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India secures ADB loan to develop despite Chinese blockades leaving China furious.


Mar 4, 2009
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China unhappy over ADB’s “India Country Partnership Strategy” as it includes border with Tibet and Arunachal Pradesh.

Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Qin Gang’s said that China is dissatisfied with Asian Development Bank’s Executive Board adopting a document involving disputed territories between Chinese occupied/disputed territories and India. He said “In disregard of China’s major concerns, the Asian Development Bank adopted the India Country Partnership Strategy (2009-2012), which involves disputed territories between China and India. China expresses strong dissatisfaction to the move, which can neither change the existence of immense territorial disputes between China and India, nor China’s fundamental position on its border issues with India.”

China’s negative role in ADB has come under silent criticism from its members. The incident has brought out the negative attitude of Chinese policies within the prestigious world bodies like ADB. Last time similar Chinese attitude was displayed in the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) meet which was deciding on the Indian involvement. China has been allegedly accused of exporting fake drugs in Africa under “Made in India ” label. It would have brought the reputation of Indian products on par with bad reputation of Chinese products.

With proxy Pakistan gone, China has now taken on the anti-India campaign on itself. India shares a vast border with Chinese Occupied Tibet and areas of Xinjiang region which is fighting for freedom from Chinese rule.

Asian Development Bank board members except China voted in favor to grant approval for the $2.9-billion India plan. Its a serious setback to China which has tried to bring its political affairs and bilateral disputes into important institutions.

Chinese spokesman said “China always believes that the two sides should seek for a fair and equitable solution acceptable to both through bilateral negotiation.” China had initiated 1962 war for its so claimed “disputed border”. Chinese Occupied Kashmir is another area of dispute.
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