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India sees Pakistani hand in North Korea’s nuclear test

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Have this context imprinted in your brain, PA doesnt need to attack India not for ego but simply not having a reason plus being busy else where. Lets try to stay away from what would have happened if nehru didn't go to UN or Mardi gras, or if I had bought Iphone instead of Samsung and stay what has happened to date.
PA has attacked in the past, just because there is trouble inside does not mean India can trust Pakistan or more appropraitely its generals.

Kashmir and Siachen are enough for Pakistani posters here on PDF to fantasize to any length so please feed the BS, of Pakistan does not have a reason, to someone else.

I gave you an example of the relationship between our Gov and Military, I do not expect you to fully understand of course.

All I and the world knows from indian military leaders, "We bery angry! We smash!" and no game. So its really an appropriate analysis for now that this hardware etc is for decoration.
Your analysis is amateurish to say the least.
China is building a lot of weapons and has issued a number of warnings to date, I do not think it is for decoration maybe your brain does and that my friend cannot be helped..
Brother, these are nightmares only. This sort of hallucinations you can read every where. You know, USA was 100% sure and had a million page evidence report that Iraq was going to possess lethal weapon. USA invaded Iraq and dig up deep in the cities and human bodies as it could. But could not find any thing to show to the world as proof. This is the same case with Pakistan. If USA has really this much evidence you are telling it would literately invade Pakistan in no time. I am happy if you can share any logic.

Bro, this was AQ'S own admission's, this is what Pakistan's investigative team found out while they interrogated AQ. This is why AQ was kept under house arrest for so long and never exposed to any other investigative agencies. He accepted to have carried centrifuge parts by rented PAF C130's to NK and Libya, and he also accepted to have given blue prints of nuke reactors to Iran.

Answer this for me, why was AQ Khan arrested and kept under arrest and was later so glowingly pardoned by Musharraf when AQ apologised for his deeds?
Bro, this was AQ'S own admission's, this is what Pakistan's investigative team found out while they interrogated AQ. This is why AQ was kept under house arrest for so long and never exposed to any other investigative agencies. He accepted to have carried centrifuge parts by rented PAF C130's to NK and Libya, and he also accepted to have given blue prints of nuke reactors to Iran.

Answer this for me, why was AQ Khan arrested and kept under arrest and was later so glowingly pardoned by Musharraf when AQ apologised for his deeds?

and to avoid the truth as this they blindly ignore n say talk in English :D English kya inka national language hain ? :rofl:
PA has attacked in the past, just because there is trouble inside does not mean India can trust Pakistan or more appropraitely its generals.

Kashmir and Siachen are enough for Pakistani posters here on PDF to fantasize to any length so please feed the BS, of Pakistan does not have a reason, to someone else.

I gave you an example of the relationship between our Gov and Military, I do not expect you to fully understand of course.

Your analysis is amateurish to say the least.
China is building a lot of weapons and has issued a number of warnings to date, I do not think it is for decoration maybe your brain does and that my friend cannot be helped..

No one asked you or Indian officials to trust Pakistan, if anything that's quite a stupid comment. Same can be said about your posters in case of Kashmir. And only thing I saw in your 'example' was excuse from military that framed govt for its cowardice.

China actually has a lot more balls than India, everyone esp US knows it which is why there is so much scare of it becoming a super power where as no one except Indians and rubbish journalists really think of India as any major military might. This indian cowardice is brought to light again and again after so many of its citizens have died in a terrorist attack and then another one where they just took head home, both times India kept whining and making false promises just to keep kiddies like you happy.

You know this at heart but you keep fighting, lets see the if there is another terrorist attack in future and another false promise to keep dumb people like yourself calm. Spare me the usual "we will be extra angry this time and we will really do it" threats.
Pakistan may be distantly indirectly linked to NK's nuclear development in the sense it is believed Pakistani elements shared missile designs and technological know how but what North Korea decides to do with nuclear technology is their own choosing. The fact is North Korea became a nuclear power not necessarily because of Pakistan (to be honest we don't know much about that, all that is available are speculations) but there are other likely sources where NK received help like the Soviet Union or elsewhere.

In fact what is clear is NK was constructing a nuclear facility long before any Pakistani step foot inside NK.

That's like saying "I sold a gun to a psychopath who had the leanings of a serial killer - but if he does something, don't blame me!"
so why blame India for starting the nuke race in Asia when ur taller flatter fighter friend China got nukes in first to begin with? u dont have to be Einstein to understand this truth :woot:

China has a direct fear from US. China never showed aggression and challenged the existence of any country. They have developed this to avoid unfortunate incidence between US and China.

But what is purpose behind India's nuclear programmes?. It is only India that FORCED Pakistan to jump into nuclear race. Pakistan never felt nuclear fear from any country. I can still remember the days when India underwent nuclear explosion in 1997. India just after that explosion began to deploy forces along Pakistani borders and started a series of threats to Pakistan's existence.

