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India, Saudi Arabia to forge strong defence ties

Bhai Zakir

Jun 26, 2012
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India, Pak ally Saudi Arabia to forge strong defence ties

India is set to forge a major defence agreement with Saudi Arabia, one of Pakistan’s closest friends.

The two countries will sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on defence cooperation on February 28 during the three-day Delhi visit of Saudi Arabian crown prince and defence minister Salman bin Abdul Aziz al Saud.

The agreement will be on joint military exercises, hardware sales and transfer of technology. :yahoo::yahoo::enjoy:
Riyadh has signed a similar agreement with Islamabad this week.

“The MoU provides for a proper bilateral defence policy group with defence ministries on both sides setting the agenda. Given the status of Saudi Arabia in the Islamic world, this is no mean achievement. It signals that Pakistan is no longer the only favourite nation for Riyadh in south Asia,” :agree: :partay:said a senior official, requesting anonymity.

India and Saudi Arabia will operationalise a billion-US-dollar joint investment to fund infrastructure and boost growth. :yahoo: The 50:50 fund (the two countries contributing equally) will be jointly headed by nominated CEOs.

The amount may be increased during the 78-year-old prince’s meeting with PM Manmohan Singh on February 28. New Delhi is preparing to roll out the red carpet for the 100-strong delegation accompanying Prince Salman, who is also the vice custodian of the two holy mosques in Mecca and Medina.

The prince’s chiefly political visit looks to strengthen a quietly developing relationship. Riyadh and Delhi have already institutionalised intelligence links and deepened cooperation on counter-terrorism.

Riyadh has made it clear that it will not allow any anti-India activity on its soil and will deny ideological platform to any terrorist group operating from Pakistan or within India. :yahoo:

The Saudi intelligence agency, Al Mukhabarat, has played a key role in making Pakistan-based terrorists like 26/11 Mumbai attack accused Zabiuddin Ansari aka Abu Jundal face the Indian law.

Riyadh has in the past indicated that it wants the Indian Army to train Saudi Arabian troops :devil: in mountain warfare by setting up a combat school.

It also wants joint counter-terrorism exercises.

India, Pak ally S Arabia to forge strong defence ties - Hindustan Times
Excellent news.... this is the ONLY way our people will wake up from their Ummah nightmare..... and shun wahabi mentality ingrained in them by Zia and his cronies....

I wish for more such deals between Indian and SA......

The relationship will be deeper as the time grows. And India will not allow any interference on its fundamentals like freedom, secularism and liberal thinking. India have no place for wahabi mentality.

The above news have some very good news:

1.) Indian Army training Saudi Arabian Army :partay: :tup:
2.) Military Joint ventures and hardware sales :angel:
3.) Saudi Arabia investing billions of dollars in India's infrastructure.

@salman108 @Peaceful Civilian @Pakistanisage @Zarvan @graphican @cb4

Your views plz.
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Riyadh has made it clear that it will not allow any anti-India activity on its soil and will deny ideological platform to any terrorist group operating from Pakistan or within India.

Riyadh has in the past indicated that it wants the Indian Army to train Saudi Arabian troops :devil: in mountain warfare by setting up a combat school.
It also wants joint counter-terrorism exercises.

The agreement will be on joint military exercises, hardware sales and transfer of technology.

these 3 parts made me dance.... :yay::dance3::dance3::dance3::dance3::yay:
"The agreement will be on joint military exercises, hardware sales and transfer of technology."

Any idea about what sort of hardware sales are we talking about? Anything which we can export or are we importing anything from them?

Looking forward to 28th February.

Great news . If it's not mere lip service then I will call it tectonic shift.

At the same time we must sign something similar or better MOU with Iran and Iraq too.

I wish for more such deals between Indian and SA......

Be careful , what you ask for. :lol:
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First, its Indian Media :) they need to give their burning hearts some "soothing" and will magnify everything which they can. Literally!

Secondly, Pakistan has strong defense ties with Saudis already. A questions could be "Are ties with India at cost of ties with Pakistan?"

Some thoughts on the subject and this will help you get the answer.
  • Saudi Arabia is looking to expand its influence in the region and any opportunity which it gets to achieve that is welcomed.
  • India being $40 Billions plus trading (both ways) country is nevertheless an important country and having trading ties is an extension to same story.
  • As per newspaper "Riyadh has in the past indicated that it wants the Indian Army to train Saudi Arabian troops". I would take this "news" with caution as India doesn't possess any geographic territory which Pakistan doesn't and for which it is not getting the required training already. Many of Pakistan's in-service and retired offices spend honorary duties in Saudi Arabia and in their presence it is wishful thinking that Saudi Troops will be seeking training in India. I challenge this need and truthfulness of the story.
  • As per newspaper "India and Saudi Arabia will operationalise a billion-US-dollar joint investment to fund infrastructure and boost growth". It is growth and infrastructure fund, not defense research and development fund. Lets not forget India is a $40+ billions trade partner (both ways) and India needs Saudi Arabia the much they need it back. Its trade, the means of running businesses everyday.
  • As per newspaper "The agreement will be on joint military exercises, hardware sales and transfer of technology". Now this is something which you need to read with caution and analyze. My question here would be, is Saudi Arabia procuring (or planning to procure) things from India which it could get from Pakistan and is it rather purchasing from India because of purchase preference? Think on the question and repeat it few times before you answer it.

Lets not forget Pakistan has 1 enemy state and 1 country with-which it fought wars. Our conflict of interests with India are undoubted. If Saudi Arabia is keeping Pakistan as an ally, it knows what cost it must pay and if it choose India as an ally, it still knows the cost it must pay. Weather Pakistan is better than India or not is a separate debate but It stands a FACT that out of two, you can only pick one as your ally and the recent visit of Saudi Crown Prince has proven what matters to them and what not. For the trading, India is welcomed. Even Pakistan does trade with India.. doesn't it?

Any questions?
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Some of the questions could be "Are ties with India at cost of ties with Pakistan?"

does it always needed??do every nation has to chose Either India or Pakistan,not both???

what we're rejoicing is our new relation with SA,not "Their Degrading Relation with Pakistan"..

Pakistan has 1 enemy state and 1 country with-which it fought wars.

actually,Pakistan fought several others..not controlling "Strategic Assets" and unleashing them is too "Act of War"..in that count,you fought with both Af and Iran.
Good development. I am happy with any cooperation with KSA as long as they don't fund madrassahs.
does it always needed??do every nation has to chose Either India or Pakistan,not both???
what we're rejoicing is our new relation with SA,not "Their Degrading Relation with Pakistan"..

I am thankful for your sensibility and showing wisdom with rationality. I wish I could compliment every Indian like that..!
Regarding your "rejoice".. its you rejoicing but Indian Media is playing its usual $hit. And look at those childish celebrations this poster had.. worth rewarding a Gold Medal!

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