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India sabotages South Asian peace


Apr 8, 2007
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Sajjad Shaukat

Mumbai carnage of November 16 and Lahore terror-attack on Sri Lanka’s cricket team on March 3 cannot be seen in isolation as both the tragic events are part of the same Indian designs to sabotage the South Asian peace. In this regard, question also arises in the mind of every intellectual and the non-intellectual as to how it is true that New Delhi has been thwarting regional peace, while more than one billion Indians are themselves living in one of the biggest state of South Asia. However, there is clear answer to this question, if one analyses the ground realities along with the Indian clandestine policy which is always being implemented by its secret agency, RAW.

In the post-Mumbai mayhem, Pakistan had repeatedly offered its full cooperation through joint investigation and sharing of information, but India rejected flattery. Instead of detecting the real culprits, New Delhi and its media anchors launched a deliberate propaganda campaign, pointing finger to Pakistan and its intelligence agency, ISI in connection with the tragedy. Its External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee, while accusing Islamabad of “using terror as an instrument of state policy,” repeatedly said that terror-infrastructure is located in Pakistan and it should “dismantle terrorist training camps” inside its country. His similar illogical statement again appeared on March 3, 2009 regarding the terror-attack on the Sri Lanka’s cricket team, allegedly reiterating that the incidents in Mumbai and Lahore are part of terror-infrastructure of Pakistan. And Islamabad is responsible for it.

Besides a number of developments like Indian mobilization of military troops, violation of Pakistan’s air space, creation of war hysteria and suspension of composite dialogue by setting aside Islamabad’s actions against the extremist organizations—rejection of Pakistan’s realistic approach that non-state actors in the region are behind the Mumbai catastrophe has clearly proved that Indians intend to isolate Pakistan diplomatically in the comity of nations. In fact, acting upon their old enmity against our country which itself takes origin from Hindutva (Hindu nationalism), Indian leaders even do not bother for the South Asian peace which is essential for a region where almost all the countries are facing multiple crises like political instability, economic dilemma and social strife. And majority of people are living below poverty level, lacking basic necessities of life like health facilities and even clean drinking water. In the prevailing adverse circumstances, Islamabad did not blame New Delhi for Liberty terror-incident of Lahore prior to inquiry which is still under process. It displays that our country wants to restore the previous cordial environment so that composite dialogue could again be restored in order to settle all Pak-Indian disputes including the core issue of Kashmir. In this context, Pakistan is paying a greater attention to South Asian peace; while on the other hand, New Delhi is thwarting every effort of the former by taking it as policy of appeasement without caring for the development of the region. The fact of the matter is that Indian ambition of regional dominance has continuously been sabotaging South Asian peace. For this purpose, since its creation, Indian RAW has been advancing New Delhi’s hegemonistic goals through its invisible warriors who have their presence in almost all regional countries, implementing various tactics of psychological warfare, which vary from country to country as RAW’s covert incursion in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, China, Bangladesh, Nepal, Myanmar etc. has entailed support to separatism, insurgency and lawlessness..

Indian acquisition and further development of sophisticated arms including missiles are part of its dream to become a superpower of Asia under the pretext of counterbalancing a peace-loving China. Indo-American nuclear deal of 2008 is noticeable in this new game. Without any doubt, it was New Delhi which tested first atomic bomb in South Asia in 1974 and conducted five nuclear experiments in 1998, forcing Pakistan to follow the suit. Islamabad has already announced to depend upon the minimum deterrence. In this context, India has also been increasing its defence budget every year, giving negative signal to Pakistan which has faced three Indian wars in the past. Nevertheless, South Asian nuclear arms race has been initiated by India which is a greater threat to the regional peace.

It is mentionable that by following the modern world trends such as renunciation of war, peaceful settlement of disputes and economic blocks, EU countries are making rapid progress so as to provide their general masses with more development opportunities, but on the other side, it is misfortune of South Asian people that by pursuing the by-gone days of the Cold War era, India with the tactical aid of US has entangled Pakistan and China in a deadly arms race at the cost of peace in the region where many persons especially in the Sub-continent are compelled to commit suicide due to acute poverty.

