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India rupee ban: Currency move is 'bad economics'

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Singapore is run by the Lee Family with heavy external money laundering. The most important business for Singapore is money laundering for Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia due to political difficulties. Singapore used the currency move to rob overseas Chinese while Indian government is robbing its own people.

big mouth,we know chines history , so better limit yourself
Chinese people overturned numerous emperors,presidents and external colonists. How about Indian?
Singapore is just the parasite sucking more than 20 million Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia due to political difficulties. However, with stronger China starts to provide political support for overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia, Singapore is losing its core business. That's why it is even more eager than Japan to contain China by initiating TPP and requesting US to pivot to Asia. Singapore GDP just had a 4.1% drop in last quarter.


The Singapore clown prime minister was pushing USA for TPP just several months ago. He is trying to push USA to contain China. Indian proud to compare yourself to this mindless family ruling city?
What an idiotic article by none other than Soutik Biswas, a left leaning leech, in guise of BBC. He only claims that Black money will be overturned into new currency but skips over part how much. And then he throws inconvenience to consumers. Stashed black money is in lackhs of crores, how many currency will one exchange.

He completely forgot harm of counterfeit money with ZERO error that our neighbor was injecting and cost savings due to full stop in operations of Terrorist and Maoists.

Read below article to fully understand why Black money cannot be converted into white so easily as he depicts.

CA’s open letter to Kejriwal goes viral: Why Rs 2,000 notes were issued

In his boldest step against the black money menace yet, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on November 8 demonetised Rs 1,000 and Rs 500 notes. This sudden decision has thrown the entire nation into a tizzy, with hostile political parties calling it a financial emergency and an attack on the common people who have been put to hardships. However, many common people are fully supportive of the PM’s move and assert that they are willing to be inconvenienced slightly for the good of the nation.

One of the questions, however, that seems to be on people’s minds is why did the government introduce Rs 2000 notes. Jumping on to the bandwagon of politicians who spoke up against the PM’s decision was Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, who released a video questioning the logic behind issuing new Rs 2,000 notes.

As a reaction to the Delhi CM’s video, a Surat-based chartered accountant Mehul Shah has penned an open letter to explain the probable logic behind issuing new Rs 2,000 notes instead of Rs 1,000 notes and also the reason for lower withdrawal limits and ease of carrying currency notes, etc.

This letter, giving a detailed explanation, has gone viral. Read it yourself to get a better understanding of the logic behind this life-changing decision of the government:

“Sir, I am a practising Chartered Accountant aged 28 in Surat and I was very hopeful that you would support the Notification for Demonetization of Currency and was very eager for your Reaction because your very entry into Politics was for supporting any small move to reduce Black money and Corruption and after all, this was indeed a very big and bold move….!

But after going through the Video released yesterday, my expectations from AAP as a Commonmen were shattered once again because I believed that a person of such stature and designation as you would spread positivity all around without any ifs and buts to make this Mega Clean-up Drive possible and rather help the common men in mitigating the problems rather than nagging about the same and hence I would like to bring to your knowledge the following Points.

Point 1

As you have stated in your Video that it took full 2 days for you to understand the various aspects of the Scheme and even after consultation with various Experts , you could not basically understand the Logic of why 2000 Rupee Notes were released instead of 1000 Rupee Note, I would like to make an attempt to tender my best possible logic ( Please enlighten me if I am wrong somewhere) as follows:

Sir, let us Simply take 2 Scenarios to understand the funda !

Scenario A : If as per your suggestion , Rs. 2000 Note are not issued but only New Rs. 1000 Notes are issued.

Lets say , for example Mr. X has Rs. 1,00,000/- black money in 100 Old Notes of Rs. 1000 each.

Mr. X divides those Rs. 1,00,000/- into 10 Equal Bundles, each comprising of 10 Old Notes of Rs. 1000 each and puts each Stack on a Table.
On Day 1 , in the morning Mr. X would deposit the first Bundle i.e. 10 Old Notes of Rs. 1000 valued at Rs. 10,000 into the bank and on same Day 1 in the Evening he would withdraw 10 New Notes of Rs. 1000 again valued at Rs. 10,000 and put it in the Locker in his house.

Now the real Game starts.
On Day 2 : Morning , Mr. X would deposit the second bundle of 10 Old Notes of Rs. 1000 valued at Rs. 10,000 kept on the Table. However in his books of accounts submitted to Income Tax Department, he will show that he has deposited the same 10 New Notes which was withdrawn on Day 1 : Evening ( which is actually still lying in the Locker of House )

On Day 2 : Evening , Mr. X would again withdraw 10 New Notes of Rs. 1000 valued at Rs. 10,000/- and keep the same in Locker . So at the end of Day 2, Mr. X has Rs. 80,000 on Table in Old Notes and Rs. 20,000/- in New Notes in Locker.

Now Day 3 will come in next week as limit of Rs. 20000 per week.

The same exercise shall continue till Day 10 and by the end of Day 10, Mr. X shall have no Old Notes and Rs. 1,00,000 in 100 New 1000 Rupee Note in the Locker.

