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India’s Muslims. Growing, and neglected.

I am not a citizen of KSA.If that's what you are referring!!!

In Pakistan they rape dead bodies. Just because women have no rights there and cant speak out, these clowns think that they dont rape...

I bet women get raped for even showing some ankle skin in Pakiland...
Can you explain to me if you guys are so nice to minorities why you actually have no minorities left? Or even the very few that are left, they are leaving as refugees to India, and sighting genocidal tactics like forced rape and conversions as the reason for fleeing?

Heck after they got rid of their minorities, the Muslims of Pakistan started becoming minorities in this Islamic Republic. First the Ahmedis. Now the Shias. Soon the Sunnis who dont grow or cant grow a beard. Next the short Sunnis. Thereafter the fat Sunnis. Then the old Sunnis. Lol. And they have sleepless nights about the safety of Shah Rukh Khan who is practically a God in India :D
If it dangles your fanciful dreams that SRK is living in a slum then so be it

Thts called discrimination my friend!

The poorest yet the largest minorities are factually Muslims. Quote me one Indian law that dictates that Muslims are to be prohibited from any governmental jobs or that certain industry may not employ a Muslim and I will burn my Indian passport tomorrow.


Non Hindus untouchables ? Sorry we dont have talibanism in Hinduism. In Hinduism everything is God's creation and in everything there is God, including the bigots and the idiots.

Oh ur shocked! have u ever been to india? or atleast near india?
Yup, as I stated earlier...you live in your paradise called Pakistan where hopefully the manner in which you pray will not be declared kuffar tomorrow thus putting the very existence of yours and your descendants lives in danger of being wiped out whilst leaving our poor Muslim Indians to suffer it out in this hellhole called India

In Pakistan they rape dead bodies. Just because women have no rights there and cant speak out, these clowns think that they dont rape...

I bet women get raped for even showing some ankle skin in Pakiland...

They even ripped of the dead bodies of ahmediya muslims from grave yard.

STILL NO ANSWER..... where is tht kid... imran?

They even ripped of the dead bodies of ahmediya muslims from grave yard.

ahmediyas have their own graveyards dumbass!

I am not a citizen of KSA.If that's what you are referring!!!

Lol.... u must be an idiot to even compare ur rape stats with KSA... the term rape kingdom was coined by ur own media...:omghaha:

So, you quote me stuff about caste discrimination in India. Yawn , I am yet to see you quote me legislation in India which discriminates against Muslims. Please don't show me stuff published in Pakistan conspiracy media. I am talking about legislation passed in the parliaments of India. Yes. I have been to India. Grew up in Delhi and regularly return there. The stuff you are posting is as justifiable as claiming that because certain mullahs issue certain stupid fatwas in Pakistan then that is the Pakistani psyche and identity. Nobody can deny that certain cultural habits are still in practice in India. That is neither the Hindu identity nor the Indian identity. Pity that you just displayed yours here

Watch this. Feel sad for women in Pakistan, they cant be safe even in their graves :cry:

Man that is sad. I wonder whether this will be a growing trend there
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Lol.... u must be an idiot to even compare ur rape stats with KSA... the term rape kingdom was coined by ur own media...:omghaha:

Well we are no kingdom kiddo,Mind that.And KSA don't publish there rape stats,If they do I am sure it will be very bad.Despite all the pervasive sexual seggregation policies,they have a high incidence of sex crimes.

Incidents of crime continue to be reported by U.S. citizens and Westerners. Some violent incidents, including robberies and attempted robberies, were reported. Other cases of assaults and harassment involved some level of violence or threats of violence, although usually no weapon is displayed. One of the most frequently reported crimes is the harassment, stalking, or following of females by local male residents. These include females being followed while walking on foot while shopping or by men in vehicles while driving. These incidents, as well as window-peeping, while frequent should be taken seriously due to the high incidence of sexual assault in the Kingdom. Although some cases of sexual assaults are published, the crime is believed to be extremely underreported due to the victims frequently being blamed. News reports of victims being punished include a 23-year old woman being sentenced to a year in prison and 100 lashes in 2009 for adultery after being raped by five men, and a 2007 case of a 19-year old victim of rape by seven men receiving a sentence of 6-months in jail and 200 lashes.

In Pakistan they rape dead bodies. Just because women have no rights there and cant speak out, these clowns think that they dont rape...

I bet women get raped for even showing some ankle skin in Pakiland...

hahahahahahahahaahaha this is epic burning black @$$.... lol cool down man... he meant u r from rape capital of the world... and its true and u know it... tarsi qom
If you were a Muslim, you would have been killed for that attitude towards your religion, which is perfectly allowed. :omghaha:

man,you are one hell of a person.:lol:

btw,where were you since 2011,never seen you so active before.
i wonder how rapes are connected to indian muslims??
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