Particularly India, while considering a ‘nuclearised’ Pakistan an obstacle in its way of regional dominance, leaves no stone unturned in maligning the latter by every possible tactic. For this aim, New Delhi has launched a perennial campaign against Pakistan by supporting unrest, insurgency and separatism. A number of suicide attacks, bombblasts, and sporadic fighting in the tribal region of our country including terror-attack on Sri Lankan cricket team might be noted as instance.

It is of particular attention that Pakistan’s leadership and some responsible circles of the west have repeatedly said that extremism is common enemy of South Asia from Kabul to Mumbai and from Lahore to Colombo and the Indian-held Kashmir, but Indian rulers are only manipulating the ongoing phenomena of terrorism by implicating Pakistan alone.

While Pakistan has not yet complete investigation in connection with the Liberty attack on Sri Lanka’s cricketers, New Delhi is even utilizing this opportunity to blame Islamabad without taking cognizance of the fact that Pakistan itself is the major victim of terrorism. However, if one goes in depth of this incident in light of various developments in Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka including some other countries, he will definitely point finger to Indian intelligence agency, RAW which have tried to fulfill a number of sinister designs in accordance with Indian external policy of South Asia.

It is noteworthy that under the pretext of Mumbai carnage, India had cancelled the scheduled visit of its cricket team to Pakistan, while Sri Lanka accepted the invitation of Pakistan. Indian rulers and its media anchors had expressed their displeasure at Colombo’s decision. But New Delhi clandestinely pressurised Sri Lanka’s government to withdraw the decision. It could be judged from the fact that even Sri Lankan sports minister Gamini Lokuge revealed that Pakistan “tour had become a diplomatic issue”. Its Foreign minister Rohitha Bogollagama said that he decided the trip, taking it as a sporting issue as his country promoted “people-to-people visits” among South Asian member states. In fact, despite Indian duress coupled with a sense of jealousy, Sri Lanka remained determined and sent its cricketers to Pakistan. So India has punished Colombo through pre-arranged terror-attacks, conducted by well-trained and well-equipped terrorists of RAW. In this respect, it is mentionable that in the recent months, striking a blow to the Indian backed militants of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), by capturing their strongholds; Sri Lankan security forces have successfully dismantled the Tigers’ mini-state in northern Sri Lanka where the rebels have lost 98 percent of the territory, and now are retreating even from their last bastion. On March 7, 2009, Sri Lankan Foreign minister Rohitha Bogollagama, while showing solidarity with Islamabad, categorically expressed Sri Lanka’s firm opposition to isolate Pakistan in the sporting arena or in any manner internationally over the incident of March 3.

Indian awkward strategy of mixing politics and sports is totally strange. Whether Indian team plays with Pakistan and that of Sri Lanka with our team have positive impact in restoring peace in South Asia, but regrettably, it is only anti-Pakistan and anti-Sri Lanka agenda of India whom politics and sports make no difference. And India seems determined to sabotage South Asian peace.

If non-state actors are problem for India, these take origin from its own state terrorism, being perpetrated on minorities and the freedom fighters of other six states, fighting for independence. In such a situation, New Delhi should not seek revenge against Pakistan and Sri Lanka by conducting terrorist acts there through RAW-trained agents in order to divert its attention from Indian home-grown terrorists. Facing reality, New Delhi must better unearth the forces behind the Mumbai attack and Lahore mayhem.

While, the US new strategy which will still pay a greater concentration on elimination of terrorism from Afghanistan and Pakistan’s FATA must consider India to be responsible for terrorism in the region. And solution of Kashmir is very essential to combat militancy in the region as well for South Asia peace.

Pakistan Observer - Newspaper online edition - Article
Indian shenanigans still persist

A Q Anjum

Now when Pakistan has already prepared its comments into the “evidence” discovered about the fateful Events of 26 November 2008 called Mumbai Carnage, Mr Parnab the External Minister of India has declared that India is preparing yet another dossier for Pakistan. Simultaneously, India has asserted that all the culprits behind the Mumbai attack must be apprehended, adding in the same breath that Indian government is thinking of giving more ‘stuff’ including the DNA samples of the lone survivor of the assaulting force i.e Ajmal Kasab, which will prove the involvement of Pakistan sponsored elements who shook the peace of India’s commercial metropolitan city of erstwhile Bombay.

