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India puts off re-launch of failed satellite

You seem to have lost your brains completely! Were you always like this or is this a recent phenomenon? This thread is about the aborted take-off of the GSLV a couple of days ago where the countdown was halted due to a suspected fuel leak in the rocket.

And you in your childish exuberance are pasting links of a failed satellite three years ago!!!!! :omghaha:

I've come across dumb-a$$es but you take the cake! You don't even know WTF you're talking about!

I think kids with half a brain cell should be banned on PDF.

You seem to be stupid. Wait. You are stupid. Just re-read the article, you dumbarse. Why was I pasting links of three years ago? Because those are in the article. You can eat your own stupid cake. You don't even know WT-stupid-F you're talking about! You with less than half a brain cell need to leave PDF now.
You might be typing from your one room cell. Perhaps the medical orderlies forgot to administer the medicines to you. Pity. :undecided:
I hope they at least did not forget to keep the chains. I will only say one thing -
1. Regardless of what BBC reporter writes - the fact remains that the two satellites are different. So the question of 'relaunch' does not arise.
Different models of the GSLV Satellite has not only failed once before but many times. But point to note is - different models. But take your medicines, have some sleep. We can get back later. Till then cyao.

Oh yeah, it's version 1.1, 1.2, 1.3. Yep, different models. Of course it's a physically different satellite, the old ones blew up. Just like everything else, Indians love to do a paint job on the version number and calls it new. IT IS THE SAME SH!T. It's lucky they delayed it now or it would blow up.
Now we are talking. :yahoo:
"Indians love to do a paint job on the version number and calls it new. IT IS THE SAME SH!T." - So you work for the Indian Defence Industry? Or maybe in the Space Research Org or something like that? Or are these also hallucinations?

"It's lucky they delayed it now or it would blow up." - I wonder why I have not blown up in these years! Blowing up seems to be a 'culture' somewhere else :D

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...-launch-failed-satellite-4.html#ixzz2cgEetMVp

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...-launch-failed-satellite-4.html#ixzz2cgEQjA7M

Oh yeah, it's version 1.1, 1.2, 1.3. Yep, different models. Of course it's a physically different satellite, the old ones blew up. Just like everything else, Indians love to do a paint job on the version number and calls it new. IT IS THE SAME SH!T. It's lucky they delayed it now or it would blow up.
Now we are talking. :yahoo:
"Indians love to do a paint job on the version number and calls it new. IT IS THE SAME SH!T." - So you work for the Indian Defence Industry? Or maybe in the Space Research Org or something like that? Or are these also hallucinations?

"It's lucky they delayed it now or it would blow up." - I wonder why I have not blown up in these years! Blowing up seems to be a 'culture' somewhere else :D

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...-launch-failed-satellite-4.html#ixzz2cgEetMVp

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...-launch-failed-satellite-4.html#ixzz2cgEQjA7M

No matter how you spin it, it's still a re-launch of the failed satellite.
I just dealt one torpedo after another. They don't spin :omghaha:
But anyway, sir, the stand you have taken is a rigid one. I can understand backtracking would require a great deal of humility. If that gives you a good night's sleep - good for you.
The satellites that are in operation and in orbit are a mute witness to the fact that you are wrong.
No matter how you spin it, it's still a re-launch of the failed satellite.
I just dealt one torpedo after another. They don't spin :omghaha:
But anyway, sir, the stand you have taken is a rigid one. I can understand backtracking would require a great deal of humility. If that gives you a good night's sleep - good for you.
The satellites that are in operation and in orbit are a mute witness to the fact that you are wrong.

Oh you just dealt out more paint jobs to whitewash Indian's failed satellite launches. The 5 failed GSLV launches are spectacular-blown-up-in-the-sky-firework vivid testimonial to the Indian's sorry state of failure in the sky. But you are too dense to see that.
3. ISRO refutes INSAT 'vanishing' story - Hindustan Times

Out of 6 launches 2 are passed. 1 is partially successful. 3 failed. I don't whitewash failures. But facts are facts.
Oh you just dealt out more paint jobs to whitewash Indian's failed satellite launches. The 5 failed GSLV launches are spectacular-blown-up-in-the-sky-firework vivid testimonial to the Indian's sorry state of failure in the sky. But you are too dense to see that.
Oh yeah, it's version 1.1, 1.2, 1.3. Yep, different models. Of course it's a physically different satellite, the old ones blew up. Just like everything else, Indians love to do a paint job on the version number and calls it new. IT IS THE SAME SH!T. It's lucky they delayed it now or it would blow up.
Are you for real?

Guys, please don't feed this troll anymore. If you do, this a$$ will spew out more crap from the behind!! He's not even funny anymore! Just stupid!
You 'll be very very surprised how much freedom of speech we have if u get to see China in person. :cheers:

Well few of Uncles have been 2 china & they say it is not that bad as it being Projected in the World & in India
They only go to the cities. Try to go to the interior. First you won't be even allowed to if you are a foreigner. If you sneak in you will know. I am not saying it is pathetic. The Chinese should decide what's best for them.
Well few of Uncles have been 2 china & they say it is not that bad as it being Projected in the World & in India
Oh you just dealt out more paint jobs to whitewash Indian's failed satellite launches. The 5 failed GSLV launches are spectacular-blown-up-in-the-sky-firework vivid testimonial to the Indian's sorry state of failure in the sky. But you are too dense to see that.

So what about the chinese rocket failure .

Was it also a spectacular-blown-up-in-the-sky-firework vivid testimonial to the chinese sorry state of failure in the sky.

China Loses Experimental Satellite in Rocket Launch Failure | Rocket Launch Failures & Experimental Satellites | China Space Program | Space.com
They only go to the cities. Try to go to the interior. First you won't be even allowed to if you are a foreigner. If you sneak in you will know. I am not saying it is pathetic. The Chinese should decide what's best for them.

Not at all.

My father has been to China in his project managerial role at BHP Billiton, the world's largest mining company and he can cite that in the 5 times he has been there between 2006 and present, the change in the country, both in the cities as well as the countryside, is incredible.

Such change has never before been seen in history and will probably never be repeated again.

On topic: Idiocy breeds idiocy, somebody explain to me how a satellite can fail preceding it's commissioning into use.
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