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India’s Air Pollution: Is It Worse Than China’s?


Jan 31, 2011
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India may have just gotten the wake up call it needed to start getting serious about its growing pollution problem. A study put out this week by Tel Aviv University reports that that Indian megacities are seeing a faster increase in pollution than the cities in the classic environmental villain to the east, China. According to the paper, between 2002 and 2010, Bangalore saw the second-highest increase in air pollution levels in the world at 34%, and Indian cities including Pune, Mumbai, Nagpur, and Ahmedabad, among others, also saw double-digit increases. Because the pollution measured reflects a combination of industrial and weather-related particles like dust, it’s not possible to say that this is entirely a man-made problem. But the fact that India’s population grew faster than China’s in the last decade means that the air in India’s cities is doomed to get worse before it gets better.

It doesn’t seem fair that China gets both the job-supplying manufacturing sector and the relatively better pollution news. (It’s increasing in Chinese cities, too — just not as fast). But no one here could claim the information to be much of a shock. Though this is my first winter in Delhi, everyone keeps telling me that it’s “normal” this time of year for the Indian capital to get smoggy. But how smoggy is normal? So smoggy that companies spam my phone with texts for Aryuvedic asthma cures? Apparently so, because I’ve got them. When winter kicks in, the cooler temperatures and still air always bring an annual period of haze to the city, but the pervasive murk that enshrouded the city for the first few weeks of November raised more concerns than usual, and not just mine. According to researchers at India’s Center for Science and Environment, levels of respirable particulate matter (PM10) in mid November were up 47% over what they were that time last year, and nitrogen dioxide levels were up 57%.

Officials have been on the defense, and they should be. New Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit announced the state had commissioned one of India’s best universities to study the causes of this year’s bad smog, in addition to proposing a series of quick fixes to help clear the air like restricting diesel generator use and banning trucks not bound for Delhi from entering the city. She also has blamed the burning of straw in neighboring states of Haryana and Punjab, a claim that officials there dismissed, correctly pointing out that if that were the problem, they’d be covered in smog, too.

The gray cocoon that enshrouded the city earlier this month is at bay for now, which means we can see the sky. That’s a nice change. But it’ll be back. In a study released earlier this year, India ranked last out of 132 countries surveyed by Yale and Columbia in terms of its air quality and it effects on human health. Due to its high-emissions vehicles and heavy reliance on coal, the country has particularly serious levels of high particulate matter, which lead to respiratory infections, and the problem is seen both in cities like Delhi and smaller cities around the nation.

“You always have an increase in respiratory cases this time of the year, partly because of the worsening air quality and partly because of the seasonal changes,” says Dr. S K Chhabra, head of the Department of Cardiorespiratory Physiology at the Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute in Delhi. He says he’s seeing more asthma and bronchitis patients in the past few weeks, as well more cardiac patients with angina, which is aggravated by the lowered oxygen levels during heavy pollution. People with preexisting lung or heart disease, smokers, young children and the elderly are particularly susceptible. “When the wind starts again, there will be less cases.”

That doesn’t make it okay. The Delhi government has taken steps in the past that have helped control the city’s pollution levels, like rolling out vehicles that run on natural gas to reduce emissions, building a metro system to encourage public transportation, and limiting the amount of commercial traffic coming through town. Last week, the Center for Science and Environment called on officials to do much more, including enforcing emissions checks on private and commercial vehicles, banning open fires in the city, and using a smog alert system to let citizens know when the pollution is particularly risky. Earlier this month, the city announced it would expand monitoring, install electronic displays charting air quality around the city, and issue smog alerts and health advisories, according to the Hindustan Times.

Those are steps that have a proven track record in other cities. Growing up in the 1980s in Los Angeles, we used to have regular ‘smog days,’ when public schools would cancel our phys ed classes because the city advised it was unhealthy for kids to be outside. (Some amazing pictures of the bad old days in LA here.) L.A. has mostly cleaned up its act through a combination of citizen activism, better technology and better regulation. The alerts were good public health practice, sure, but they did more than that. They were a reminder that heavy air pollution, even if it was the norm, was not normal. They are also a reminder to citizens that if officials aren’t doing all they can to get things back to normal, they’re not doing their job. If India’s private sector can send me regular text messages about Aryuvedic cures for asthma, surely I could get a courtesy note from the government I pay taxes to when air pollution levels might give me an asthma attack.

Read more: India’s Air Pollution: Is It Worse Than China’s? | TIME.com
India tops China in air pollution level increase

There's just one area in which India has outrun China - air pollution.

The rise in air pollution levels in Indian megacities between 2002 and 2010 has been much more than Chinese urban centres. It was also the highest among 189 cities analysed by the Tel Aviv University, using NASA's high-tech aerosol monitoring satellites.

The study, using data from three different satellites, showed that particulate matter - caused by dust and vehicular emissions - increased by more than 10% in most Indian cities whereas the maximum increase of 5 to 10% was witnessed only in northern Chinese cities.

"The increasing aerosol trends over the largest cities in the Indian subcontinent, West Asia, and North China can be clearly seen. By contrast, megacities in Europe, the northeast of US, and South-East Asia show mainly declining trends," said the study, released by the American Journal of Climate Change this week.

Bangalore, the 'Indian Silicon Valley', earned the dubious distinction of witnessing the second-highest increase (34%) in air pollution levels among 189 cities, after Portland in the US.

Other Indian cities that recorded a high increase in air pollution levels were Pune at 27%, Nagpur at 22%, Mumbai at 18%, Bhilai at 17.7%, Surat at 12.5% and Ahmedabad at 12%.

However, the usual culprits - Delhi and Kanpur - recorded just 4.2% and 6.5% increase in particulate matter.