India is fabricating another dossier to keep Pakistan busy in the war-game of the words. India has also involved other likeminded countries who promptly dittoed the theme of Kutilya belonging to ancient Moria Dynasty which teaches not to be shy to grab the lands of the “neighbouring cities” if the environments favour. US, the avowed ally of Pakistan with other European nations readily jumped into the band wagon of conspiracy and mischief prepared by the naughty brains in New Delhi. India no doubt a heavy-weight player, a billion strong democracy however, lacks the finesse to produce a State – of – the – Art handiwork.

The story of ten men, all by themselves, venturing over the hostile waters, in a miserable boat braving the hazards of unknown imponderables have launched themselves like the Odysseus of ancient Greece to conquer the so-called biggest State of South Asia. The ten men rode the waves of unreliable hostile waters to reach an uncertain destination housed by the fourth greatest military power in the world. Also, these ten men kept the Indian nation in a state of subjugation and helplessness for three days, killing hundreds of Indians at their safe havens in the presence of hordes of sleuths, armed soldiers and the elite police of the most glorious of citiy in the East.

India insists that these ten men alone capitulated the various big targets and killed about 180 people and that they came from another country. Can we believe it ? The world appears to side with India – the victim at the hands of those ten men. The only “evidence” revolves around one person (allegedly one of the ten attackers) who is the mouth – piece of an unbelievable, yet fabulous story which will put all the fiction – houses, past and the present, to shame. To start with, India blamed that Pakistan has attacked India’s mainland with ten men, as they were all Pakistanis and nine had died while one survived to provide the identity of “perpetrators” and become a source of supplying all the prosecution evidence to blame Pakistan. It unleashed a media onslaught at world level imitating Mr Bush style of 9/11 Events of 2001. Indians went all out to create another Big Sensation for harnessing sympathies from other nations and to net UN support to destroy the image of Pakistan by labeling it as the ‘epicenter of extremism’. It succeeded to start with. Our government wizards unnecessarily wasted weeks to deny that Kasab was not Pakistani without mulling over that to produce a few Pakistanis on Indian soils is not a big task. It is an open secret that India keeps many Pakistanis in its jails as a drill to use them at an opportune moment when needed to hook Pakistan in a big mischief.

The point here is not of Pakistan’s involvement, in the Mumbai Events of 26 November 2008, it is about the relative strength of the attacker and the defender. To attack a vital target like the commercial hub of India, more prestigious and ‘Sacred’ to India than any other city, the attacker would first dominate the sea and the air and move with a big flotilla of naval ships and marine divisions to just cause a dent. In the Korean war, when the Allied forces of United Nations were at the brink of being thrown out of Pusan Perimeter under the continued pressure of the North Korean Army, Gen Mac Arthar used his 1st Marine Division in the dark night of 15 September 1950 by launching the famous Inchon landing and forced the North Korean retreat back beyond the 38 Parallel. Mac Arther conquered Seoul by using the sea and his marines. Nothing of the sort happened on the night of 26 November 2008. Only a dinghi carrying ten men cannot be compared with another Inchon Landing as purported by Mr Parnab Mukherjee, the External Minister of India. The Mumbai carnage where 180 men were killed, where the city was kept hostage for three days and nights and where Indian security appeared non-ex stent, the results betray a huge presence of indigenous militants and local lava of hatred and rancour.

The world instead of asking Pakistan to accept a “sin” non-committed, should ask India to put its own house in order. It has a huge junk of blemish in red ink. Forced occupation of Kashmir in 1947; Police action by Gen Chaudhry of Indian Army in Nizam’s Hyderabad state in 1948; launching a full – fledged war in 1965; cutting Pakistan into two in 1971; blocking water to Pak rivers and recently creating hurdles for Pakistan to play its role of an ally freely in Afghanistan Imbroglio of 2001 and by subverting our people through RAW. In the Region, India has gifted many problems always harming its smaller neighbour states. India dexterously created a mechanism of conflict management which resulted in 1971 Indo – Pak war with Bangladesh coming into existence. India now blames Bangladesh for running many terrorist camps on its soil. In Sri Lanka, India intervened in 1983 on the pretext of compulsion to do so. The trouble is still on.

