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India refuses visa to German journalist for ‘hostile reporting’

Freedom of speech is a universial right and signal for an advanced society. But you have your culture and we have ours. So i don´t argue.

It has nothing to do with culture.
you should welcome critical journalists. I actually enjoy to read the articles of that journalist. He reporte much about this part of the world. He is not hostile but critical and thats something i see as positive. The last thing i want are journalists who report only good things. i want an informed picture about india. And for that we need a broad image. Good and bad. You think you generate a more positive image with denieing visa to german journalists? I don't know. As i said, its your country and i don't care how you run it.
Any links to his articles, especially ones pertaining to India ?
Edit: Found one
Giving up: Der Spiegel is pulling out its only correspondent from Pakistan – The Express Tribune
Giving up: Der Spiegel is pulling out its only correspondent from Pakistan

KARACHI: The respected German publication Der Spiegel is pulling out its Islamabad-based correspondent Hasnain Kazim this year and no one is coming to replace him. As he departs so does the German interest in Pakistan.

Kazim, 38, the only German journalist working here, shared his views on Pakistan at the Karachi Press Club on Thursday. After spending four years, he confesses to be still searching for answers to many questions.

“What does Pakistan stands for? Does it want to be an Islamic State? If so, then which Islam would it be?” he wondered. “I admit that I have failed to find the answers.” In his conversations with politicians and general public, some issues surfaced that left him wondering what people are seeking.

“A lot of people I speak to support democracy,” he said. “But at the same time, you talk to an average person and he says ‘Oh, I think that things were better under (General) Musharraf’s rule’.”

Born to Pakistani parents and raised in Germany, Kazim was supposed to be stationed in India as the Der Spiegel correspondent for South Asia. His link with Pakistan did not help him there either. “My stuff has been packed and moved to India, but the government refused to give me a visa to work there. I was never told the reason but it was probably because of my Pakistani roots.”

Having Pakistani roots and reporting for an organisation, such as Der Spiegel, would often put him in a dilemma. Pakistani government officials asked him to portray a ‘soft image’ of the country, whereas selling stories other than terrorism to the editors was difficult too. “It is true that Pakistan came close to the West after 9/11 and its support for the War on Terror, but I tried to highlight other aspects of life here as well. I did couple of travel stories.”


He recently wrote a travel story on Baltistan that unfortunately coincided with the attacks in Quetta. “The editors said how people can be encouraged to travel there when so many people are losing their lives. It made sense and I couldn’t do anything about it.”

Kazim feared that the interests of the West in Pakistan will slide dramatically as troops pull out of the neighbouring Afghanistan. Many people did not hail the killing of Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad, he pointed out, adding that it became an issue of Pakistan’s sovereignty instead.

When he moderated a debate between German and local politicians, four Pakistani lawmakers especially requested him to refrain from bringing up the blasphemy laws because they feared for their lives. For Kazim, this indicated how fragile the situation was in Pakistan. He admitted that he was shocked when some of his liberal friends in Pakistan actually supported the murderer of Governor Salmaan Taseer.

“There are Germans who are really interested in Pakistan. I can see that from the comments that come in response to my stories. But, selling a story other than terrorism needs hard work.”

The press conference was also attended by German consul-general Dr Tilo Klinner.

Published in The Express Tribune, February 8th, 2013.
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you should welcome critical journalists. I actually enjoy to read the articles of that journalist. He reporte much about this part of the world. He is not hostile but critical and thats something i see as positive. The last thing i want are journalists who report only good things. i want an informed picture about india. And for that we need a broad image. Good and bad. You think you generate a more positive image with denieing visa to german journalists? I don't know. As i said, its your country and i don't care how you run it.

Dude.. you are surely kidding.. In India, dissing India is probably the right of passage for budding journalists. Anyway, I am sure there were reasons for not allowing him in.. Given that it was 4 years back, really not inclined to get into those.. More than enough current stuff happening for the daily dose of adrenaline rush.. :)
you should welcome critical journalists. I actually enjoy to read the articles of that journalist. He reporte much about this part of the world. He is not hostile but critical and thats something i see as positive. The last thing i want are journalists who report only good things. i want an informed picture about india. And for that we need a broad image. Good and bad. You think you generate a more positive image with denieing visa to german journalists? I don't know. As i said, its your country and i don't care how you run it.

You should get off your moral high horse now.

Award-winning Colombian journalist denied entry to Britain | Media | theguardian.com

P.S: This is a 5 year old thread.
you should welcome critical journalists. I actually enjoy to read the articles of that journalist. He reporte much about this part of the world. He is not hostile but critical and thats something i see as positive. The last thing i want are journalists who report only good things. i want an informed picture about india. And for that we need a broad image. Good and bad. You think you generate a more positive image with denieing visa to german journalists? I don't know. As i said, its your country and i don't care how you run it.


1. While freedom of expression is a fundamental right which is guaranteed in Indian constitution also, there is no right to visa.Visa could be and is denied for all sundry reasons by every country in the world.

2.A lot of press that India gets is west is not critical but outright derogatory. Everytime India accomplish something, whether it is probe to mars or cryogenic engine, the usual chorus from European press is regarding poverty and toilets. In face of such hostile reporting, not welcoming journalists is a rational choice.

1. While freedom of expression is a fundamental right which is guaranteed in Indian constitution also, there is no right to visa.Visa could be and is denied for all sundry reasons by every country in the world.

2.A lot of press that India gets is west is not critical but outright derogatory. Everytime India accomplish something, whether it is probe to mars or cryogenic engine, the usual chorus from European press is regarding poverty and toilets. In face of such hostile reporting, not welcoming journalists is a rational choice.

and you think denieing european journalist entry will make that better?
So german journalists aren´t welcome in india?

Here you Go my friend :P , I see German Jurnos are seen as trouble makers everywhere. Even in the world oldest democracy .

US permanently denies visa to German journalist probing Argentine human rights violations

..US permanently denies visa to German journalist probing Argentine human rights violations - Democratic Underground

6 French journalists denied admission to U.S.

6 French journalists denied admission to U.S. | First Amendment Center – news, commentary, analysis on free speech, press, religion, assembly, petition

India is also closed for trouble makers :closed::dirol::dirol::dirol::dirol:
Why do you see honest journalis as trouble making?

Can I come to Germany and wear a swastika and write glowing articles about Hitler?
You can do that in India. That would not hold you back from visiting germany. That journalist did break no law in india. He just made honest journalism. And i want honest journalism.
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