Bhutto once played an active role in furthering Pakistan’s clandestine nuclear program by personally taking CDs to and from North Korea on an official trip as Prime Minister, reveals a book by her Oxford college mate and journalist Shyam Bhatia who had subsequently kept in regular touch with her.

It was in the 90’s that North Korea offered to provide long range missiles to Pakistan to offset the imbalance with India’s integrated guided missile development programme then led by A. P. J. Abdul Kalam.

Writing in “Goodbye Shehzadi” (princess), Mr. Bhatia says by 1993, Pakistan was under the spotlight as never before [on bartering enrichment technology for missiles], with Russia, India and western secret services monitoring every nuance of Pakistan’s military research.

“This was where Benazir came in useful. As she was due to visit North Korea at the end of 1993, she was asked and readily agreed to carry critical nuclear data on her person and hand it over on arrival in Pyongyang…..The gist of what she told me was that before leaving Islamabad she shopped for an overcoat with the deepest possible pockets into which she transferred CDs containing the scientific data about uranium which the North Korean wanted.

“Pakistani contacts later explained that Benazir returned with more than just CDs. The delighted North Koreans who had already sold missiles technology to Egypt, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen insisted she carry back the disassembled parts of an entire missile so that Pakistani scientists could study it part by part.”

On multiple occasions, Qadeer Khan had alleged that, Benazir Bhutto had "issued clear direction" for that matter. In 1993, the downloaded secret information on uranium enrichment was delivered to North Korea in exchange for information on developing ballistic missiles.
(IISS reports. "A.Q. Khan and onward proliferation from Pakistan". Copyright 2006 – 2012 The International Institute For Strategic Studies. The International Institute For Strategic Studies ).

The Hindu : Front Page : Benazir was a courier in illegal nuclear arms trade, says book

U.S. intelligence officials claim that Pakistan was a key supplier of uranium enrichment technology to North Korea, and suggested that Pakistan had exchanged centrifuge enrichment technology for North Korean help in developing long range missiles, by transfer of vital technology and assembling missiles from semi knocked down kits surreptitiously transported from Korea, ironically in American made C-130 Hercules transport aircraft!

Funny world this. SKD missile kits from America's arch enemy North Korea being transported to Pakistan in American made C-130 Hercules planes of the PAF!! :woot:
But this may affect Pakistan-SK relations. People of SK won't like the fact that Pakistan was behind NK nuclear program.

Not only the SK but also the Americans . Actually the whole world barring middle east and China is gonna negativity react to Pakistans assistance .

Then these Pakistanis complain that they are being wrongly imaged by the game franchices ( Call of duty , Medal of honour ) .
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