In Nepal, on 1 June 2001, there was a gory drama in the Katmandu Palace when the entire Royal family – the King Birendara, the Queen, the Crown Prince and other near relations were killed under dubious circumstances. It is after the Royal massacre that the Maoists have come in open – not against the monarchy but against India. Maoists have taken over the country and the monarchy has gone.

According to “INDIA TODAY” of 11 August 2008, Muhammad Afzal Guru is lodged in solitary confinement in Delhi’s high security Tihar Jail. The Supreme Court of India had fixed 20 October 2006, but he is yet to be hanged. Afzal Guru was apprehended for the so – called attack on Indian Parliament on 13 December 2001 when five terrorists entered the Parliament building in a white car, and were instantly shot down by the waiting security people. India blamed Pakistan, and later launched operation PARAKRAM the largest ever military build-up on the borders. It was a 10 – months stand off. Afzal Guru was caught two years later as the main accused in Parliament attack case, he was awarded death sentence, by the then BJP government. He is yet to be hanged by the present UPA government.

Recently, the Indian writer Uday Makurkar wrote that the focus has been shifted to Harkat-Ul-Jihad al Islam (HuJI), a shadowy Bangladesh – based Jihadi organization that first shot into prominence with blasts on the Shramjeevi Express and in Varanasi. That the Gujrat blasts have been planned by HuJI is well known to the Indian rulers, and also that it was executed by SIMI, Indian Mujahideen. “The Week” – an Indian Magazine, of 4 January 2009 says, “India has to keep its own house in order as the entire South Asian region is getting too hot to handle”. Under the public pressure, Chief Minister of Maharashtra ordered an enquiry into the conduct of the Police during Mumbai Attack. “The absence of leadership was palpable during the attack. They were without any mandate”. Anupam Dasgupta wrote, “The Army and the National Security Guard Commandos had no idea who was the leader on the spot on 27 November 2008. Kashmir Issue was created to the detriment of Pakistan’s survival – the Issue still survives. Tail Piece

An Indian magazine carried a news that in May 08, “Around 40 Muslims boys, 23 of them from Gujrat only, took terror lessons from HuJI operatives at an obscure spot in central part of the state. This meeting went undetected by both the centre and state intelligences. The group of HuJI is based somewhere in Maharashtra; it is a home-grown terror movement in which local boys are trained by SIMI in bomb making”.

Pakistan Observer - Newspaper online edition - Article
Oh my God, this is from Pakistan Observer and it must be true and credible.
Just another Anti - India post by MBI Munshi. Lolzz
Oh my God, this is from Pakistan Observer and it must be true and credible.
Just another Anti - India post by MBI Munshi. Lolzz

Wow! You only joined this month and you already know about me. I am really flattered. :victory:
Wow! You only joined this month and you already know about me. I am really flattered. :victory:

I just checked all of your posts and it was very easy to find your mandate on this forum. Your mandate is to bash India regardless of the the lack of credibility of the article.
Mumbai carnage of November 16 and Lahore terror-attack on Sri Lanka’s cricket team on March 3 cannot be seen in isolation as both the tragic events are part of the same Indian designs to sabotage the South Asian peace.

Recent unrest in Bangladesh and sudden change in political rule can also not be looked as an isolated events.
More over recent upserge of Tibetians in China is also common to those unusual happenings.
There is no reason or gain for Pakistan in any terror plot inside india. Since last two years India is trying his best to make his point and it would be stupid to send in Pakistanis (illegaly) with all identities and items focusing the link with Pakistan.

It is all in geography, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Srilanka, China they all share hindu fanatic state india.

There can never be peace in South Asia as long indian army is present in Afghanistan.
The honest step towards peace of region will be to oust indian army from Afghanistan, other wise Pakistan will face the menace of terrorism all its life.

I'm afraid of the day when Zardari may facilitate murder of Kiyani and it will be worst if few more senior officers may die along.
There had been attepts to kill Musharraf and there is no reason to forget it.
Pakistan should learn leson from its past and its sorroundings.

Zardari, Hassena are moles and must be sent packing by hook or crook in the larger interest of respective states.

