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India ranked fourth most-powerful military in the world, Pakistan way behind

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India is too obsessed with rankings. It should focus on improve its sanitation, stop the rape epidemic and end the caste based culture. Why so obsessed with useless rankings....

India should improve its dead last position on pooping openly on the streets or by railroads.

Your post shows who is obsessed.. now get back to leaked xyz pics thread..
Lol... If pakistan comes under 5 then it will report by pakistan media.

Nuclear.... :rofl:.

LOL at Breitbart. If that is the best you can find.

PDF is too touchy about the failed nation tag. Though you are accusing India of being a failed state, it still irks the Pakistani's, so beware. :D

So failed that your daddy America has to beg on daily basis to help in Afghanistan.

Talk about desperation. Indians trying to beg and convince Pakistanis on their own forum about their invincibility LOL
India ranked fourth most-powerful military in the world, Pakistan way behind
Updated: Mar 05, 2018 | 19:08 IST | Source - Times Now Digital

Photo Credit: PTI
India ranks fourth in the world in terms of military power
New Delhi: India has been ranked the fourth most powerful military power in the world. According to the Global Fire Power Index 2017, India's military strength is second only to that of the US, Russia, and China. Rival neighbour Pakistan ranks 13th on the list. The report also gives details which can provide a comparison between the militaries of China, Pakistan, and India. While India has retained its position in the top five militaries in the world, Pakistan made it to top 15 only last year. Interestingly, according to the report, France, Germany, UK, Japan and Israel, though in top 15, rank much behind India.

According to the index, India has an active military comprising of 13,62,500 personnel. China, with which India has been facing major boundary disputes in Jammu and Kashmir as well as in the northeast, has 37,12,500 military personnel. The Indian Air Force has 2102 aircraft -- 676 fighter, 809 attack, and others. China, on the other hand, has 2955 aircraft in all --1271 fighter aircraft, 1385 attack aircraft, and 206 attack choppers, besides others.


The Indian Army has a total of 4426 combat tanks, 6704 armoured fighting vehicles, 290 self-propelled artillery guns and 7414 towed artillery guns. According to the report, Pakistan has a total of 2924 tanks, 2828 armoured fighting vehicles, 426 artillery guns and 3278 towed artillery guns. China, with 6457 tanks, 4788 armoured fighting vehicles, 1710 self-propelled artillery guns and 6246 towed guns, has an army strength superior to India as well as Pakistan- in terms of numbers.

Also read: Shopian firing case: J&K govt now claims Major Aditya not named as accused in FIR

The report cites that the Indian Navy has three aircraft carriers as against China's one. India also has 11 destroyers and 15 submarines -- elements that contribute to its maritime strength. China has 35 destroyers and 68 submarines. According to the report, India's defence budget is USD 51 billion as against China's USD161.7 billion and Pakistan's USD7 billion. Pakistan does not have an aircraft carrier and its naval force consists of 10 frigates and eight submarines besides other supporting elements. The report has not taken into consideration the strategic forces of any country such as nuclear firepower.


Then its shame for india, 4th World Military Power, still unable to face 'way behind' military force... and 'way behind' snipes their soldiers regularly ...
Sounds right. In the bragging list, I wonder what is the distance between India and the second place? No body can beat India in bragging and then getting a smack down.

In the indian mind this number is more significant then reality, they think if they push a little they will suddenly become a number 2 and then they can snap a finger and all the countries numbered below them will collapse in awe of the mighty indian power.

In this world there are two groups significant militaries and non significant militaries

The old world is gone any military action today is expensive and more dangerous than ever before with deadly weapons in the hands of idiots

If a significant military takes on a
non-significant military then they have a good chance of a favourable result

However if any of the world's major militaries take on each other then there will be MAJOR consequences and fall out
Soldiers of 4th most powerful country cry on their TV shows...Pakistani (the ones way behind in ranking) are killing us at will...lets keep that ranking in a safe place so no one steals it
Do you know what's still saving you lot? It's the govt of India that controls the Indian armed forces and has very sane people who take into account the number of casualty, deaths, loss of property, economic status etc.
You people are nowhere near Indian economy and your attempts to screw are economic growth won't succeed in future too.
Our soldiers respect the constitution of India and serve the people and its govt, do not ever compare your army with ours, our forces dont organize coup's every year and take over whole of countries resources and still struggle to compete with us, If Indian armed forces did something like this, they would have billions to spend....
You people will live to see the day when IndiaN armed forces will crush everything in their way and no one will come to your rescue, we are ready to fight and go nuclear if needed....
500 - 600 millions whose brains are shrinking due to lack of food...aur batain suno in ki

Bring the statistics otherwise you are lying. :lol:

Just one example of capabilities of Indian universities are how industries taking advantages of it, Boeing...