However, to the Income Tax Department while presenting his cash book, Mr. X has shown that he was having only Rs. 10,000/- as black money initially ( i.e. one bundle of 10 Notes of Rs. 1000 ) and he has rotated the same Rs. 10,000/- by depositing it into Bank account in the morning and withdrawing it in the evening and again redepositing the same on next day and so on.

Thus, Mr. X has paid tax only on initial Rs. 10,000 whereas he has managed to convert all his Black money of Rs. 1,00,000 into new Notes. The New Notes lying in locker are still not known to any I.T Officer and remain unaccounted.
This Modus operandi is called Peak theory i.e. theory of rotation of same money which is accepted by most of the High Courts and Tribunals. Revenue is also sometimes helpless to catch Mr. X because the above scenario can also occur in genuine cases where you withdraw money from bank to purchase something and then when you think that no good deal is available, you may again deposit the same money into your bank account and hence logically are not required to pay tax again.

Scenario B : Watch what happens when PM issues New 2000 Rupee Note instead of 1000….!
Mr. X deposits first bundle of 10 Old Notes lying on Table in the Bank on Day 1 : Morning and then he withdraws 5 New Notes of Rs. 2000 on Day 1: Evening and keeps it in locker.
Now on Day 2 : Morning when he goes to deposit second bundle of 10 Old Notes of Rs. 1000 each and wrongly shows the Income Tax Department based on cash book that he has redeposited the same money which was withdrawn on Day 1:Evening – Bingo !!!

He is stuck now !! Because if AO enquires and calls for copy of the Bank slip on Day 2 submitted to bank, it will show deposition of 10 Notes of Rs. 1000 each whereas the Govt knows that Mr. X could never have withdrawn on Day 1 any note of Rs. 1000 because they were never Printed !!!!

The above examples are described to understand the concept of rotation of money and the fact that no tax is levied on redeposit of cash into bank.

Even if the above explanation is hypothetical as a concept, it gives a glimpse that such on-paper rotations may be attempted or many other “jugaad” may also be possible using some improvised theory and hence the best way is to go for a strategic decision to discourage the rotation of money by keeping lower withdrawal limits and at the same time deferring the printing of Rs. 1000 note as taken by our PM and hence we should respect the strategic decision of PM who is elected by democratic majority rather than questioning him at each level.

Even, if we disregard the above theory of discouragement of rotation of money , another strategy may be to call back all Rs. 2000 Rupee Notes after 2-3 year once the New Rs. 1000 Notes are in circulation and this will further keep a check on corruption which many have already been questioned. This is because the businessman who have managed bogus accommodation entries to make money white in this period are likely to reverse the entries and get them converted into Rs. 2000 notes in January 17.

Just as a food for thought, what if new Notes be printed with an expiry period of 10 years, 20 years and 30 years and so on and hence the same has to be deposited into Bank before expiry date. People are asking how do you reduce corruption after Jan 2017 ? This step shall reduce corruption and reduce chaos at every deadlines as while I have few notes expiring now I shall also have few Notes which are due expiry in next 10 years and hence do not have to stand in long queue for withdrawals !!

Also with inflation the value of Rs. 1000 notes had gone down so induction of a new higher denomination had become necessary. The US has $100 note whereas UK has €50 both valued around Rs. 6000

Another simple logic is to save the printing and transportation cost compared to its face value assuming that much cost has gone into securing that fake notes of Rs. 2000 are not easily printed. ATM cash be stuffed with more cash which is the need of the hour.

Further, the fact remains that when someone is holding the new Rs. 2000 Rupee Note , he is psychologically getting a sense of freshness that the country is in the growth phase. In a lighter note, Messages are being circulated not to write anything on New Notes which shows a feeling of possession. Imagine if the previous Government would have never issued new higher denominations notes with inflation and growth we would still be dealing with Annas and Pavlis!

Sir, the above example also gives you an explanation to your doubt as to why the withdrawal limit is kept so low and you should rather educate people around you who are standing in long queues and nagging about low withdrawal limits and explain them as to how higher withdrawal limit may lead to more rotations and tax evasions. Though the above modus operandi can still be done with Rs. 500 note however, as mentioned the incentive would be less because Mr. X cannot withdraw more than Rs. 10,000/- in a day and Rs 20,000 in a week.

And believe me Sir, each and every condition in the Notification is seen to take care of the problems likely to be faced by Citizens and at the same time making sure that such Sophisticated theories are not resorted to by Black money hoarders, but questioning by you of everything in the name of Freedom of Expression may create Panic situations or bring out Loopholes in Notifications and hamper the success of reforms.

Point 2

Sir, you have again criticised and stated in the Video that printing Rs. 2000 rupee note will help to increase Corruption because Stacking those Rs. 2000 Rupee Notes would require lesser Space as compared to Stacking Rs. 1000 Notes.

In this regard, I would like to ask that Sir, have you come across any case where the “Babus” have not taken any bribe and done work honestly because they had a small Bag which could not be fitted with Rs 1000 Notes ?!

Or have you come across any Businessman who has declared unaccounted money solely because there was no space to keep those Rs. 1000 Notes !!