You forgot Global warming and last Ice age, you should put blame for that on India too.;)
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Recent unrest in Bangladesh and sudden change in political rule can also not be looked as an isolated events.
More over recent upserge of Tibetians in China is also common to those unusual happenings.
There is no reason or gain for Pakistan in any terror plot inside india. Since last two years India is trying his best to make his point and it would be stupid to send in Pakistanis (illegaly) with all identities and items focusing the link with Pakistan.

It is all in geography, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Srilanka, China they all share hindu fanatic state india.

There can never be peace in South Asia as long indian army is present in Afghanistan.
The honest step towards peace of region will be to oust indian army from Afghanistan, other wise Pakistan will face the menace of terrorism all its life.

I'm afraid of the day when Zardari may facilitate murder of Kiyani and it will be worst if few more senior officers may die along.
There had been attepts to kill Musharraf and there is no reason to forget it.
Pakistan should learn leson from its past and its sorroundings.

Zardari, Hassena are moles and must be sent packing by hook or crook in the larger interest of respective states.

WOW! can you add a few more things like the earthquake in china, cyclone in burma etc and make it shorter and simpler pls.

what kind of complete bs is this. just state ur conclusions, don't give the reasons, that way it'll still be more credible.

I'm done.
I just checked all of your posts and it was very easy to find your mandate on this forum. Your mandate is to bash India regardless of the the lack of credibility of the article.

You learn quick. Already trying to trash the thread like some of the older Indian members here.....

You actually spent time looking up all my posts. Incredible! :woot:

I hope your not a stalker.

You forgot Global warming and last Ice age, you should put blame for that on India too.;)

india is very much responsible for global warming.
Ice age was not human triggered but Zardari will not complain, if you blame it on ISI.
WOW! can you add a few more things like the earthquake in china, cyclone in burma etc and make it shorter and simpler pls.

what kind of complete bs is this. just state ur conclusions, don't give the reasons, that way it'll still be more credible.

I'm done.

If it was a BS than you would not be reading it!
Or is it just the holy reasons which force you to read BS?
Just becasue it orginated from Pakistan observer it doen't mean false or less reliable. Fact of the matter is India is a nation of sick thinker that wants it's smaller neghbors to look it unto a superior country and bow to its pre dominance. Some thing we Bangladeshi experencing everyday in our life. So therefore India should be perceive as a hostile nation and we smaller SA nations should joint hands to dismantle its sick and evil intension and break its poison teeth..........
Another BS article posted by MUNSHI who is clearly looking paranoid, and quotes paranoids like him, about blaming Inida.

Can you please cease with the nonsense one liners? Can the rest of you Indians please find something specific to pick apart in what is posted instead of spew your verbal diarrhea and lost further credibility to yourselves and to the flag you represent? It makes YOU FOOLS look paranoid and weak, not the ones posting the articles. Mods please take notice, we have trolls in our midst.
I just checked all of your posts and it was very easy to find your mandate on this forum. Your mandate is to bash India regardless of the the lack of credibility of the article.

So what else should he do, praise India? Are we here to make you Indians feel comfortable? Get real, India is the biggest threat to stability and peace in the region and you want us to blow India's horn? Your mandate is clear along with 95% of the rest of the Indians here, it is to troll on this forum and make yourselves look unqualified due to your emotional one liner responses anytime something critical of India is posted. There are better ways to voice your opinion and discontent, attack the message not the messenger please.

Also keep this in mind... the sole reason for the hospitality you guys receive on this forum is because you are used to generate web traffic, nothing more. :enjoy:
Can you please cease with the nonsense one liners? Can the rest of you Indians please find something specific to pick apart in what is posted instead of spew your verbal diarrhea and lost further credibility to yourselves and to the flag you represent? It makes YOU FOOLS look paranoid and weak, not the ones posting the articles. Mods please take notice, we have trolls in our midst.

What is nonsense in the article????
The article is a BS.It says
" A number of suicide attacks, bombblasts, and sporadic fighting in the tribal region of our country including terror-attack on Sri Lankan cricket team might be noted as instance."

When your own Govt. has said that there is no proof that the attack was conducted by India and instead Pak people have been arrested that alone puts the credibility of Pak observer to a BIG ? mark.And we all know how much paranoid MUNSHI is about India and you have also shown what you are by supporting BS article.But the MODS wont give warning to MUNSHI or YOU just because you people side with agenda of Pak.
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