And if you think, you developed nukes in response to that of China, it is totally mistaken views. If ever China wanted to fight China it would have gone too far but China never considered India as threat and developed its nukes for India.
Well Pakistan is paying the price for proliferation. India got the deal without signing NPT, Pakistan didn't. For short term gains, you forgot long term effects.

We don't know to whom Pakistan have given this technology ? Iran may be :undecided:

India should raise this issue at UN. :enjoy:

Lets have a UN Probe. :D

I though u guys loved Iran, oh wait dady yankee said no more friends with Iran right.

lol wtf did i just read.

mooh kay julaab, verbal diarrhea. lol
China has a direct fear from US. China never showed aggression and challenged the existence of any country. They have developed this to avoid unfortunate incidence between US and China.

But what is purpose behind India's nuclear programmes?.[/quote]

What a logic. India has a direct fear from China. India never showed aggression and challenged the existence of any country. They have developed this to avoid unfortunate incidence between India and China.

It is only India that FORCED Pakistan to jump into nuclear race. Pakistan never felt nuclear fear from any country. I can still remember the days when India underwent nuclear explosion in 1997. India just after that explosion began to deploy forces along Pakistani borders and started a series of threats to Pakistan's existence.

India never felt nuclear fear from any country. I can still remember the days when China underwent nuclear explosion. China just after that explosion began to deploy forces along Indian borders and started a series of threats to India's existence.

And if you think, you developed nukes in response to that of China, it is totally mistaken views. If ever China wanted to fight China it would have gone too far but China never considered India as threat and developed its nukes for India.

Even we never developed nukes for pakistan.
Pakistan helped North Korea to develop nuke, in past.

I think such co-operation doesn't exist now, lets wait for neutral sources which will confirm whether the accusation is true or not.

An icmb for Pakistan soon? :yahoo:

If by saying so you imply that Pakistan is going to gain know how for ICBM from North Korea, then let me tell you India will only gain, in such scenario.
Only a matter of time, we'll be seeing another such stupid thread by dumbos when Iran tests its own.

expect good.....from enemies.. :p
:oops: but these are more than enemies..:lol:
That's like saying "I sold a gun to a psychopath who had the leanings of a serial killer - but if he does something, don't blame me!"

business is bussiness...:coffee:
well on issue of spreading nuclear tech just one out of 20 techs were sold to N.Korea and Iran and just blue prints...
sire it is a difference b/w a drawing,instruction manual,theory and practical...
well there is a long process and pakistan didnot signed any sort of treaty that time and that all was done due to agremment of gov of Pakistan...
maybe there are chances that nuclear tech was sold coz of any personal commission given to our politicians.....:agree:

and to avoid the truth as this they blindly ignore n say talk in English :D English kya inka national language hain ? :rofl:

sire stay on topic..:offtopic:
well English is official language of Pakistan..
Urdu is national language....:oops::rofl:
Indo-Iran nuke cooperation confirmed

DM Monitoring

NEW DELHI—Investigations have confirmed that Dr. YSR Parsad, former Chairman of Nuclear Corporation of India, took up an assignment in Iran after his retirement in July 2000 and helped Iran in building up technical and physical infrastructure for its nuclear power plants.

In addition to this, the Indian media has also confirmed the exchange of scientists between India and Iran in the past. The revelation has come at a critical time, because presently Iran is under great pressure from International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), to prove to it that Iran's nuclear programme is a peaceful one.
Iran has already declared that its nuclear programme is for peaceful purposes and has promised to provide fullest support to the IAEA inspectors. India on the other hand had created a problem for Iran, by first assisting it then

admitting about its support through media. The motive behind this Indian move is to create a rift between the Islamic world, because Pakistan has the nuclear capability and is a declared nuclear weapon state, but she abides by all the international norms regarding the transfer of the nuclear technology, which is prohibited under international law.

It has also been discovered that the scientists who assisted Iran, were picked up by President Abdul Kalam, who himself a top Indian scientist, and went there with his personal recommendation. This proves the direct involvement of the Indian President in Iran's nuclear programme.

Top Indian nuclear expert helped Iran develop power plant: report

give a reputed, neutral source like BBC,CNN or souce quoting IAEA for the claim in the post
China has a direct fear from US. China never showed aggression and challenged the existence of any country. They have developed this to avoid unfortunate incidence between US and China.

But what is purpose behind India's nuclear programmes?. It is only India that FORCED Pakistan to jump into nuclear race. Pakistan never felt nuclear fear from any country. I can still remember the days when India underwent nuclear explosion in 1997. India just after that explosion began to deploy forces along Pakistani borders and started a series of threats to Pakistan's existence.

And if you think, you developed nukes in response to that of China, it is totally mistaken views. If ever China wanted to fight China it would have gone too far but China never considered India as threat and developed its nukes for India.

I dint say that china produced nuke weapons having India as the top enemy in mind. they had to do it cause they were capable of and had threats from USSR N USA too, one point of a time USA n china were friends when soviet union was at china's throat.

ps. someone in some other thread said that before India and Soviet (friendship ? ), Chinese n Soviets had plans abt India?
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