Point 3

As stated in the Video by you, it is true that inspite of PM efforts, there shall be dubious commission agents and unaccounted Investment in gold through jewellers, but as far as I remember when the jewellers were on strike for 45 days when our PM levied excise duty on gold in month of April 2016, it was you who supported their strike. It shows that whenever some changes are suggested to regulate a particular Market, AAP opposes them and then now you nag that the Gold market is unregulated.

Infact I believe that the PM had a full blue print for the development of our country right from Day 1 of his being elected if I recall my last 3 years as a Professional.

Firstly they asked for all the bank account number in your Return of Income

Then they linked your PAN with Aadhar

They linked all the subsidies, pension and other benefits directly to your bank account through Direct Benefit Transfer Scheme.

Then they gave opportunity to all the common men to open an account with bank through Jan Dhan Yojna

They entered into revised treaty with most of the countries in which unaccounted money goes through HAWALA e.g. Mauritius and thus the route of Black Money coming from Mauritius which everyone knew is stopped.

They passed few strict laws to overcome the evil of black money such as Benami Transaction Act and Foreign Black Money Act

They levied Excise duty on Gold.

They also made TCS compulsory for Cash transactions above 2 lakhs.

They withdrew lakhs of pending income tax and service tax litigations where Common men had won at Appeal level and Department had gone further.

They also entered into information exchange agreement with such countries.

Then they gave last opportunity to all black money hoarders through Income Declaration Scheme, 2016

Now they have a Scheme for Dispute Resolution Panel again to reduce Litigation till December 2016.

Now the masterstroke, that they have banned Rs. 500 & Rs. 1000 denominations.

Not only the destination of this whole process is commendable but even the journey or the chronology of these events is interesting which explains the ultimate destination and who knows , may be the journey is still not over and the ultimate destination may still be the Swiss Account holders!!

Point 4

Further, you have stated in your Video that penalty would be levied at the rate of 200%. The said statement has created a panic and people have stated discounting their own hard earned cash.

Being in Income tax Department in the past , you ought to know that as per the present Income Tax Act,1961 penalty is never levied on Cash deposits but on “concealed income”. Hence when the common men is depositing Cash in hand which is duly accounted or out of his past savings and even out of unaccounted current years income whose return is yet to be filed, there shall not be any penalty if there is no mismatch between returned income and assessed income. Even the Government Officials in their statement used the words “underreporting” or “mismatch”. To understand the definition of “underreporting”, Sir please refer Section 270A of the Income Tax Act or go through the following article:

Instead you could have encouraged the citizens to pay appropriate Tax.

Point 5

Nowhere in the Video have you stated anything relating to Fake currency or Counterfeit Notes because you know that the issue of Existing Fake Currency is solved foolproof.

Which situation would be better ?

Scenario A:

A Labourer standing in queue to exchange Notes from bank for a Short term.

Scenario B :

A Labourer working hard whole day to get a Fake Note at the end of the day?!

The issue of Terrorist Funding is also tackled but you chose to remain silent on the same.

You have stated that Modiji should have infused Rs 100 Note from before and it would have been you only to have said in this video that “Arre ATM se do din pehle se hi Sirf Rs. 100 ki Note bahar aa rahi thi toh sab ko pata tha , yek koi Secret nahi tha”


Now Sir, if I am to believe that you really don’t understand these simple concepts even after consulting with Experts for 2 days as already described by you, I am deeply saddened because the common men believe that you are an IITian and have spent considerable time in Income Tax Department also.

Contrary to the same, If I am to believe that you already know the benefits of demonetization which I first learnt in Standard 8 when subject of economics was introduced to me and the concept of Peak Theory which is described by me above and which I learnt with my very limited experience while pursuing my profession of Chartered Accountancy , then I am more saddened and feel AAP Party as more dangerous because I believe that above any religion, politics or reservations in any caste or creed, it will always be education which shall uplift the common men and it is the common men who have elevated you to a position where you are looked by millions as their Idol and it is your duty to educate them and spread knowledge and not keep them in ignorance to preserve your vote bank.

I am grateful to all my Teachers who have selflessly shared their knowledge and some fellow members of CA fraternity who are playing an active role in creating awareness and educating Commonmen about the positive consequences of Demonetization true to the Jewel crowned to the profession as “Partner in Nation Building” and I would therefore like to advise the citizens not to sell the notes at discounted prices or deposit the cash into bank accounts of other benami persons in fear of penalty. Further, do not claim any bogus expenses or bogus loss to gain more trouble. Do not manipulate accounts by creating bogus cash on hand. Be sporty and pay tax honestly to buy peace of building capital.

Jai Hind.


CA Mehul Shah



Forget about superpowers and India miracles. This kind of currency move have never happened to any country with good economic growth. The cruelty of Indian government to its own low caste people is beyond imagination of Chinese people. Indian government can take the wealth of those people earned through their life by a single decree within days. In the 5000 years' civilization in China, anytime the emperors or presidents do this to the people, they were out within one or two years.

I am saving this post so that i can slap same post on your face after a year like other chinese post who claimed india can never reach Mars.

Chinese people overturned numerous emperors,presidents and external colonists. How about Indian?