Research & Technology and University Partnerships
Boeing has a long tradition of aerospace leadership and innovation and since 1995 has a research and development (R&D) presence in India, when collaborative research in aerodynamics was established with the National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL) in Bangalore. This has developed into a series of projects in aerodynamics and advanced analysis methods at NAL, Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur.

In 2005, Boeing entered into a strategic research partnership with IISc Bangalore. The Boeing–IISc partnership focuses on research in materials and sciences for structural alloys, smart materials and structures, process modeling and simulation. This has contributed to aerospace innovation and advancement of aircraft design capabilities. IISc is one of only 10 universities worldwide that has such a special relationship with Boeing.

An evolved partnership, named the Aerospace Network Research Consortium (ANRC), was also set up with IISc involving other industry partners HCL Technologies and Wipro. This consortium has conducted research and codeveloped technologies related to wireless aerospace networks. This involved regular interaction between researchers in India and Boeing experts in the United States and has resulted in several doctorate theses and a number of research reports.

In 2009, Boeing further expanded its R&D footprint in India by establishing the Boeing R&T India Center, an Indian counterpart of Boeing’s research and technology organization in the United States. The India facility conducts research in areas such as flight sciences, materials and processes, and structures and software with Indian research partners in academia, research laboratories and industry to address future technical challenges in aerospace.

Also based in Bangalore, and staffed with modeling and simulation engineers, the Boeing Strategic Development and Experimentation (SD&E) Center provides defense experimentation and decision-support services to understand the future needs of the Indian armed forces.

In collaboration with IIT Bombay and Department of Science and Technology (DST), Boeing conceptualized the National Centre for Aerospace Innovation and Research (NCAIR) in 2009 to support world-class research and manufacturing development in aerospace with the objective of applying this capability to the aerospace industry in India.

The work at NCAIR has led to 20 patents and technology breakthroughs and over 30 specialists have been trained and developed by the NCAIR. Key areas of research for NCAIR include Modeling & Simulation, where the researchers have generated new insights on methods to improve efficiency of machining titanium and aluminum alloys. Recently NCAIR inaugurated an Advanced Machining Excellence Cell on its campus.

Both NCAIR and ANRC have proven their worth in using technology to spur entrepreneurship and innovation in India’s aerospace industry to encourage its start-up culture.
global fire power takes many things into account.
the only big differences between two countries defence visible are:
1) India's big population. even though without toilets, global fire power consider them as available man power.
2) India has aircraft carriers which add to its rating, ignoring the fact that India's coast is way more big than their navy w.r.t. to Pakistan navy and area it had to defend.
3) india is a big country so its GDP is also big as a result.
4) global fire power considers mig 21 as a major fire power like it consider F-35.
5) static figures are considered, it don't mention that how many of those indian tanks are blind at night and many more factors.
6) it don't consider alliances as a part of its formulae and it gives an impression that India can defeat NATO countries easily.
More brainfarts. Higher percentage of your population is undernourished than that of India.

22% vs 15%. :lol:


The last few years improved percentile is not making much of a difference in the cumulative, total absolute numbers of stunted children, now adults, related to malnutrition and food deficiency in India...

Pakistan fared much better in the 60's, 70's till late 2000...and all that good HDI indices adds, as value addition, to the cumulative health of the people.

More brainfarts. Higher percentage of your population is undernourished than that of India.

22% vs 15%. :lol:

Stop pulling imaginary numbers from your rear... :lol:

Corrected for you. Stopping aid, FATF grey list...there is much more to come...
come here and get a slap on your indian face :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

open defecation has caused you Indians too loose alot of brain cells due to the bad smell.

World bank report states India has having the highest percentage of people living below the poverty line. The world believes this not you.

PS dont miss your free charity meal at the temple today, god knows thats the only meal you indians can afford to eat daily.
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LOL you donkey, you think pakistan arent doing their R&D regarding Hydro bombs. :omghaha::omghaha:
That too after Pakistan was the first country in SE ASIA to test MIRV missile.....

Everything China gains from ITER will be eventually be passed on to Pakistani scientists. Let that sink in now :pakistan::china:

Letting it sink in...

It is funny how a bunch of rapist beggars are going crazy on a Pakistani defence forum LOL I enjoy their humiliation a daily basis on our forums. They don't have toilets and put Africa to shame as far as poverty is concerned. They are worried about Pakistan LOL Irrelevant monkeys.
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