Lol, says the person who went running to the Mods when unable to argue on facts!
here are the facts once again...
India further indicates that the protection of its rights is a matter of urgency as “[w]ithout the
provisional measures requested, Pakistan will execute Mr. Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav before th[e]
Court can consider the merits of India’s claims and India will forever be deprived of the
opportunity to vindicate its rights”. The Applicant adds that it is possible that the appeal filed by
the mother of the accused on his behalf may soon be disposed of.
India, therefore, requests that, “pending final judgment, in this case,
the Court indicate:
(a) [t]hat the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan take all measures necessary to ensure
that Mr. Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav is not executed;
b) [t]hat the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan report to the Court the action it has
taken in pursuance of sub-paragraph (a); and
(c) [t]hat the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan ensure that no action is taken that
might prejudice the rights of the Republic of India or Mr. Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav with
respect of any decision th[e] Court may render on the merits of the case”.
Referring to “the extreme
gravity and immediacy of the threat that authorities in Pakistan
will execute an Indian citizen in violation of obligations Pakistan owes to India”,
India urges the
Court to deliver an Order indicating provisional measures immediately, “without waiting for an
oral hearing”. The Applicant further requests that the President of the Court, “e
xercising his power
under Article 74, paragraph 4[,] of the rules of the Court, pending the meeting of the Court . . .
direct the Parties to act in such a way as will enable any Order the Court may make on the Request
for provisional measures to have its appropriate effects”.
This has been accepted by the
court and in due time the
order will come once our stand is vindicated, so good luck with the doctored evidence you guys are preparing. Let's see if it stands in the international court!