Na, we were not capable of doing that. Alexander the great came and left since we were not worth fighting. :lol:

BTW, which Chinese president got overthrown in The great leap forward ?
What an idiotic article by none other than Soutik Biswas, a left leaning leech, in guise of BBC. He only claims that Black money will be overturned into new currency but skips over part how much. And then he throws inconvenience to consumers. Stashed black money is in lackhs of crores, how many currency will one exchange.

He completely forgot harm of counterfeit money with ZERO error that our neighbor was injecting and cost savings due to full stop in operations of Terrorist and Maoists.

Read below article to fully understand why Black money cannot be converted into white so easily as he depicts.

CA’s open letter to Kejriwal goes viral: Why Rs 2,000 notes were issued

In his boldest step against the black money menace yet, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on November 8 demonetised Rs 1,000 and Rs 500 notes. This sudden decision has thrown the entire nation into a tizzy, with hostile political parties calling it a financial emergency and an attack on the common people who have been put to hardships. However, many common people are fully supportive of the PM’s move and assert that they are willing to be inconvenienced slightly for the good of the nation.

One of the questions, however, that seems to be on people’s minds is why did the government introduce Rs 2000 notes. Jumping on to the bandwagon of politicians who spoke up against the PM’s decision was Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, who released a video questioning the logic behind issuing new Rs 2,000 notes.

As a reaction to the Delhi CM’s video, a Surat-based chartered accountant Mehul Shah has penned an open letter to explain the probable logic behind issuing new Rs 2,000 notes instead of Rs 1,000 notes and also the reason for lower withdrawal limits and ease of carrying currency notes, etc.

This letter, giving a detailed explanation, has gone viral. Read it yourself to get a better understanding of the logic behind this life-changing decision of the government:

“Sir, I am a practising Chartered Accountant aged 28 in Surat and I was very hopeful that you would support the Notification for Demonetization of Currency and was very eager for your Reaction because your very entry into Politics was for supporting any small move to reduce Black money and Corruption and after all, this was indeed a very big and bold move….!

But after going through the Video released yesterday, my expectations from AAP as a Commonmen were shattered once again because I believed that a person of such stature and designation as you would spread positivity all around without any ifs and buts to make this Mega Clean-up Drive possible and rather help the common men in mitigating the problems rather than nagging about the same and hence I would like to bring to your knowledge the following Points.

Point 1

As you have stated in your Video that it took full 2 days for you to understand the various aspects of the Scheme and even after consultation with various Experts , you could not basically understand the Logic of why 2000 Rupee Notes were released instead of 1000 Rupee Note, I would like to make an attempt to tender my best possible logic ( Please enlighten me if I am wrong somewhere) as follows:

Sir, let us Simply take 2 Scenarios to understand the funda !

Scenario A : If as per your suggestion , Rs. 2000 Note are not issued but only New Rs. 1000 Notes are issued.

Lets say , for example Mr. X has Rs. 1,00,000/- black money in 100 Old Notes of Rs. 1000 each.

Mr. X divides those Rs. 1,00,000/- into 10 Equal Bundles, each comprising of 10 Old Notes of Rs. 1000 each and puts each Stack on a Table.
On Day 1 , in the morning Mr. X would deposit the first Bundle i.e. 10 Old Notes of Rs. 1000 valued at Rs. 10,000 into the bank and on same Day 1 in the Evening he would withdraw 10 New Notes of Rs. 1000 again valued at Rs. 10,000 and put it in the Locker in his house.

Now the real Game starts.
On Day 2 : Morning , Mr. X would deposit the second bundle of 10 Old Notes of Rs. 1000 valued at Rs. 10,000 kept on the Table. However in his books of accounts submitted to Income Tax Department, he will show that he has deposited the same 10 New Notes which was withdrawn on Day 1 : Evening ( which is actually still lying in the Locker of House )

On Day 2 : Evening , Mr. X would again withdraw 10 New Notes of Rs. 1000 valued at Rs. 10,000/- and keep the same in Locker . So at the end of Day 2, Mr. X has Rs. 80,000 on Table in Old Notes and Rs. 20,000/- in New Notes in Locker.

Now Day 3 will come in next week as limit of Rs. 20000 per week.

The same exercise shall continue till Day 10 and by the end of Day 10, Mr. X shall have no Old Notes and Rs. 1,00,000 in 100 New 1000 Rupee Note in the Locker.

However, to the Income Tax Department while presenting his cash book, Mr. X has shown that he was having only Rs. 10,000/- as black money initially ( i.e. one bundle of 10 Notes of Rs. 1000 ) and he has rotated the same Rs. 10,000/- by depositing it into Bank account in the morning and withdrawing it in the evening and again redepositing the same on next day and so on.

Thus, Mr. X has paid tax only on initial Rs. 10,000 whereas he has managed to convert all his Black money of Rs. 1,00,000 into new Notes. The New Notes lying in locker are still not known to any I.T Officer and remain unaccounted.
This Modus operandi is called Peak theory i.e. theory of rotation of same money which is accepted by most of the High Courts and Tribunals. Revenue is also sometimes helpless to catch Mr. X because the above scenario can also occur in genuine cases where you withdraw money from bank to purchase something and then when you think that no good deal is available, you may again deposit the same money into your bank account and hence logically are not required to pay tax again.

