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India seeks possible U.S. tax violations in diplomat row


Sep 20, 2009
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India seeks possible U.S. tax violations in diplomat row

India has sought details about staff in American schools in the country for possible tax violations and revoked ID cards of U.S. consular officials and their families, retaliatory steps for the arrest of an Indian diplomat in New York.

The measures suggest that the two countries are no closer to a resolution of a diplomatic dispute over the treatment of Deputy Consul General Devyani Khobragade this month on charges of visa fraud and underpayment of her housekeeper.

Khobragade, who has denied the charges, was handcuffed and strip-searched while in custody, sparking outrage in India.

An Indian government official said on Friday that New Delhi had asked the U.S. embassy to provide details about people working in American schools and other U.S. government facilities to determine if they had permission to do so and if they were paying taxes that are mandatory under Indian law.

Diplomats' spouses who take up work in schools or other embassy facilities are supposed to inform the host country.

Violations of this kind had often been ignored, but now India would not turn a blind eye, the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The U.S. embassy declined to comment on the latest steps.

India had also withdrawn some privileges U.S. diplomats and their families enjoy and would treat them as Indian officials are treated in the United States, the Indian official said.

U.S. Ambassador Nancy Powell has been refused special privileges at New Delhi airport.

"We have said all access is on a reciprocal basis," the government official said. "She is not going to get the benefits that the Indian ambassador in the U.S. doesn't get."

U.S. consular officials and their families have been asked to surrender identity cards that gave them a degree of immunity. Under a new regime, consular officials - but not their families - will be given identity cards with fewer privileges.

"Spouses and children have no more immunity. So if there is a parking offence or ... something else happening in Bangalore etcetera, they would be held liable," the Indian official said.

Khobragade was released in New York on $250,000 bail after giving up her passport and pleading not guilty to visa fraud and making false statements about how much she paid her Indian housekeeper. She faces a maximum of 15 years in prison if convicted on both counts.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry expressed regret over the case in a phone call to India's national security adviser last week, but India is still demanding that the charges be dropped and that the United States apologises. U.S. prosecutors have defended the investigation against Khobragade and her treatment. Before this diplomatic blowup, U.S.-Indian relations were seen as cordial and improving.

In a new twist, India now argues that Khobragade was accredited to the United Nations at the time of her detention, giving her immunity from arrest.

She was temporarily moved to India's U.N. mission in August to help with the workload ahead of the General Assembly session and a visit by the prime minister. A copy of her accreditation, made available to Reuters, lists her as an adviser for a period from August 26 until December 31.

"At no stage we were told by the U.S. side what was going on. We were kept in the dark. A lot of these things could have come out had we been informed then," the official said, explaining that India had not been warned she might be arrested.

He said that even when Khobragade was posted to Islamabad she had not encountered such treatment, despite the hostility between India and Pakistan.

India seeks possible U.S. tax violations in diplomat row| Reuters
Yankeestan in trouble.... There is a wave going on around world against yankeestan. Be it in pakistan, iran, china, russia, brazil, germany, uk, aus etc etc (yankeestan spied on friendly countries). India was the only country that was pro yankeestan but yankees after chewing beef blew that off too. Yankees provoked 1.2 billion indians. That was stupid move. Supreme court of india has to speak and order to arrest dirty yankee diploymats in india. There are news going on that says this yankee diploymats take drugs with russian diploymats. The only problem is india cant drag russia in it as they friend of india. India already started playing a move. If yankeestan dont apologise and let go innocent lady than india should go ahead with the move. How funny a yankeestan preaching world on humanity treated a lady such a way. They now been exposed by india and it shook yankeestan. They thought they can get away with it.... Last time they did when they arrested a indian teen girl from her college by saying she sended threat email. Later it proved she didnt send.... It was yankee goverment who played that trick. India had it enough. India did right thing. It will make this yankeestan think many time before doing same thing.... They shouldnt forget their ugly diploymat US. A. nancy in india. Exposing yankees wont be big deal. Set the spy cams and check what this tamassic yankees do in india.
I think Indian lady has been already found guilty, I support US actions in this case, fully. :usflag:
I always look forward to your posts. They're always so illuminating.

I think I'll subscribe to you.
His signature is longer than most of his posts..That ought to tell you something :)

I think Indian lady has been already found guilty, I support US actions in this case, fully. :usflag:

Yeah ? you should let the US judiciary know of your assessment :D :lol:
is subscribing to someone the same thing as following someone here?
is subscribing to someone the same thing as following someone here?
Naaa.....it means you fill up a form and send some cash and then the guy shows up at your house. Its more kind of a gigalow thing.........yo batman you gigalow!!!!!?

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