The data captured by satellites hundreds of metres above the ground show a different picture than information gathered through ground monitoring.

Also, high atmospheric aerosol concentration in space modifies cloud properties, leading to less rainfall, and dimming of solar radiation in cities. "Data show that solar radiation over big cities with high population concentration has reduced, causing its own health problems," the study said.

Air pollution fifth leading cause of death in India: Study
NEW DELHI: Air pollution is the fifth leading cause of death in India after high blood pressure, indoor air pollution, tobacco smoking and poor nutrition, with about 620,000 premature deaths occurring from air pollution-related diseases. Like China, India faces an unprecedented public health crisis due to air pollution, the Centre for Science and Environment's (CSE) analysis of government data and the Global Burden of Disease report's data on India has shown.

The green think tank released its own assessment and the global study's India specific data on Wednesday warning that the number of premature deaths due to air pollution had increased six fold over the last 10 years.

Air pollution is now the seventh leading cause behind the loss of about 18 million healthy years of life in India due to illness. It comes after indoor air pollution, tobacco smoking, high blood pressure, childhood underweight, low nutritional status, and alcohol use.

CSE's own assessment of the air pollution data generated by the government painted the grim facts that are leading to the public health crisis.

"Close to half of cities are reeling under severe particulate pollution while newer pollutants like nitrogen oxides, ozone and- air toxics are worsening the public health challenge," CSE estimates say. Half of the urban population breathes air laced with particulate pollution that has exceeded the safety standards. As much as one third of urban population is exposed to critical level of particulate pollution. Smaller cities are among the most polluted in the country.

The data is a damning indictment of India's supposed growing urban regions. Out of the 180 cities that are monitored for only two towns — Malapuram and Pathanamthitta — in Kerala meet the low pollution norms (pollution levels remaining at 50% below the standard) for all pollutants.

About 78% cities (141 cities) exceed the standard set for particulate matter of size below 10 microns (PM10). As many as 90 cities have critical levels of PM10 and of this, 26 cities have most critical levels of PM10, exceed the standard by more than 3 times. Gwalior, West Singbhum, Ghaziabad, Raipur, and Delhi are top five critically polluted cities.

The data analysis shows the situation is only getting worse with time. "The PM10 monitoring network has doubled between 2005 and 2010 - it has increased from 96 to 180 cities. During this period the cities with low level of pollution has fallen from 10 to 2 and the number of critically polluted cities have increased from 49 to 89 cities. In 2005 about 75% of cities exceeded the standard. In 2010, a total of 78% of cities are exceeding the standard," CSE said.

Warning that vehicular pollution will continue to be the most important reason for concern in coming years as cities grow and get more densely populated, CSE has advocated that the National Ambient Air Quality Standards should be made legally binding. It has criticized the new Auto Fuel Policy Committee that is to set the benchmarks for up to 2025 for fuel quality used by vehicles. It has warned that the committee is not mandated to link the fuel standards to air pollution levels and keep public health as a parameter when setting the schedule for improvement in technology.
Air pollution fifth leading cause of death in India: Study - The Times of India

Air pollution fifth leading cause of death in India: Study
NEW DELHI: Air pollution is the fifth leading cause of death in India after high blood pressure, indoor air pollution, tobacco smoking and poor nutrition, with about 620,000 premature deaths occurring from air pollution-related diseases. Like China, India faces an unprecedented public health crisis due to air pollution, the Centre for Science and Environment's (CSE) analysis of government data and the Global Burden of Disease report's data on India has shown.

The green think tank released its own assessment and the global study's India specific data on Wednesday warning that the number of premature deaths due to air pollution had increased six fold over the last 10 years.

Air pollution is now the seventh leading cause behind the loss of about 18 million healthy years of life in India due to illness. It comes after indoor air pollution, tobacco smoking, high blood pressure, childhood underweight, low nutritional status, and alcohol use.

CSE's own assessment of the air pollution data generated by the government painted the grim facts that are leading to the public health crisis.

"Close to half of cities are reeling under severe particulate pollution while newer pollutants like nitrogen oxides, ozone and- air toxics are worsening the public health challenge," CSE estimates say. Half of the urban population breathes air laced with particulate pollution that has exceeded the safety standards. As much as one third of urban population is exposed to critical level of particulate pollution. Smaller cities are among the most polluted in the country.

The data is a damning indictment of India's supposed growing urban regions. Out of the 180 cities that are monitored for only two towns — Malapuram and Pathanamthitta — in Kerala meet the low pollution norms (pollution levels remaining at 50% below the standard) for all pollutants.

About 78% cities (141 cities) exceed the standard set for particulate matter of size below 10 microns (PM10). As many as 90 cities have critical levels of PM10 and of this, 26 cities have most critical levels of PM10, exceed the standard by more than 3 times. Gwalior, West Singbhum, Ghaziabad, Raipur, and Delhi are top five critically polluted cities.

The data analysis shows the situation is only getting worse with time. "The PM10 monitoring network has doubled between 2005 and 2010 - it has increased from 96 to 180 cities. During this period the cities with low level of pollution has fallen from 10 to 2 and the number of critically polluted cities have increased from 49 to 89 cities. In 2005 about 75% of cities exceeded the standard. In 2010, a total of 78% of cities are exceeding the standard," CSE said.

Warning that vehicular pollution will continue to be the most important reason for concern in coming years as cities grow and get more densely populated, CSE has advocated that the National Ambient Air Quality Standards should be made legally binding. It has criticized the new Auto Fuel Policy Committee that is to set the benchmarks for up to 2025 for fuel quality used by vehicles. It has warned that the committee is not mandated to link the fuel standards to air pollution levels and keep public health as a parameter when setting the schedule for improvement in technology.
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