Scenario B : Watch what happens when PM issues New 2000 Rupee Note instead of 1000….!
Mr. X deposits first bundle of 10 Old Notes lying on Table in the Bank on Day 1 : Morning and then he withdraws 5 New Notes of Rs. 2000 on Day 1: Evening and keeps it in locker.
Now on Day 2 : Morning when he goes to deposit second bundle of 10 Old Notes of Rs. 1000 each and wrongly shows the Income Tax Department based on cash book that he has redeposited the same money which was withdrawn on Day 1:Evening – Bingo !!!

He is stuck now !! Because if AO enquires and calls for copy of the Bank slip on Day 2 submitted to bank, it will show deposition of 10 Notes of Rs. 1000 each whereas the Govt knows that Mr. X could never have withdrawn on Day 1 any note of Rs. 1000 because they were never Printed !!!!

The above examples are described to understand the concept of rotation of money and the fact that no tax is levied on redeposit of cash into bank.

Even if the above explanation is hypothetical as a concept, it gives a glimpse that such on-paper rotations may be attempted or many other “jugaad” may also be possible using some improvised theory and hence the best way is to go for a strategic decision to discourage the rotation of money by keeping lower withdrawal limits and at the same time deferring the printing of Rs. 1000 note as taken by our PM and hence we should respect the strategic decision of PM who is elected by democratic majority rather than questioning him at each level.

Even, if we disregard the above theory of discouragement of rotation of money , another strategy may be to call back all Rs. 2000 Rupee Notes after 2-3 year once the New Rs. 1000 Notes are in circulation and this will further keep a check on corruption which many have already been questioned. This is because the businessman who have managed bogus accommodation entries to make money white in this period are likely to reverse the entries and get them converted into Rs. 2000 notes in January 17.

Just as a food for thought, what if new Notes be printed with an expiry period of 10 years, 20 years and 30 years and so on and hence the same has to be deposited into Bank before expiry date. People are asking how do you reduce corruption after Jan 2017 ? This step shall reduce corruption and reduce chaos at every deadlines as while I have few notes expiring now I shall also have few Notes which are due expiry in next 10 years and hence do not have to stand in long queue for withdrawals !!

Also with inflation the value of Rs. 1000 notes had gone down so induction of a new higher denomination had become necessary. The US has $100 note whereas UK has €50 both valued around Rs. 6000

Another simple logic is to save the printing and transportation cost compared to its face value assuming that much cost has gone into securing that fake notes of Rs. 2000 are not easily printed. ATM cash be stuffed with more cash which is the need of the hour.

Further, the fact remains that when someone is holding the new Rs. 2000 Rupee Note , he is psychologically getting a sense of freshness that the country is in the growth phase. In a lighter note, Messages are being circulated not to write anything on New Notes which shows a feeling of possession. Imagine if the previous Government would have never issued new higher denominations notes with inflation and growth we would still be dealing with Annas and Pavlis!

Sir, the above example also gives you an explanation to your doubt as to why the withdrawal limit is kept so low and you should rather educate people around you who are standing in long queues and nagging about low withdrawal limits and explain them as to how higher withdrawal limit may lead to more rotations and tax evasions. Though the above modus operandi can still be done with Rs. 500 note however, as mentioned the incentive would be less because Mr. X cannot withdraw more than Rs. 10,000/- in a day and Rs 20,000 in a week.

And believe me Sir, each and every condition in the Notification is seen to take care of the problems likely to be faced by Citizens and at the same time making sure that such Sophisticated theories are not resorted to by Black money hoarders, but questioning by you of everything in the name of Freedom of Expression may create Panic situations or bring out Loopholes in Notifications and hamper the success of reforms.

Point 2

Sir, you have again criticised and stated in the Video that printing Rs. 2000 rupee note will help to increase Corruption because Stacking those Rs. 2000 Rupee Notes would require lesser Space as compared to Stacking Rs. 1000 Notes.

In this regard, I would like to ask that Sir, have you come across any case where the “Babus” have not taken any bribe and done work honestly because they had a small Bag which could not be fitted with Rs 1000 Notes ?!

Or have you come across any Businessman who has declared unaccounted money solely because there was no space to keep those Rs. 1000 Notes !!

Point 3

As stated in the Video by you, it is true that inspite of PM efforts, there shall be dubious commission agents and unaccounted Investment in gold through jewellers, but as far as I remember when the jewellers were on strike for 45 days when our PM levied excise duty on gold in month of April 2016, it was you who supported their strike. It shows that whenever some changes are suggested to regulate a particular Market, AAP opposes them and then now you nag that the Gold market is unregulated.

Infact I believe that the PM had a full blue print for the development of our country right from Day 1 of his being elected if I recall my last 3 years as a Professional.

Firstly they asked for all the bank account number in your Return of Income

Then they linked your PAN with Aadhar

They linked all the subsidies, pension and other benefits directly to your bank account through Direct Benefit Transfer Scheme.

