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India push spurs US to knock at Myanmar doors


May 13, 2011
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New Delhi: When US secretary of state Hillary Clinton travels to Yangon later this week, the first such visit in 50 years, New Delhi can claim some credit for the US’ change of heart.
“At least our policy to Myanmar is vindicated,” said officials. Over the past couple of years, India has maintained an intensive engagement with the US on the reclusive south-east Asian nation. Since April, 2010, the MEA and US state department have begun an East Asia dialogue, where Indian diplomats have taken pains to explain to the US why engagement was better than sanctions that hit the poor.
To the extent that New Delhi has been able to convince the US, Myanmar may go down as the first success story of this dialogue. However, the decision by Myanmar’s president Thein Sein in September to stand up to the Chinese by cancelling a $3.6-billion dam project in Myistone signaled more powerfully than anything else that Myanmar was ready to “balance” China.
India gave $500 milllion in credit to Myanmar in October soon after Naypyidaw’s decision.
For years, India has fended off US criticism regarding its policy of engagement in Myanmar. When the US and the EU were piling on sanctions on Myanmar’s regime, hoping to see it break under the pressure, Indian diplomats were expounding on the futility of the exercise. Many Indian strategists believe that Myanmar’s isolation drove it into the arms of China. India’s own decision to embrace the military junta was partly to offset this, partly in response to Myanmar’s own desire to have options other than China. India’s security concerns regarding north-east militancy have been addressed so some extent by Myanmar, which has spurred India to engage more deeply with the military regime.
When the junta decided to go in for a reconciliation programme, leading up to elections in March, 2011, India was cheering from the sidelines. In the past few years, India has intensified its own ties with Myanmar, even being one of the few countries whose diplomats were allowed access to Opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi. And in December, Delhi will host a parliamentary delegation from Myanmar, led by Thura Shwe Mann, to take lessons in parliamentary democracy from India.
United States’ engagement in Myanmar will be good news for India, because it balances India’s fears of encirclement by China by its “string of pearls”.
Excellent move.

Myanmar is a strategically important country and must be weaned away from the Chinese influence. Half of it is already done.Now the rest of it must be completed.
great!! Good job by MEA.. I recall reading article couple of years back in which india army guy was not bothered by media hype about chinese listening post near andaman island.
Good luck to Myanmar.
India should work to get USA and Myanmar on the discussion table. This is a very welcome change.
Myanmar is already on the path of political reforms.

Aung San Su ki will also contest the next elections.

A democratic Mynmar is a welcome step for both the India and the US.
What makes you think Myanmar would side with you against China?
What makes you think Myanmar would side with you against China?

well !!!! lets see.... they refused to give anti Indian groups sanctuary in their borders now . thats a start.:)
Well, it's all part of the "Great Game", so-to-speak

For those interested, here are musings in a 4-part series:

1) China's Embrace too Strong for Naypyidaw
Asia Times Online :: Southeast Asia news and business from Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam

2) India-Myanmar: a half-built gateway
Asia Times Online :: India-Myanmar: a half-built gateway

Next (to come):
3)US-Myanmar: Engagement as nuclear pre-emption

Back in April, this short article was posted on people's daily forum (for whatever it's worth) - a self-fulfilling prophecy? perhaps, perhaps not....

Myanmar grows wary of China's ever closer embrace? - Focus discussion - People Forum

And an older one posted in foreign policy penned by a Burmese national :
Asia's New Great Game - By Thant Myint-U | Foreign Policy

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