Then they gave opportunity to all the common men to open an account with bank through Jan Dhan Yojna

They entered into revised treaty with most of the countries in which unaccounted money goes through HAWALA e.g. Mauritius and thus the route of Black Money coming from Mauritius which everyone knew is stopped.

They passed few strict laws to overcome the evil of black money such as Benami Transaction Act and Foreign Black Money Act

They levied Excise duty on Gold.

They also made TCS compulsory for Cash transactions above 2 lakhs.

They withdrew lakhs of pending income tax and service tax litigations where Common men had won at Appeal level and Department had gone further.

They also entered into information exchange agreement with such countries.

Then they gave last opportunity to all black money hoarders through Income Declaration Scheme, 2016

Now they have a Scheme for Dispute Resolution Panel again to reduce Litigation till December 2016.

Now the masterstroke, that they have banned Rs. 500 & Rs. 1000 denominations.

Not only the destination of this whole process is commendable but even the journey or the chronology of these events is interesting which explains the ultimate destination and who knows , may be the journey is still not over and the ultimate destination may still be the Swiss Account holders!!

Point 4

Further, you have stated in your Video that penalty would be levied at the rate of 200%. The said statement has created a panic and people have stated discounting their own hard earned cash.

Being in Income tax Department in the past , you ought to know that as per the present Income Tax Act,1961 penalty is never levied on Cash deposits but on “concealed income”. Hence when the common men is depositing Cash in hand which is duly accounted or out of his past savings and even out of unaccounted current years income whose return is yet to be filed, there shall not be any penalty if there is no mismatch between returned income and assessed income. Even the Government Officials in their statement used the words “underreporting” or “mismatch”. To understand the definition of “underreporting”, Sir please refer Section 270A of the Income Tax Act or go through the following article:

Instead you could have encouraged the citizens to pay appropriate Tax.

Point 5

Nowhere in the Video have you stated anything relating to Fake currency or Counterfeit Notes because you know that the issue of Existing Fake Currency is solved foolproof.

Which situation would be better ?

Scenario A:

A Labourer standing in queue to exchange Notes from bank for a Short term.

Scenario B :

A Labourer working hard whole day to get a Fake Note at the end of the day?!

The issue of Terrorist Funding is also tackled but you chose to remain silent on the same.

You have stated that Modiji should have infused Rs 100 Note from before and it would have been you only to have said in this video that “Arre ATM se do din pehle se hi Sirf Rs. 100 ki Note bahar aa rahi thi toh sab ko pata tha , yek koi Secret nahi tha”


Now Sir, if I am to believe that you really don’t understand these simple concepts even after consulting with Experts for 2 days as already described by you, I am deeply saddened because the common men believe that you are an IITian and have spent considerable time in Income Tax Department also.

Contrary to the same, If I am to believe that you already know the benefits of demonetization which I first learnt in Standard 8 when subject of economics was introduced to me and the concept of Peak Theory which is described by me above and which I learnt with my very limited experience while pursuing my profession of Chartered Accountancy , then I am more saddened and feel AAP Party as more dangerous because I believe that above any religion, politics or reservations in any caste or creed, it will always be education which shall uplift the common men and it is the common men who have elevated you to a position where you are looked by millions as their Idol and it is your duty to educate them and spread knowledge and not keep them in ignorance to preserve your vote bank.

I am grateful to all my Teachers who have selflessly shared their knowledge and some fellow members of CA fraternity who are playing an active role in creating awareness and educating Commonmen about the positive consequences of Demonetization true to the Jewel crowned to the profession as “Partner in Nation Building” and I would therefore like to advise the citizens not to sell the notes at discounted prices or deposit the cash into bank accounts of other benami persons in fear of penalty. Further, do not claim any bogus expenses or bogus loss to gain more trouble. Do not manipulate accounts by creating bogus cash on hand. Be sporty and pay tax honestly to buy peace of building capital.

Jai Hind.


CA Mehul Shah



I am saving this post so that i can slap same post on your face after a year like other chinese post who claimed india can never reach Mars.

Na, we were not capable of doing that. Alexander the great came and left since we were not worth fighting. :lol:

BTW, which Chinese president got overthrown in The great leap forward ?
With the great leap forward, China established a complete and self reliant industrial system, and became internationally recognized nuclear power and later P5 of the security council. None of these have been completed by current India. The situation in the years of great leap forward was still much better than even the golden years before the founding of PRC in 1949. People speak, not those so called elites in China. No matter how the elites and the west brainwash, Mao's status is well beyond Deng Xiaoping in China. If you can visit China, you can see that numerous people pay tribute to Mao in Tiananmen square and his birthplace in Hunan even after nearly 50 years's defame by these elites, but nearly none for Deng Xiaoping.

Whether you can reach Mars, India is still one of the poorest countries in this planet, much poorer than most African countries. And the most important, Indian government show no respect of the poorest while in China, Mao showed the greatest respect for them, even at the cost of the hate from elites.
With the great leap forward, China established a complete and self reliant industrial system, and became internationally recognized nuclear power and later P5 of the security council. None of these have been completed by current India. The situation in the years of great leap forward was still much better than even the golden years before the founding of PRC in 1949. People speak, not those so called elites in China. No matter how the elites and the west brainwash, Mao's status is well beyond Deng Xiaoping in China. If you can visit China, you can see that numerous people pay tribute to Mao in Tiananmen square and his birthplace in Hunan even after nearly 50 years's defame by these elites, but nearly none for Deng Xiaoping.

Whether you can reach Mars, India is still one of the poorest countries in this planet, much poorer than most African countries. And the most important, Indian government show no respect of the poorest while in China, Mao showed the greatest respect for them, even at the cost of the hate from elites.

I only spoke about great leap because you bragged your history of overthrowing president while CCP doesn't extend you that right through voting. You can call killing of millions as golden era, i cannot.

However, that's not the subject. Current step is taken to merge parallel economy into mainstream, i stress the words "Indian parallel economy" here.

The whole tangential discussion is unfair to topic. You hate and look down upon India, we get it. But do with facts and logical articles. A left leaning biased author of BBC has single highhandedly outwitted six months of planning of RBI, finance ministry and other govt intellectuals. This is preposterous.
And he deliberately lowered his caste to attract low-caste votes.

Since when did Chinese members start worrying about our Indian caste system? regardless (when it comes to MODI) there is no caste, its called the Am Adhami, the common man. get your facts straight before posting nonsense.

Forget about superpowers and India miracles. This kind of currency move have never happened to any country with good economic growth. The cruelty of Indian government to its own low caste people is beyond imagination of Chinese people. Indian government can take the wealth of those people earned through their life by a single decree within days. In the 5000 years' civilization in China, anytime the emperors or presidents do this to the people, they were out within one or two years.

Oh really, so you would like to make statements on what is best for India and criticise our moves to demonetize larger denominations. So please tell me why is china devaluing the Yuan?

read below your hypocrisy stands exposed! there is bigger fish to fry in your neck of the woods!


China has abandoned a solemn pledge to keep its exchange rate stable and is carrying out a systematic devaluation of the yuan, sending a powerful deflationary impulse through a global economy already caught in a 1930s trap.

The country’s currency basket has been sliding at an annual pace of 12pc since the start of the year. This has picked up sharply since the Brexit vote, suggesting that the People’s Bank (PBOC) may be taking advantage of the distraction to push through a sharper devaluation.

“This makes a mockery of the PBOC’s suggestion that its policy is to keep the currency’s value stable,” said Mark Williams, chief China economist at Capital Economics. “Markets will not take PBOC policy statements at face value in the future.”

Mr Williams said it is unclear whether Beijing intended to deceive investors all along when it gave categorical assurances earlier this year, or whether it is feeding on events.

Either way the markets have stopped believing what they are told, storing serious trouble for the authorities should there be another surge in capital flight later this year, as widely expected.


Renmibi exchange rates CREDIT: CAPITAL ECONOMICS
“When it comes, the PBOC will find itself sorely lacking in credibility. It may have to intervene on a large scale to maintain control,” he said.

Factory gate prices within China are falling at a rate of 2.9pc, further amplifying the deflationary impact. Analysts fear that Beijing is engaged is an undeclared policy of beggar-thy-neighbour mercantilism, trying to avert an industrial crisis at home by exporting its overcapacity in steel, shipbuilding, chemicals, plastics, paper, glass, and even solar panels, to the rest for the world.

“When you have a relatively closed capital account like China, it means that any currency move like this is a policy decision,” said Hans Redeker, currency chief at Morgan Stanley.

“They seem to be overriding their own model and letting the remnimbi (yuan) fall to improve competitiveness. They are in the same sort of deflationary syndrome as Japan in the 1990 but on a much bigger scale. The global economy is in no position to absorb this.”

Import prices in Japan have collapsed by 20pc over the last year, 5.5pc in Germany, and 5pc in the US, despite the recovery oil prices.


China has sneezed and the world waits to catch a cold...
Mr Redeker said China’s attempt to export its problems though devaluation is a key reason why inflation expectations are crashing to record lows across the developed world.

This in turn is driving bond yields to historic lows almost daily, with 10-year borrowing costs down to -0.58pc in Switzerland, -0.28pc in Japan, -0.16pc in Germany, 0.14pc in France, 0.78pc in Britain, and 1.4pc in the US.

The actions of Chinese elites are mystifying. Premier Li Keqiang gave a cast-iron promise in January that the yuan would remain “basically stable” in weighted terms. “China has no intention of stimulating exports through competitive currency devaluation,” he said.

Top officials went on a worldwide campaign to broadcast the same message, reassuring investors and Western leaders in Davos that China would play the good global citizen. This helped to stabilise the yuan after a spasm of capital flight and $700bn of reserve depletion. It appears that premier Li – a reformer - has been sidelined in an internal power struggle.


Beijing is fully aware the latest blast of loan-driven growth is becoming dangerous and gaining ever-less traction as credit efficiency declines. The temptation to exploit the exchange rate to keep growth going may have become irresistible.

The latest twist comes from the foreign reserves data, which suggest that China may have begun to intervene actively in the markets to drive down the yuan. This would have grave repercussions. Provisional figures imply that the PBOC purchased a net $34bn of foreign bonds in June, once valuation distortions are stripped out.

Mr Williams said it is too early to tell whether this was active buying. “If they are intervening it would set off a bomb in relation with the US, especially in the run-up to the US elections,” he said.

The White House has become neuralgic about the strength of the US dollar after a 20pc surge since mid-2014, one of the most dramatic spikes of the post-War era. US officials read the riot act at the G20 summit in Shanghai in February, warning Japan and Europe that use of negative interest rates as a stealth tool to drive down exchanges would not be tolerated.


Donald Trump has hit out against China, saying it is 'raping' the US with unfair trade policies CREDIT: KAMIL KRZACZYNSKI
The clash with China is even more loaded with emotion. Republican candidate Donald Trump has accused China of “raping” the US with unfair trade policies, and the Democrats’ Hillary Clinton is no slouch in berating Beijing either.

China is now in a very difficult position. Economists at Nomura say the yuan is 6pc overvalued, the result of an relentless rise when it was still coupled to the dollar, and due to the internal effects of rising labour costs and slowing productivity growth.

Yet a fragile world economy cannot cope with a falling yuan. China’s fixed asset investment has been running at $5 trillion a year, as much as in North America and Europe combined. The country is hostage to an investment-led growth model that was not reformed in time, and relies too heavily on exports.

The steel saga of the last year offers a vivid illustration of how this model distorts the global economy. China’s share of world steel output has risen from 10pc to 50pc over the last decade. It has built up 400m tonnes of excess capacity, twice the size of the entire EU steel industry.


China now produces half the world's steel, an example of why it matters if the yuan keeps falling CREDIT: WORLD STEEL ASSOCIATION
The surplus has flooded Europe, encouraged by export subsidies, tax breaks, and cheap state credit. Even where the volumes admitted have been modest, the marginal effect has upset the market and led to a price slide. Episodes like this help to explain why global deflation is becoming systemic.

China’s growth rate has picked up to 4pc to 4.5pc following the stimulus measures of the last year, based on a proxy gauge created by Capital Economics. There is enough juice in the pipeline to keep the economy rolling along for a few more months: before the latest property boomlet fizzles.

The closer we move to this tipping point, the more tense it will become, for China and for the world.
India was united long before China.

China is a western name also. Sina, Sino, Cina, China, Chin, all non-Chinese names.

India created the name China, from Cina. The Greeks named us India.

Many more times than China.

India was an enemy to the West for decades while China became a US stooge after Deng.

And everything that Modi is doing is for the poor itself, they voted him to power. We are a democracy. People from China wouldn't understand how this system works. Ask your Taiwanese brothers.
Of course we know what democracy is. That's how Taiwan is ruining their wealth built from what KMT looted from the whole China. But we have developed Meritocracy for thousands of years which most multinationals are using. A democracy without respect to hard working by giving a hard worker and a lazy parasite the same voting power is doomed.

In 1962, India could get help from both United States and Soviet while China had to sustain the pressure from both sides. It was the pressure from both United States and Soviet forcing China to have great leap forward. China was urgent to establish a self reliant industrial system and a self defending nuclear power. India took advantage of this too to have the move Eastward policy in 1962 and was heavily beaten by China. China sacrificed a lot during The great leap forward but it helped China sustained the pressures from the North by Soviet, East by United States and West by India. Deng's success was largely based on what achieved in the first 30 years. That's China model cannot be copied because other countries do not have a self reliant industrial system with well trained engineers and a nuclear power base to protect them.
There haven't been any US presidential candidates who are nice to China. Trump is no different. But as soon as he takes office, he will find that it is the Chinese competitivity, not the currency rate, which is beating US decently. Chinese economy stands firmly with many sanctions and blockades by the West. China has a self reliant complete industrial system with hundreds of millions of scientists and engineers. United States has to take advantage of this, or losing its competing power.
Best Indians try to serve for their white bosses. Best Chinese start their companies and compete or even crush their western competitors. That's why the West like Indians more than Chinese, and Indians are proud of themselves for this.

China only has to sacrifice ourselves during hard times and we are always trying to take hard lessons from hard times. Many Indians are still dying due to malnutrition even in so called great eras. India is just used to this kind of mass killings. Indian's life expectancy just reached what China had in 1960s. India just behaves like KMT era in old China. Many people died to malnutrition and it was still called golden decade.
While Indians are glad to talk about great leap forward costing many Chinese lives, the life expectancy of China during great leap forward was still better than that of India.
Inferiority complex and unable to digest our Govt has done something brave against corruption while their Govt is getting away with massive $1.3 trillion in corruption, just in a span of 9 years.



Thats more than $1000 per Chinese

India for the same time span lost $51 billion to corruption.
Blaming corruption at the cost of the poorest people? The money collected from this currency move will still get into the pocket of your elites. If the government is a people first government, nothing can be put at the cost of the poorest people, even anti-corruption. It is just a way for elites to take money from people with beautiful slogans. Chinese know it, Western know it and Indians think that they are different.
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